Let's compare

Here's another example for ya; People nationwide who pick up a medical marijuana card instantly give up their Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Under current federal law, any person who uses an illegal controlled substance such as marijuana does not have the right to possess firearms or ammunition in any way.

Thats huge.. State vs Federal
This thread makes me laugh. Do you really think all the O'Bama haters would hesitate to start the impeachment process if he were truly "guilty" of the charges ya'll are claiming? The more you scream and howl, the more I realize he is the right choice for 2012.
Can you give me an example of how President Obama ignores the constitution.

Aside from the other instances already mentioned, it could be argued that as the head executive, he is enforcing an "unconstitutional law" any time a person is arrested for cannabis. Under the ninth and tenth amendment there was never any power granted to the feds to go after people for ingesting a substance.
Aside from the other instances already mentioned, it could be argued that as the head executive, he is enforcing an "unconstitutional law" any time a person is arrested for cannabis. Under the ninth and tenth amendment there was never any power granted to the feds to go after people for ingesting a substance.

Apparently the entire Federal Government has disagreed with you since Nixon.
This thread makes me laugh. Do you really think all the O'Bama haters would hesitate to start the impeachment process if he were truly "guilty" of the charges ya'll are claiming? The more you scream and howl, the more I realize he is the right choice for 2012.

for the same reasons G DUB wasn't impeached. I am no lawyer but these violations of human rights aren't 'impeachable' apparently.
This thread makes me laugh. Do you really think all the O'Bama haters would hesitate to start the impeachment process if he were truly "guilty" of the charges ya'll are claiming? The more you scream and howl, the more I realize he is the right choice for 2012.

You dont usually get impeached by violating the constitution. Typically the matter is taken to the courts like (Obamacare) and overturned eventually.

Like the last unanimous ruling that told Obama to stay the hell out of the Church and their management.
No, not bullshit. Unless you produce some real figures on the matter, I'll stick with the polifact analysis. It's funny you mention that politicians have been "admitting" there is fraud, because the politifact team specifically addressed a claim made by Tom Coburn, who argued that medicare waste and fraud amounts to ~20%.

BTW, politifact said the statement was half true - generously I might add. I say it was generous because the implication is that government is always more wasteful than the private market, when in this specific case the government program is just as efficient as the private sector. I'd rate it a lie, 100%, for that reason. He set out to intentionally mislead the public and it worked on you from the looks of it. I find it kind of humerous, actually, he could have listed a number of wasteful programs to make his point that government is generally less efficient than the private sector - but he chose a program that is actually quite successful and efficient.
You are an articulate idiot...

You didnt even address most of the points in my post.

If Medicare/Medicade is the government model then at least 30% is lost due to fraud, abuse and waste... That is over 5 times what the profit is in private healthcare. But even though you will get less care with longer waiting times and treatments dictated by bureaucrats who are not doctors nor have any accountability for their actions. So you get a system that is less efficient, more expensive and overall provides worse care. But hey... At least nobody is making a profit.. .(ROFLMFAO!!!)

Why dont we wait till after the primary to even debate the horrific job Obama has done ok? I think that 4 months is enough.

I chose not to address them sir.

If it makes you feel better I'll address your fraud, abuse and waste statement with a question. Who is behind this fraud, waste and abuse and as far as I'm concerned what you are describing is the private health care industry. Full of fraud, abuse and waste. A single payer system would be so much better. We'll discuss your last point about his job performance come october after we can compare it to the GOP's nominee and his ideas of President Obama's horrible performance.

Let's try to refrain from the name calling, it tends to make people look like, idiots.

Nice signature, it genuinely reflects most of your answers from what I've seen on every thread you've posted.
No sir, you are incorrect. The Democratic congress went into recess session to block Bush's appointments and Obama was in favor of that then.

take it up with obama.

even the rest of your GOP fanboy club is giving up on this.

they couldn't conduct business, plain and simple. that's a recess.
This is another of the things about the GOP and republicans in general I do not understand, maybe someone, hopefully a republican, can help me to understand?

I'm watching morning joe being broadcast from south florida. Florida being a strong republican state with an above average amount of retirees and senior citizens many of which have their retirement invested in the stock market probably in some kind of mutual fund.

Under President Bush he took the DJI from over fourteen thousand down to sixty five hundred when he left office and our economy was shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs a month. There's a ten year chart of the DJI so everyone knows I'm not spouting bullshit.

Under President Obama the DJI has gone from that same sixty five hundred to over twelve thousand and as puny as it may seem to many, job growth for over twenty months straight.

If a republican first term president had done what President Obama has done in the stock market alone, would there even be a discussion about him being elected for a second term?

What is it about the above facts that republicans see that I don't that they think President Obama is the worst president ever and doesn't deserve a second term?


Sorry, us old stoners sometimes forget things, my apologies.
The President does not control the DJIA. Some decisions of his MAY influence it, but the Federal Reserve is the one keeping the Stock Market alive.

My kid got an "F" on History, since Pres Obama is the current President it is all his fault, after all he is in charge of the Dept of EducAtion. That makes no sense just as your statement that the president is responsible for the stock market ALMOST recovering (but not quite) makes no sense.

The Job and housing situation coupled with the current economy are what make him unpopular, that and the continued decimation of Constitutional authority. Don't worry, Ben Bernanke (Fed Chairman) won't have a job if he doesn't make the market go up even more, so expect continued farcical wall street profit and the illusion that everything is "OK".
that is retarded.

how will mandating that people buy health insurance from private insurers "finish off" the industry?

pure mental retardation there.

Do those mandates put guidelines on which insurance company you can use? If so, that's a great example of of killing of a industry. Thus destroying the competition and makes the public vulnerable to price fixing as well..

Anytime the Government gets into a industry, It fails. Yup..
No sir, you are incorrect. The Democratic congress went into recess session to block Bush's appointments and Obama was in favor of that then.
Two wrongs dont make a right; It's a dirty maneuver that should be scrapped entirely IMO. IDK anything about Obama being in favor of it, but that's besides the point because that doesn't change my mind. As UB said, if there aren't enough people there to conduct any business it's a recess - PERIOD - in my view. Besides, recess appointments are almost always made to avoid some kind of controversy or obstructionism and the latest appointment by Obama is just the latest example of that.

As far as the legality of the move:
wiki said:
On January 6th, 2012, the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion regarding recess appointments and pro forma sessions, stating that "[t]he convening of periodic pro forma sessions in which no business is to be conducted does not have the legal effect of interrupting an intrasession recess otherwise long enough to qualify as a "Recess of the Senate" under the Recess Appointments Clause. In this context, the President therefore has discretion to conclude that the Senate is unavailable to perform its advise-and-consent function and to exercise his power to make recess appointments."

BTW, as far as total recess appointments go Obama has only made 32; Clinton made over 170 and Bush made over 130.