Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey Method,

I have used Canna PK13/14 (in fact have almost a full bottle sitting there). I only picked it up because there was no BioNova PK13/14 at the time. I was also suprised to see it said use it for 1 week only, whereas I use to introduce the PK13/14 in incremental amounts each feed. So 1/10th,(flower week 1) then 2/10th (flower week2), then 3/10ths, up until the last and gave it full 1ml per 10litre feed....I guess that it could be done in this way, but I don't think it is an organic nutrient so you probably want to leave it out nearer the end of flowering (30 days I think is suggested - which seems a long time). So yeh, I would say you would be okay to use in incremental amounts, but go easy on it as you don't want to lock nutes out. Do you use the full Canna range, which might also be relevant to when you use the pk13/14?

Morning everyone.

Peace, DST
Yes terra. Flores boost pk and cannazyme and rhizotonic very light feeding around 500 to 600 ppm


Well-Known Member
I say that without knowing 100%, I just wouldn't imagine it is (the PK that is). Someone, anyone confirm this for us?
U say the pk isn't organic is any of canna organic? In the terra line
nice endless i know yall are probably tired of romulan but her trics
any thoughts on how they look?
Im thinking ill chop in 10-14 days
You and your Romulan, hahaha, don't worry HS, we will not tire of seeing it bru!!! 10-14 days, I would say at least 15, lol. ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm only tired of it not being loaded up in my bowl!
Great pics of some tasty trichs!
I doubt any of us will get tired of views like that!


Well-Known Member
hey doobs, you may know these oakies, but my wife has turned me onto their tunes of late.....worth a share me tinks.


Well-Known Member
and their name is something to do with the cold - so quite apt since it's Berty Auld here at the mo.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Is anyone else having trouble with RIU pages loading properly today? All day they've been coming up a jumbled mess and it's making it hard to follow and post. Just wondering if it's me and my browser or RIU. Thnks


Well-Known Member
my phones be playing up today, called my business partner and ended up listening to some women going on about biscuits!!! she couldn't hear me shouting at her though so it was all quite strange......

and no mate, they are loading fine just now for me (FFox browser.)


Well-Known Member
I've restarted and logged in and out of RIU. Haven't cleared the cache but I'll do that now and give her a whirl. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
So turns out it was my VPN. I shut it down and all was good. Fired it up and no good no more. Changed servers and all is hunky dory again.

Nice trichs Hotsauce, and does Pam Anderson ever get tiring to look at, even though she's old news? No, I don't think so. :lol:

Hey cof and Heads Up. Getting back to you from yesterday, my tent fires up at night around 19 and hits around 30 at peak (66-86) but the soil is pretty chilly to start. I'm going to try to get it moved back tonight but I've got my mind all wrapped up in other stuff right now. Tomorrow I have my first appointment with some attorneys about going after my insurance company. It's something I've pretty well known would happen for about a year now and frankly have been wishing they would hurry up and cut me off so we can get down to it. I've been talking to these lawyers for over a year now and all we could do is wait until they made the call, which they pretty much have. Tomorrow I get to tell my whole story and they decide whether they take my case or not. Either way, a lot of questionable doubt I have going on in my mind about whether I'm just or not will be answered finally. Ah fack! I need a bowl. BRB

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Duchie, my tent is in my living room and since I only stay here a few nights a week it can get rather cool in here if it's cool outside. My inside temp right now is seventy three. I would have to guess my soil is in the sixties in the mornings and the same with my grow room itself. I use mostly smart pots and they sit directly on my tile floor, I do have saucers under them and rarely run any heat unless we are having a spell of really cold weather. For us that would be lows in the thirties and highs in the fifties for a few days or so.

At this point I can't say how many strains I've grown with feminized seeds, let's put the number at plenty and not a single nanner has appeared and I've also grown more than a few greenhouse seeds strains. I have a kalashnikova going now from greenhouse. A cross of ak47/white widow. I tied and twisted a sour cream, an arjan's haze and a strawberry haze almost in a circle and not one hermie. I'm thinking people who use feminized seeds and get hermies must have some kind of other problem cause no matter what I do to them they never hermie.


Well-Known Member
I almost had my new space completely up and then I felt I was being lazy by not tearing down the ceiling which was rotten wood and it was packed with, of all things, shavings from a wood plane. I mean bushels and bushels of the crap. I'm definitely glad I bit the bullet on that. Wood turned into powder when I grabbed it with the wrecking bar. Dumpster coming tomorrow. Might as well rewire while I'm at it. Tackle like 3 fire hazards at once.:wall:



Well-Known Member
Hmm? Mine are in smart pots too but I have them elevated. They are picking up a bit but not like they should be, I don't think. I planted them Nov 14th and I think they went into 12/12 around the first week of Dec so I'm guessing another 3 or 4 weeks for them still. I potted them up about a week ago now and they are showing noticeable growth the last week so that's good. So here's a question. When a plant is stunted in the stretch part of its growth, can it recover and start to grow again, possibly even extent the finish time? Or, will it just finish in normal time only small?

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I'm guessing and I stress guessing, I think it will just finish and not grow much if at all. I'm saying that based on the fact that once the stretch is over the plant is finished growing and is now working on making seeds, or at least trying. My buddy had a dwarf and it was up-potted but it still never really grew vertically any more, it stayed a dwarf.