A question for society - is this bitch too young?

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Well-Known Member
Aside from smoking every day for the last 10 or so years, I don't like to break the law. Okay I like to maintain a steady 145 mph on the highway but aside from that...

I was raised in a 'normal' household I guess you could say. No divorce or traumatizing incident to relate back to. Normal every day - broke a few bones kind of shit.

So now I am 22 and in love with a girl.

Before I even say the age (and get beaten with stones thrown from the middle-east)
Think Seth Rogan..... In pineapple express he was 25, and she was 18...

Yeah do the math, thats my only leverage on thinking this is okay in my own mind.

Her parents? totally cool with it, know my age, know everything. Her friends don't have a problem. My friends don't have a problem. Most of them have blatantly told me she's much more chill, shes always smiling, she's got one of those out of control laughs like Deb on Dexter but fuck it, it's cute. I'm still feeling like this is not okay and need some help from you fellow stoners bored enough to read this far.

I met her through my girlfriends friend who needed weed and was living (for a very short time) with the bitch in question. Her friend kept needing more and more bud all the time, from 2 g's to a quarter twice a day. Kept coming over, selling, smoking, chilling, and dipping out.

First time I go over I asked my girlfriends friend how old her friend was, she says ask her, but shes a lesbian so don't even bother, there's no way she'll ever go for you.

Knowing its wrong to ask your girlfriends friend how old her friend is, let alone asking another girl you are interested in directly, which could in turn be relayed to the friend and back to the girlfriend, I text her and ask.
She says "too young for you." I said "yeah right aren't you like 20?" she said ....nothing at all. Few days go by. I beg the friend during a sale to tell me and she says "17".. I think to myself....yeah fuck that, she is way too young. I don't know what I was thinking.

But she was showing the interest at first, not me. I'm trying to do my good boyfriend thing and keep to myself but it just kept getting hotter and hotter. Second day: hugs. Third day: she asks for a kiss.
Forth day: shit hits the fan. realizing I basically cheated on my girlfriend I go over to sell them their last bag from me because I need to focus on work and my girlfriend and other shit.. Her response "we could just be friends. or we could say fuck society. I like you, you like me, we don't feel like age is a factor, so lets just say fuck it, and do it." breaks into instantaneous malicious making out and all kinds of other shit that was by far the most intense situation I have ever been in.

Truth comes out the next day while talking, shes fucking 15. I almost cry right then and there. :wall:

Thinking about the consequences, we get some chinese food together. My fortune? "You know where you are going and how to get there." hers? "Keep rolling with the big changes you are making." I'm thinking alright either jail or happiness.

Trying to figure out how to tell my 21 year old girlfriend what I have done, meanwhile not being happy with our 2 year relationship and deciding it to be a signal to end the relationship... my girlfriend friends boyfriend cheated on her and she went absolutely nuts. called my girlfriend and told her every little delicious detail. The 15, the constant hanging out, and making out. I'm still getting that stage 5 clinger off my tail to clear my head / spend time with the new girl but I havent had a whole lot of time to give this situation a lot of thought(if you couldn't tell). I'm still emotionally supporting both women, although my ex knows the situation and knows I am openly in a relationship with the new girl already. The new girl knows my ex is an alcoholic abusive lunatic and knows she still calls crying all the time needing someone to talk to - and knows I hurt my ex to be with her. But we both feel like we can't control the urge to hang out all day every day.

I'm starting to be a part of her family and her dad talks to me straight up, he's a chill dude, he likes me a lot, I like him a lot too honestly. My ex's parents are separated drug abusers with six different colored offspring from 3 or 4 different parents each that ran off to west virginia to abandon their oldest children. All the pro's and cons are out of the question here. New girl wins by a long shot.

okay its been about a month, I won't get into much more detail. Bottom line, I want to hear the worst and best of what RIU has to say. I'm pretty sure I got myself into one hell of a sticky situation.

Should I be a good guy and tell her it needs to stop and find someone new?
Or do I just roll with it?
I hate just rolling with it but its not like I'm rolling with a fat needy bitch. This girl looks 18+ easily, has 32 D's, weighs 130, and loves smoking pot and tripping on acid too. I might not mind rolling with it as long as a majority of the public isn't disgusted.

Sorry for the rant, believe me I could fill a fat novel with the shit that makes this girl special to me. I'll be pretty ashamed if it turns out I'm a piece of shit for dating her.


Well-Known Member
Yes. She is too young. I'll spare you the Pedobear jokes and just suggest that if it's meant to be, she'll still be there waiting when she is legal.


New Member
Personally, I'm young... About to be 19. But I wouldn't fuck a 12 year old. I don't think I could go lower than 15 without feeling like a pervert.

But then again, girls are looking older and older these days. It's hard to tell how old they really are when you have 13 year olds walking around looking like 18 year olds.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
dude . . . .wtf

people like you . .. . . . . .. . . . . .i should rephrase this . . . .you know better . .. count your blessings and drop the 1-5 like a bad habit

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
she is too young. you know she is too young otherwise you would not have started this thread. if you applied yourself im sure you can find a cool girl that is about your age


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'm young... About to be 19. But I wouldn't fuck a 12 year old. I don't think I could go lower than 15 without feeling like a pervert.

But then again, girls are looking older and older these days. It's hard to tell how old they really are when you have 13 year olds walking around looking like 18 year olds.
I wouldn't feel right touching a human being if I felt like they were a child. I wish it was not so wrong to put up a picture of this girl. haha


Well-Known Member
ya too young and your saying she means alot to you but you called her a bitch more than once??


Well-Known Member
she is too young. you know she is too young otherwise you would not have started this thread. if you applied yourself im sure you can find a cool girl that is about your age
yeah man I have a 24 year old bitch still obsessed with my dick, my 21 year old girl wants to change her life and be the kind of girl I want her to be. Hell I ran into a girl who was 18 when I lost contact with her, at the bitch in questions house, whos now 22, and wanted to go out on a date. Was too wrapped up in all this shit and wasn't interested in anything else. still not really. You could show me any girl on this planet and I'd still tell you this girl was more beautiful. Its pretty homo I must admit, I am throwing my emotions / personal problems out there but fuck it. You guys can at least hear me out and level with where I am coming from.


Well-Known Member
plus dont you think your ex wouldnt hesitate to rat you out
she has made it clear she understands why I did what I did and she see's what I am drawn to. Its a tough situation, I'm tellin ya. She's a weird girl, been smoking for 3 years and hangs out with all my old highschool buddies.


Well-Known Member
Consider these two things:

1. Weed is very expensive in jail, and if you manage to buy some it is highly likely it has been in someone's anus.
2. In prison, sex offenders of any kind are very popular with the boys. In this regard, it is highly likely something besides marijuana could end up in your anus.

Just a couple of things to keep in mind.

Brick Top

New Member
Underage/illegal is never acceptable ........... that is unless you live in West Virginia and she is your sister or first cousin.


Well-Known Member
i say break it off now and dnt get yourself in trouble if you wait longer and get more involved it will be harder for you to leave
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