Can i harvest yet?


Active Member
Hey, guyz this is my first grow ever! I was just wondering is it time to harvest yet? i don't have a microscope (money's tight) right now.. I didn't use any nutes' and my second grow i will. Thanks in advance!! IMAG0083.jpgIMAG0084.jpgIMAG0082.jpg
Check my main cola!


Active Member
Not ready friend ! Patience is the key now, uve done all the hard work ur buds look gr8 but u still have a week or 2 and u may not want to here that but dont make the nooby mistake by cropping early ! U will loose wieght n potentcy in ten days time u will no what i mean if u av the patience ! Whan all hairs stop growing no white well hardly any and the hairs of receeded back into the bud then ur about done ! +rep for good buds !


There not ready, i made the noob mistake of harvesting early because i was impatient on my first grow and i really wish i would have waited


Well-Known Member
yep...another couple of weeks++...when 80%+ hairs are red then its ready...

but thats some nice looking weed so PLEASE don't chop early.. I know its a bitch waiting..I'm a famous early chopper, but it will be worth it..

congrats man..
and luck


Active Member
cool! thanks i was so gonna chop it =) i'll wait for another week or so.

P.S i love you guyz on rollitup!! =)