Really Fast Life Cycle of Plant. Is this right?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I'm starting my second grow. My first grow was a practice run and didn't taste or smell like dank, but got you lite like a mofo.

I harvested that around end of November, and let it cure till around end of December.

I started my next plant around a week or two after that, so my current plant is around 1 month old give or take.

It's starting to flower like mad, smelling very fruity, building a good very good amount of frost, and even a couple of the hairs are starting to turn.

I'm just curious if this is unusual, still a newbie but have been doing 12/12 on both the last grow and this one and the last one did not go through near this fast.

And input is appreciated, just hear to listen and learn from the experts.



Well-Known Member
Anyone got any input for me? I'm not upset with the turn out because it's growing wonderfully, I was just hoping to learn something. :)

So yeah any responses would be great, stay high my friends.


Are they different strain, clones vs seed, different phenos because from seed... could be a lot of things...

There is a 12/12 from seed thread on here and Forum member del6666 is pretty knowledgeable on the 12/12 from seed topic.

Good luck, keep us posted!