Club 600


Well-Known Member
Cool stuff, D
How about a little more late-night/brunch-time dubstep to keep it rolling:


this is pretty funny:



Well-Known Member
I potted some clones y-day afternoon. I forgot to plug cloner back in. They are all dead I think. I hope they come back. They are mostly all rooted so there is a chance.

1 clone has no I potted it to see if leaves can come. It has hella roots, but leaves got ripped off by accident.


Well-Known Member
Give it a chance. Not bad at all. Or I'm stoned. I hold no claims to the song, or if it's good. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
hahaha, loved the intro, was well put together (i.e I hate dubstep that is just a load of noise, no meaning to the song that is being mixed, then the song comes in normal, and then someone throws some noise on top (sorry, not too technical with music terms)....even after my pc crash, this post still seems a bit confusing, even to me,


Well-Known Member
Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be out and about, BKB, then I'll be able to get all the pressie's posted off :)

Many thanks for asking,



Well-Known Member
My clones are coming back to life slowly (most of em) I am potting them, so I can clean out the tote and sprinklers, as it is dirty and clogged. Gonna have sooo many clones


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't be Bassman without a calamity!!!!!lol Good to hear the yins are coming round lad.

Fuk me RIU just makes me scratch my head sometimes........


Well-Known Member
more like the latter....I know you are hardened to the youtube crowd and strange comments, but some peeps just get up my nazzer! Then you get double edged apologies and buts and if's and god knows what else, perhaps the operation is just making me cranky. Or may be the fact that I didn't have a J until 6 oclock this evening...FFS, lol.

Is it acting up for you? Or did you venture into untested waters?

Hoping to set up my new veg space today. Hope you guys are having a nice Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a perfect shit storm. I'm sorry you got so upset, but if you weren't such an ass maybe it wouldn't happen anymore, lol.

Is the old lady still griping about the electricity bassman? You better make that big bill worth it, hehe. The pressure is on. I know that feeling. Had to convince my wife it was worth it.


Well-Known Member
Good to say hello
I will be here Few and far between im afraid, This thread scares me on the quite. Forever expanding to the point were i don't keep up if ya know what i mean.:cool:
Im glad to pop up every so often:-P


Well-Known Member
Always good to see you round these parts no matter how infrequent.

Also, in response to your latest question on flowamasters thread. My answer is YES! hehehe.


Well-Known Member
Question of the night!!!!!!

What would you do with a day 31 Sour Kush hermi bitch?

Is it even worth making hash with if pulled?
I would think so? She should be good for cookin' or hash pry. The answer would depend what else I had to throw in there right now :D