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Interesting tidbit I just read on CNN that is relevant to Obama's chances:
Two polls released last week ... An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 47% of voters preferred a Democratic-controlled Congress, compared to 41% who supported a Republican-controlled one; and a National Journal poll indicated a wider margin -- 48% said they supported a Democratic Congress and 37% said they wanted Republicans to keep control.
Those are some pretty good numbers for the Democrats - and by extension, Obama - IMO.
Interesting tidbit I just read on CNN that is relevant to Obama's chances:

Those are some pretty good numbers for the Democrats - and by extension, Obama - IMO.

the tea party fell on their own sword. people are realizing what a mistake they made in 2010.
the tea party fell on their own sword. people are realizing what a mistake they made in 2010.

They went too far with when they held the country hostage with the debt ceiling situation. It was a really cynical move that they thought the rest of the country wouldn't understand and so they'd be supported. They thought the American people would see refusing to raise the debt ceiling as an act of fighting debt. Unfortunately for them the American people saw it for what it really was, holding the economy hostage so they could put on political theater.
They went too far with when they held the country hostage with the debt ceiling situation. It was a really cynical move that they thought the rest of the country wouldn't understand and so they'd be supported. They thought the American people would see refusing to raise the debt ceiling as an act of fighting debt. Unfortunately for them the American people saw it for what it really was, holding the economy hostage so they could put on political theater.

i heard a theory about what they were doing, it goes like this:

the election is decided by a lot of low-information voters, people who do not know which party proposed what bill, what is in what bill, which party controls which part of congress, hell, a lot of them don't even know there are two chambers in congress.

what they do know is that things aren't getting done, and they look to blame the dysfunction on the most proximate figurehead possible. and for really low info voters like these people, the president is that person.

that's why obama needs to remind people that republicans fought against taking care of 9/11 first responders, republicns held aid for tornado and flood victims hostage, etc etc etc.

i think he can do that and win. or just let the economy keep improving despite the republican attempts to stifle any recovery in the name of political gain.
idk how you came to that conclusion... Obama vs. a strong Republican candidate, Obama would probably lose. But Romney, Gingrich, Paul, none of those dudes are strong candidates and it reflects in their relatively weak poll performances as compared to the "generic republican" vs. Obama poll which, IMO, better reflects Obama vs. a strong Republican candidate than it does Obama vs. the current Republican field. There are just too many flaws in the GOP candidates this cycle...

Also, not to speak for them, but I dont really see Deprave & co voting for Mitt Romney in any circumstance so your idea that all the RP fanatics will eventually vote for Romney really feels like an underestimation of their fanaticism IMO. Many RP guys will write him in - and essentially waste their vote - before they vote for Romney.

Your right..Very few libertarians or "Ron Paul People" would ever vote for Romney. I have to agree the Republicans are looking at this with way to much confidence. I think the republican circus this year has made a mockery of the party and I would be ashamed to be a republican if I were.

I am not sure I will be writing Ron Paul in or that many people really would but I will vote libertarian over Mitt Romney, Obama, Santorum, Or gingrich. The only republican or democrat I have ever voted for is Ron Paul(who is really a libertarian) and Obama, other than that straight libertarian ticket for me.

So really my first choice this year is Paul, my second choice is Gary Johnson.....and If I couldn't vote either in or write them in then YES I would vote for vermin supreme lol

Again...NO WAY I would ever vote for mittens, the grinch, santorum, or obama, not even in an internet forum thread such as this lol, someone messaged me "Dude vote for roms in unclebucks thread so that way Obama is losing and it pisses uncle buck off! LOL!" and I was all like "NEIN!!!! I REFUSE TO PRESS THE ROMNEY BUTTON! VIVA LA RESISTANCE"
i heard a theory about what they were doing, it goes like this:

the election is decided by a lot of low-information voters, people who do not know which party proposed what bill, what is in what bill, which party controls which part of congress, hell, a lot of them don't even know there are two chambers in congress.

what they do know is that things aren't getting done, and they look to blame the dysfunction on the most proximate figurehead possible. and for really low info voters like these people, the president is that person.

Which is all true. I'm actually surprised the republican's anti-recovery strategy hasn't been more effective.

Still, the single biggest factor in the 2012 election will be one that isn't even being discussed. The economic stability of the European Union. If they get their shit together and are heading towards recovery, the US economy will improve. If they fuck up, it will likely send the whole industrialized world into a double dip recession, including us. Obama will be blamed for that if it happens and that will be successful. Americans don't understand how the economy works. If it's recovering, Obama is a sure thing to get reelected. If we experience a double dip recession Obama will be blamed and thrown out of office. It doesn't matter that Obama has nothing to do with economic recovery in Europe. He'll get the blame or the credit for the EU's effect on our economy.
Your right..Very few libertarians or "Ron Paul People" would ever vote for Romney. I have to agree the Republicans are looking at this like there is a bunch of "Anyone but Obama people" its just not like that.

The republican's "Anyone but Obama" attitude towards the election is deeply flawed. The democrats tried that a few years ago and the result was nominating John Kerry. Finding the most uninspiring candidate who's main quality is that he doesn't rock the boat isn't a solid plan to beat an incumbent president. Romney is very John Kerry like.

Looks like the republicans will not find their Bill Clinton. Clinton was moderate, but he had ideas. He had a plan. Romney is an empty suit.
...someone messaged me "Dude vote for roms in unclebucks thread so that way Obama is losing and it pisses uncle buck off! LOL!" and I was all like "NEIN!!!! I REFUSE TO PRESS THE ROMNEY BUTTON! VIVA LA RESISTANCE"

wow, gyroscope was trolling hard last night.

it was gyroscope, right?
Well, it could of been Ron Paul if it wasn't for the war hawks and arms dealers running propaganda. If it wasn't for the other campaigns teaming up on him...It could still happen but unlikely.
Oh well, If the republicans fuck this up and don't nominate Ron Paul then they are done for, this could be the beginning of the end for them all together(not just this campaign). If they ignore the 'Ron Paul People' and the youth they are totally fucked.
Oh well, If the republicans fuck this up and don't nominate Ron Paul then they are done for, this could be the beginning of the end for them all together(not just this campaign). If they ignore the 'Ron Paul People' and the youth they are totally fucked.

If you help re-elect Obama we are totally fucked....
Well, it could of been Ron Paul if it wasn't for the war hawks and arms dealers running propaganda. If it wasn't for the other campaigns teaming up on him...It could still happen but unlikely.

IMO if it wasn't for Ron Paul supporters unwittingly running anti-Ron Paul propaganda he'd have a better chance at winning.
IMO if it wasn't for Ron Paul supporters unwittingly running anti-Ron Paul propaganda he'd have a better chance at winning.

Yea we should of pretended to be republican's better perhaps. I need to practice talking all smug and pretending I know whats best for your kids.
Same result if we elect romney or newt...they are the same thing as obama.

They will try new policies. Obama seems unwilling to change course.

He attacked GWB for having a 9 trillion dollar debt but he has added 5 trillion under his administration and they will need to increase the debt limit again even before the elections. Obama's tax increases account for only 8% of his proposed spending and 92% is borrowed money. He simply does not understand that we cannot keep spending like this. At this rate our GDP to debt will be worse than Greece before his 2nd term would be up.