Lace and Frills <3

That's pretty damn slick, but here in the People's Republic of Rednekistan, that shit doan fly. Expect trouble from the other vehicle in that pic. cn
what part of CA?
i was originally born in Coronado, Ca and would love to move back..
it's just so god damn expensive

all my family lives on the east coast, they have a different mentality out there
wwwwaaaaayyyyyyy more humble then these fake ass people on the west coast

sounds like im ragging on my city - but truth be told - i couldn't picture myself growing up on a small farm in the midwest somewhere.. im happy i was raised somewhere where it teaches you to trust nobody but yourself

and it's a 24 hour town, i can get ANYTHING i want ANYTIME BITCHES!! lol

Ive heard people talk about east/west mentality before.. Interests me what with not being American myself.
I think if I had the choice I'd have maybe grown up in a small town in the Midwest. I know some ppl in Nebraska and that seems like a lovely place to be brought up.
Ive heard people talk about east/west mentality before.. Interests me what with not being American myself.
I think if I had the choice I'd have maybe grown up in a small town in the Midwest. I know some ppl in Nebraska and that seems like a lovely place to be brought up.
I would not mistake "suicidally bored" for "nice". Jmo. cn
Ive heard people talk about east/west mentality before.. Interests me what with not being American myself.
I think if I had the choice I'd have maybe grown up in a small town in the Midwest. I know some ppl in Nebraska and that seems like a lovely place to be brought up.
Ive been midwest, Ive been east coast, Ive been in the south, and I've been all over the west coast. The mentality differences are real.

East coasters tend to be rude, and hustlers. Definite "eff you buddy" attitude. The car horns are evidence.

Midwest folks are nice, boring, and usually fat.

Southerners are fake nice, racist, and small minded.

West coast is where the nice people are, open minds and hearts.

I would not mistake "suicidally bored" for "nice". Jmo. cn

On the flip side, those midwesterners do a lot of drugs and drink heavily to pass the time... thats a party of sorts.
I would not mistake "suicidally bored" for "nice". Jmo. cn

Oh I dunno about that there was plenty of shit to do like any place, then again I was in the big city. The woman I was with lived in an area where it's like two miles to the next house. That's pretty unhealthy. Then again you can live in a city with houses meters apart and never speak due to urban mentality so yeah.
i dont have any lacy or frills. but this honey pot is kinda cute. not my fingernails obviously... heh
Why not your finger nails of course? Are you one of these strange people who think guys must have short short nails? :D
Part of my hash techniques involve using a microplaner, so have short nails is a must.
And yes, long nails on men is creepy. Unless its just the pinky, then I get it heh
Ive been midwest, Ive been east coast, Ive been in the south, and I've been all over the west coast. The mentality differences are real.

East coasters tend to be rude, and hustlers. Definite "eff you buddy" attitude. The car horns are evidence.

Midwest folks are nice, boring, and usually fat.

Southerners are fake nice, racist, and small minded.

West coast is where the nice people are, open minds and hearts.

On the flip side, those midwesterners do a lot of drugs and drink heavily to pass the time... thats a party of sorts.

see? canada isn't so different from the states.... (minus the southerners. we don't get a lot of those north of the 49. ;) )
see? canada isn't so different from the states.... (minus the southerners. we don't get a lot of those north of the 49. ;) )

He even ate a poutine and enjoyed it ;) lol but the fuckers put cheddar not cheese curds so he still never had the real thing yet :)
Well when a guy says that it's
1 your ugly
2 he knows he don't stand a chance
3 or he's drunk
4 just being nice LOL
5 too old ROTFLOL (just for you Matt & April)

How would I now whether or not I stand a chance? Nah buddy, in this case you're just wrong. You're generalizing all men and were not all scumbags who will say anything to get into a girls pants. I'm 27. Old enough that I've had my fun with women and am bored with it. I want quality relationships going forward. Which is why I don't filter myself like I used to. What you see is what you get with me. I want them to know who I am from the start so there's no surprises and we can just get the task of falling in love.
I've learned that you can fake sexy with all kinds of make-up and hair extensions and surgeries and clothes, shoes, creams, miracle elixirs, fountain of youth and WHATEVER ELSE they use to stay forever young and beautiful, but you can't fake smart. Beauty fades. Smart is whats gonna get you through the tough times.
Idk, that's what I believe anyways....

But there is some truth to what you're saying. To be perfectly honest, I'm not into the whole cosplay/wolf thing. The confidence issue is another thing. Kuroi isn't my type, and I'm not attracted to her in that way that would want to make her my girlfriend.
(i know I know...the news must be devastating to her.... :rolls: I'm not bragging...) So in that sense, yeah, I feel like I can say things I wouldn't normally say if I was trying to impress her.
At the same time, from what I've gathered about Kuroi, I can safely say that I'm not her type either. I'm a big, vulgar asshole that isn't very bright to boot. I'm not really thin and waifey, I'm brash, and most importantly I live about 250,000 miles away; give or take a mile. It is somewhat freeing knowing that I'll never meet this person, but not enough for me to say "ooh I love your mind". I mean what I says and I says what I mean. lol

you're from vegas???
I'm pretty sure I told you I was from Vegas. The same time you told me you were from central cali...duh!!! lol jk

I thought you'd said something similar before. By your logic, were you lying to me and

1) Saying I'm ugly?
2) So quick to offer rejection?
3) You only compliment me when you're intoxicated?
4) You're just being nice
5) You are too old?

Relax :3

The answer is you are a little too old for me but also very nice. You failed in following suit with the general tone of cynicism synonymous with many RIU males 3 points into 5. You are a nice person, so is Beansly.

If anyone one else adheres to the conclusion points 1-3 you outlined for saying he likes a girl's brain, then all the more fortune, affection and prosperity to you, Beansly and others like you in your sincerity.

I like the fact that in between me posting photos, you two (and a few others x) have consistently paid attention to what I am thinking, feeling, trying to say or analyze- and for that, I am truly thankful, sir <3

PS: Pardon the increased incidences of sibilance xxx

. . . you are so hot to me right now. . .
Keep saying things about stuff.....

im from las vegas too - circa spring valley area - and it's sad to say this statement is 100 percent true
vegas girls are either dumb as rocks or slutty as ffffuuucccccckkkk..
the cute girls are either engaged or purposely stay single and play guys - so they don't feel bad later when they smoke all your weed and never hit you up again unless they need something..

i need to move away from this shithole with lights and finding me a cali girl :bigjoint:
vegas = one word.. hype
go 1 block off the strip and it's crackheads, pawnshops, and police shoot (and kill) first then ask questions later
ive lived and grew up here since i was 2, vegas will always be my home i LOVE my city - shit the strip is basically my backyard - but i will never raise my kids here.
Hell yeah dude! You know the deal. A smart girl (or even one with common sense) is a rare find. I a guy has a good gf around here, she's usually from another state. I love this city too. It'll always hold a special place in my heart, but as SOON as I can, I'm out. lol

What do you expect from a city that brags you can do what you want here, no problem. In a manner of speaking...I always had fun and enjoyed the place but anymore than 3 days is too much for me. In all the times I went there I only met 2 locals, one a hooker and one a married woman, her husband took a couple of shots at me the next morning..... I never looked back just full on the power and we were out of there on our bikes. My partner was pissed at me big time. As Canadians we can't carry guns
I'd still rather live in Vegas than anywhere in Canadia.