So who is the GOP nominee that is going to take back the White House for republicans?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Dude.. ron paul is known for his fund raising power. He is skipping Florida because they barely have any delegates (They were penalized half) and he doesn't hold a large portion of support. He is being very smart for going for Nevada and Minnesota where he holds a lot of support.
Actually, Romney is the one known for his fund raising power. Paul is an excellent fund raiser for a fringe candidate, probably the best there is. But he cant' compete with the big boys. That's why he's skipping Florida. Romney is going to outspend everyone and Florida is a winner take all state. Winning Florida is all about who has the most money to spend at the time. Also, Ron Paul doesn't go over real well with the jews.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
that's even though republicans have been working hard to ensure the economy is in the shit to try and win the white house...
Obama is going to have a strong case to make there come election day. I think the general population gets what the republicans in congress are doing. They are extremely unpopular. They thought they were screwing Obama with that debt ceiling nonsense, but when it comes down to voting time, I think they will have screwed themselves. It's a very dangerous game they are playing. They are blocking nearly all of Obama's economic recovery efforts. If Obama can make that case he'll not only get reelected, but republicans will lose congress. Very high risk for them. And I think Obama has enough evidence to make that case.

It's happened before with Truman. He ran on how terrible congress was and it worked. He won the election and congress flipped.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
So I'm gathering from the conversation that there isn't a republican candidate out there that can take the White House from President Obama. Jeb Bush in 2016 if he decides to run. The taste of rotten Bush should be out of the mouth of most republicans by then and with eight years of a democrat in office they have a better chance. Only the economy can beat President Obama at this point and as Dan so astutely pointed out, the republicans are playing a dangerous game, one they will lose. The election is not only going to be about the economy, the president will put the republicans in the position of defending the one percent over the ninety nine and make it clear the republicans do not stand with the ninety nine. A losing recipe for the GOP which may spread into both houses as well.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter who is the GOP pick...all of the candidates are F-upped. I know that I will give my vote to any GOP candidate selected by the GOP.

I really hate to say it...but, we are doomed with another 4 year with Obama.

Just stop all the nonsenses an really put on your thinking caps guys.

If you were as broke as the USA. Do you really believe we can pay off the debt?

Shit the debt is around 15 trillion dollars.
Just wait until we hit $24.5 trillion in total US national debt in 2015.
Total US Unfunded Liabilities are estimated at $144 trillion, roughly $1.2 million per taxpayer... did I hear a pin drop??????????????

GET REAL PEOPLE....we are doomed.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter who is the GOP pick...all of the candidates are F-upped. I know that I will give my vote to any GOP candidate selected by the GOP.

I really hate to say it...but, we are doomed with another 4 year with Obama.

Just stop all the nonsenses an really put on your thinking caps guys.

If you were as broke as the USA. Do you really believe we can pay off the debt?

Shit the debt is around 15 trillion dollars.
Just wait until we hit $24.5 trillion in total US national debt in 2015.
Total US Unfunded Liabilities are estimated at $144 trillion, roughly $1.2 million per taxpayer... did I hear a pin drop??????????????

GET REAL PEOPLE....we are doomed.
now that's what I call BLIND PARTISANSHIP.

yes, we can pay off the national debt..... if we can get money flowing out of the pockets of the 1% and into the middle class, demand goes up, up goes tax revenue, and we can finally start making a dent in the debt.... republicans need to cut the horseshit and realize that this whole 'class warfare' argument is working against them and against our nation as a whole....

really comfy slippers

Active Member
Actually, Romney is the one known for his fund raising power. Paul is an excellent fund raiser for a fringe candidate, probably the best there is. But he cant' compete with the big boys. That's why he's skipping Florida. Romney is going to outspend everyone and Florida is a winner take all state. Winning Florida is all about who has the most money to spend at the time. Also, Ron Paul doesn't go over real well with the jews.
Yeah Romneys excellent "fundraising" ability... Where his donors go quarter of a million at a time... Meanwhile 20x the real people drop 20 dollars a piece on Ron Paul.. I'm not supporting him, but he truly is the only person standing on real values, like it or not.


Well-Known Member
GOP doesn't stand for lowering the debt. Neither does the Democrats.

Spending money = reelection.

Actually, Romney is the one known for his fund raising power. Paul is an excellent fund raiser for a fringe candidate, probably the best there is. But he cant' compete with the big boys. That's why he's skipping Florida. Romney is going to outspend everyone and Florida is a winner take all state. Winning Florida is all about who has the most money to spend at the time. Also, Ron Paul doesn't go over real well with the jews.
Lol, first you disagreed, then you agreed in a matter of two sentences.

I know Romney has the biggest stick. Corporations are shoveling piles into his coffers.

You're partially right, he is skipping Florida because the cost outweighs the benefit.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Yeah Romneys excellent "fundraising" ability... Where his donors go quarter of a million at a time... Meanwhile 20x the real people drop 20 dollars a piece on Ron Paul.. I'm not supporting him, but he truly is the only person standing on real values, like it or not.
Everyone has "real values". The KKK have real values.

It's not a question of who has "real values", it's a question of what those values are.

And yes, Romney is an excellent fundraiser. Excellent fund raisers tell the guy with the checkbook exactly what he wants to hear in order to get the biggest check possible. That's what it is. Ron Paul tells you he's going to win the nomination and then legalize bud. Obama tells the pharmaceutical companies he'll end medical marijuana. Romney tells Goldman Sachs that he'll deregulate Wall St. Santorum tells people he'll ban abortion.

Too bad all of that is a pack of lies. None of those things will happen once the votes are cast.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Lol, first you disagreed, then you agreed in a matter of two sentences.
No, I said Paul is an excellent fundraiser as far as fringe candidates go, but he's not in the same league as the serious candidate.

You're partially right, he is skipping Florida because the cost outweighs the benefit
They should all skip Florida. It's pointless and a waste of money. Only one candidate is going to get delegates and that will be Romney.


Well-Known Member
No, I said Paul is an excellent fundraiser as far as fringe candidates go, but he's not in the same league as the serious candidate.
I think if I argue on this we are going to continue to go in a circle, so therefore I'll quit while we're both ahead ;)

They should all skip Florida. It's pointless and a waste of money. Only one candidate is going to get delegates and that will be Romney.
Barely any delegates at that.