I have found a way to legalize Marijuana

forgive my cynicism/paranoia, but wouldn't an online petition for people to sign who are in support of marijuana, and/or legalizing it, be the perfect tool for any type of law enforcement to use to find out just who exactly has a vested interest in weed; i.e. who might just be growing/selling it?

Can you say paranoya. We as American are allowed to voice our opinion and THAT IS EXACTLU what we are doing. If your affraid to use your adress use this...

123 abc St.
My Town, and pick a state. simple way to avoid your paranoya. So lets all start voicing our opinion. We really could use all the help we can get!!!
cmon peeps! sign the freaking bill man. you would think that everyone would sign it? But fcking nobdy is signing. 6 ppl signed yesterday. lets do 600 today. I5ts not hard to get around things such as addy's. lets go lets go lets go. we have to try atleast. PLEASE help out.
Seriously guys, i think after the whole wall street protest you would have realised by now the people can't change the government, people with money change the government. We aren't considered "tax paying citizens", we are labelled criminals, and our opinions count for nothing. Even if millions of people signed a petition, no politician would pass the bill, why would they legalize a drug that makes you happy, when you have alcohol, a depressant and brain cell destroyer, to keep you stupid.
[h=1]Bill Summary & Status
112th Congress (2011 - 2012)
Latest Major Action: 8/25/2011 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

And there it will sit...forever...because the subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security do not give a fuck about legalizing marijuana and won't even look at it...its a dead bill...and will probably remain a dead bill...
Bill Summary & Status
112th Congress (2011 - 2012)

Latest Major Action: 8/25/2011 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

And there it will sit...forever...because the subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security do not give a fuck about legalizing marijuana and won't even look at it...its a dead bill...and will probably remain a dead bill...

It still don't hurt to try ya know. What are we gonna lose besides time?
i remember the last petition that was signed on the governments web site. obama wanted to address top concerns. i also remember it getting the most signatures in the shortest time. the white house showed how much this petition meant and basically wiped their asses on it. petitions don't mean squat to the big gov because they don't give a squat about you or me. they care about big pharma, alcohol manufacturers, and big oil lining their greedy pockets with money. until pot users can bribe the government more than pharma or alcohol companies can, they won't listen.
i remember the last petition that was signed on the governments web site. obama wanted to address top concerns. i also remember it getting the most signatures in the shortest time. the white house showed how much this petition meant and basically wiped their asses on it. petitions don't mean squat to the big gov because they don't give a squat about you or me. they care about big pharma, alcohol manufacturers, and big oil lining their greedy pockets with money. until pot users can bribe the government more than pharma or alcohol companies can, they won't listen.

It's not a petition. Its an actuall bill signed by the rep of some state. Barney something or another. At I am not proposing that petition just the bill. ITS A BILL SIGNED BY A REPRESENTITIVE OF A STATE. BIG diferance. So just go there and simply oppose or agree with it. THATS IT!
i remember the last petition that was signed on the governments web site. obama wanted to address top concerns. i also remember it getting the most signatures in the shortest time. the white house showed how much this petition meant and basically wiped their asses on it. petitions don't mean squat to the big gov because they don't give a squat about you or me. they care about big pharma, alcohol manufacturers, and big oil lining their greedy pockets with money. until pot users can bribe the government more than pharma or alcohol companies can, they won't listen.

Think you got it exactly tokinman. Signed some of the gov,org site or wateva it is.. There are some off the wall petitions in there. Anyways had my hopes up becuz the quota was met. Received an e-mail a few days later saying that obami was assigning the task to some other bureaucrat. He basicly blew it(us) off. Go figure:-(
Can you say paranoya. We as American are allowed to voice our opinion and THAT IS EXACTLU what we are doing. If your affraid to use your adress use this...

Hey man, to answer your question, yes, I can say paranoia, in fact I can also spell it properly. I'm not American, but you're right, we are allowed to voice our opinions, and I am right as well, we are also allowed to be vilified for them. I respect what you're doing, standing up for something you believe in, hell I even admire it. But as sad as it might be, the days of a large group of people protesting something publicly and actually getting what they want in the end are close to dwindled away and gone. (in North America anyways) Don't get me started on politics, but there have been attempted non-violent demonstrations here, and the authorities actually planted undercover cops in the crowd and had them throw fucking stones and shit, which meant the demonstration was no longer non-violent, and the tear gas could now justifiably make an appearance. I know you're not talking about a demonstration, but the point is they do whatever the fuck they want to get things to go down the way they want; sacrificing human's rights along the way is just collateral damage to them. Cops don't like me here, and they pick on me, and this isn't just me being paranoid, they pull me over for no reason, then make up reasons, they fine me with bogus driving infractions, hell they even charged me for driving with no insurance ($6250.00 fine), and I was standing there with my policy in hand, just to make me have to go to court, and fuck up my shit. I've talked to a lawyer about charging them with harassment, and he said I could, and that they are, without a doubt, harassing me. But he also said what they'll do is keep remanding court dates (having them put off), until I can't afford to pay my lawyer anymore (their legal representation is paid for, probably by you and I and tax dollars); he said that's what they do, all the time, so nobody pursues shit with them. If I was rich, I'd nail the bastards to the wall, but I'm not. So I guess my point is good for you, cause you haven't been fucked over by authority enough times to just wanna stay the christ away from them, but I have, so I'm not gonna sign the petition, just incase. I'd rather stay away, and do my thing, but good luck to you!
It's not a petition. Its an actuall bill signed by the rep of some state. Barney something or another. At I am not proposing that petition just the bill. ITS A BILL SIGNED BY A REPRESENTITIVE OF A STATE. BIG diferance. So just go there and simply oppose or agree with it. THATS IT!

Citizens do not sign congressional legislation. Citizens have absolutely nothing to do with the passing of congressional legislation. Above you said; "It's not a petition." But look at what you previously said and what is said in the link you supplied.

we need 100,000 sig's but we only hav 38,000. http://www.change.org/petitions/legalize-marijuana-4

You are asking people to sign a petition, they do not want to sign petitions. So give it a rest, let it die, period, thee end.
I'm not promoting the petition. I merely threw it out there. I have been promoting popvox.com bill 2306 simply because there you can voice your opinion on weather your for or against the bill. It is in no way going to make or break the bill. But its nice to see that ppl support it. Its fine that you already have had failed experiences or w/e. But to me the more ppl to agree with the bill, maybe the better. I mean who's to really say if it will make a differance or not. But personally I feel better that I voted. And I hope I helped to make a differance. You really could just leave me be. I'm doing nothing wrong. Just trying to help the cause. If you feel its pointless you can keep it to yourself pls.