The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Takes a day at least before you've even let it dry out, but ithe time i largely just waiting and not any actual interaction with the process, gravity does it's own thing :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I got hash when i didn't previously have hash, and it cost me £3 for a couple of bags of ice and no more, can't complain :) The resulting produce will also rip your spine out your ears or arsehole or whichever is more blocked up at the time, lovely stuff :D

In terms of actual effort, say 30-45 minutes of mixing (you mix the trim with hash mutliple times, there is plenty more to be gotten from the plant matter after the first wash. After that i just leave it for 4 hours odd, use some hoepipe to quikly siphon the majority out, pour rest into a big mason jar and leave for 4-6 hour, then just use an aquarium hose to siphon the rest of the water out, then i just leave the rest to evaporate off. Very little actual effort involved.


Well-Known Member
Its easy peasy and proper tasty, like TTT says its all about gravity... 2 dys to turn it around, 1st day to prepare, settle n drain off and another to dry out. Its worth it though especially if you were thinkin of gettin rid of it anyway. Last time I used 40g of trim n stem and got a henry of tasty hash

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

ISO and Bubble respectively (gumby and bubblehash are essentially the same thing, the only real difference is that bubblebags use filters to get around the long wait required with gravity settling but the process of removing the trichs from the plant matter i identical, it is simply the removal of the water which is a different process.


Well-Known Member
When making gumby hash is it better to dry the trim first and then mix it or do u just freeze it straight after trimming and then mix it when u can be assed?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Agreed, will work either way. Although with dry trim you naturally increase the possiblity of contamination due to small bits of plant matter breaking up etc, wheras wet trim will tend to stay together. Tends to be advised to freeze the trim for an hour beforehand so that all of the trichomes can easily be knocked off the plant matter by the ice.


Well-Known Member
I've a plant ready in about a week so I might freeze that trim cos I've another two ready in about 3-4 weeks then try this gumby hash

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sounds good, freeze it and wait for the trim from the other plants as well. even with bubblebags, i don't enjoy doing small runs that'll net me a gram or two of hash, easier ust to do it all in one big haul :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I prefer smoking weed myself, but hash is a great smoke. It's a different taste and high to a joint of weed, but it'll knock you off your feet :)


Well-Known Member
@scotia that hash u made, was it nice and soft and bendy or was it pure hard? We get a lotta hash in N.I, but most of it's shit, pure hard as fuck, years ago there was always good hash about and it looked a bit like that gear u got in the pic, nice light colour inside, the stuff now we get is dark

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The consistency of the hash is based purely on the manufacturing process, there isn't a direct correlation between consistency and quality.