A question for society - is this bitch too young?

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Well-Known Member
if thats you and the girl in that pic, then i dont see a problem and wish you the very best, you make a very cute couple.

she looks older than she is and you look younger :) (so i dont think most people would notice..)

you look both very nice :)

follow your heart.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2034306she has a personality you can't just find. she has her own style. she stands out in her school, to her friends, she has a glowing spirit. shes like a modern day female jimi hendrix, looking for happiness through drugs and music, unintentionally being astonishingly different every day. She knows what good music is unlike most women these days. Fuck even my ex STILL blasts justin fucking beiber for godsake.
She looks even younger than 15...


Well-Known Member

I've got a 15 years old daughter.... I'd kill ya....
I have a 2 year old daughter, I put money on that he would enjoy either age group, so I'd kill him too. I would dig a massive sinkhole under his house bro. Who fucking starts threads like these??????? This isn't a cry for help, no sir. Sounds like someone wants a Trophy from the Sick Fuck Generation. Blow up a politician and leave the innocent people alone


Could all this anger and hatred be a compensation for repressed thoughts that one's self deem "wrong"? I've always wondered that one. Kinda like the closet gay football captain that beats up the openly gay kids. Just sayin ;)


Well-Known Member
Could all this anger and hatred be a compensation for repressed thoughts that one's self deem "wrong"? I've always wondered that one. Kinda like the closet gay football captain that beats up the openly gay kids. Just sayin ;)
That sounds like a personal comment to one of us. Noone is angry about this. That doesn't make it Not Fucked up or correct decision making. Stop thinking with your testicles and think with the mass that is inside of your skull.


That sounds like a personal comment to one of us. Noone is angry about this. That doesn't make it Not Fucked up or correct decision making. Stop thinking with your testicles and think with the mass that is inside of your skull.
not directed at anyone in particular, its a societal/psychological question. I do use that mass up there to do my thinking, which is why I look at all sides of the coin.


RIU Bulldog
Man, your whole posts are peppered with bro-ness. Calling her a bitch...the analogies about wet paint.... I think you're telling yourself you care about her as a defense against your conscience. I know you feel a little guilty cause you brought it up here. It really feels like you just wanna pop her cherry.
Your wild, emotion packed 'moments' with her sound like some of the high school relationships I was in. Intense and driven by lust.
"oh my God, I've never met someone like you in my life"
"you're so different than all the other girls"
"you understand me"

I think you're lying to yourself man.


Well-Known Member
This chicks is already sucking dick for meth. What thefuck do you care about morals? Better yet if a fifteen has to offer what you need in a WOMAN then you need to take a look at yourself dude. You are just emotionally unstable because of your last relationship.

Lol my friends girlfriend has a sister that is 18 and they wanted to set me up with her. I'm 24 and thought I was too old already. I suppose she could be mature when I meet her, but no way a fifteen year old has enough to offer me mentally or emotionally. At that age you just don't know how the world works and are very naive, I don't care how mature you think she is. . . you are just the fun older guy she dangles in front of the highschool boys to make them jealous. You are just part of a fun game shes playing. Damn man is this really the best you can do?


Well-Known Member
Man, your whole posts are peppered with bro-ness. Calling her a bitch...the analogies about wet paint.... I think you're telling yourself you care about her as a defense against your conscience. I know you feel a little guilty cause you brought it up here. It really feels like you just wanna pop her cherry.
Your wild, emotion packed 'moments' with her sound like some of the high school relationships I was in. Intense and driven by lust.
"oh my God, I've never met someone like you in my life"
"you're so different than all the other girls"
"you understand me"

I think you're lying to yourself man.
From what I've gleened, she is a meth smoker. And probably does not have a cherry. She gave it up for some shards to smoke.
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