My Clone From Leaf Experiment


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your patience with some of the other members Woo. Just for clarification in case I missed something, are the cuts suppose to be perpendicular to the vein? Also is it 1 cut per vein?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your patience with some of the other members Woo. Just for clarification in case I missed something, are the cuts suppose to be perpendicular to the vein? Also is it 1 cut per vein?
One cut across the middle of the the vein making sure it only penetrates half way through.


Well-Known Member
You say all looks good.

Then we shall take care of them and see.

I'd post a pic but, there is nothing new to see.


Well-Known Member
You say all looks good.

Then we shall take care of them and see.

I'd post a pic but, there is nothing new to see.
The earliest results I have had was a shoot appearing in 10 days with the other four following daily, so as I said previously be patient! Once the shoots have developed they need to be transplanted quickly to avoid root tangle, unless you are happy to train the five shoots as one plant. Don't transplant any shoots till they have all appeared, unless too much time has elapsed between appearances ie. 2 days between shoot 3 and 4.


Too many brownies
The earliest results I have had was a shoot appearing in 10 days with the other four following daily, so as I said previously be patient! Once the shoots have developed they need to be transplanted quickly to avoid root tangle, unless you are happy to train the five shoots as one plant. Don't transplant any shoots till they have all appeared, unless too much time has elapsed between appearances ie. 2 days between shoot 3 and 4.
whhhhaaat thats even faster than my regular cuttings


Well-Known Member
I bought a dvd camcorder today and shot my 5 THC bomb girls and was going to post picsbut didnt realise I need a card! So will purchase a card in the next few days and get some pics up as I have leaves which are rooted but not shooting yet.


Well-Known Member
yes looks good , the only difference is I personally weight the leaves down with chicken wire to keep the leaves pressed aginst the soil.
For the non-believers out there who cant possibly believe the earth is round,the new shoots appear directly above the cut sites of the veins. Someone made a silly comment about leaves not having genetic makeup to grow into plants -WRONG! This method is also nothing like tissue culture it is a simple AVP method(artificial vegetative process) and has been used in my area for years. There are several methods and this is just the most successful one that I have shared.
Thanks for coming back and chiming in Woo... ignore the naysayers, there are a few of us around who are willing to try something new.

My motto in life is 'try something once, if you don't like it, don't do it again". :) BTW, I'm a Brit too!


Too many brownies
Thanks for coming back and chiming in Woo... ignore the naysayers, there are a few of us around who are willing to try something new.

My motto in life is 'try something once, if you don't like it, don't do it again". :) BTW, I'm a Brit too!
You snap at me like that and I apologize...and you have nothing to say?

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I actually tried this once, by accident/inexperience when trying my hand at cloning for the first time. With that said - It didn't work, hence the "I tried it once". After that failed attempt, I learned the proper way to clone.

In any event I will pull up a chair with you all and wait to see MILF's results and thanks for being a real trooper and giving this experiment a try!



Well-Known Member
Woo i am glad you came back to help give advice in any areas we may have questions in. I am really interested in this because i am on my first grow, and have yet to clone anything, or fully grown anything as of yet.


Active Member
Yes excellent results... when I tried this it didn't work also, the leaf just sat there for 3 weeks with roots, not moving. Although, I didn't slice the veins.

I'm from England too.
