The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
hula hoops u living it up mr ttt.
u ever forgot bout the fizzy original lucozade n accidently left it near a radiator n drink wen its warm?? holly shite its horrid man. how i imagine piss to taste haha
have to have the orange or lemon one now as put self off them.
Ha, only because they were half price else i wouldn't have bothered. Not a big fan of hula hoop. Not a fan of lucozade original either, gotta be orange for me. I got drunk as i had to get last night ut still had the preesnse of mind to put the bottle in the fridge for the morning, right before i went and threw up, finish the day as you started it lol.

Friday is my chicken fajita day, i always make 16 of em up and there always tends to be one left for me to take home :) bit of cayenne, garlic, salt, pepper, paprika, handful of cheddar, some red and yellow roasted pepper and a few strips of onion. Mm

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
haha mr ttt u ever watch big bang theory? that shelldon in it with his set days for meals haha. u saying chic fajita friday reminded me off it haha.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Monday is meat free, tuesday i lasagne, wednesday is fish cakes, thursday is pie mash and gravy, and friday is chicken fajitas. The joy of working for a boss with zero imagination or business skills or in fact simply a boss who doesn't give two shits about how the business is going, she worries about thee takings yet doesn't give a damn about actually doing anythingto change them, just sais we need to earn more :DAnd i think i might have watched half an episode, but nothing more.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
meat 3 monday. oh they one off them fuckers r they. sick people if ask me.
im a chef to or used to be couple year back. my veggy option to peeps was to fuck off elsewhere. prob y i ent got that job now hhaha


Well-Known Member
mr scotia hows the toking going today? u stay up for the none eventfull fighting last night??
Aye its goin well mate takin it easy, try make it last tae the livers n blue cheese but looking doubtful lol...... Aye a sat up as long as the Bisping fight and after the 3rd lot of pish a called it a nite... Most boring UFC I've watched me thinks :-(

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I would tell em to fuck off, but well, it's a vegetarian food shop :D so i say fuck it and cook up bacon and sausage quiches and such :p vegetarianism is a silly thing, meat is good, good good good. Instead of telling em to bugger off, i just trick them, carrot soup you say? certainly ma'am, what they don't know is that there are 3 litres of chicken stock in it :D

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u prob doing them a favour in the long run ttt. give there immune system a meaty boost haha.
was shocking scotia. saying that tho in my head i has sonnen winning in 1st round b4 fight so guess the brit did better then expected.
also i think no matter how much weed u put aside u will never have enough to last till next harvest. more u have the more u smoke


Well-Known Member
u prob doing them a favour in the long run ttt. give there immune system a meaty boost haha.
was shocking scotia. saying that tho in my head i has sonnen winning in 1st round b4 fight so guess the brit did better then expected.
also i think no matter how much weed u put aside u will never have enough to last till next harvest. more u have the more u smoke
A wish a could smoke more mate not a thing seems to go as I plan just now :-(

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
wot up fella? having tick problems?? u getting more cuttings lined up or is ya grow packed at min? poped my mates yesterday n he got a lil ufo led. his lady under it looks gorgeous, real bushy n tight nodes. may get couple as he won them 20 quid each n use as veg room to geta perpectual grow going, also i should go back to school learn how spell


Well-Known Member
Just usual bills mate piling up, cany get a job, arthiritis gettin worse, just usual shit lol... Just the livers n bc on the go jst now. See what happens in the nxt wk or 2, hoping to get a fixed date for ma double glazing

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
does get on top off ya from time to time matey. chin up n best foot forward n all that bollocks. least u got the gift off green fingers n good bud.
how is the foot or ankle? u not get help with bills as got medical prob?
i no a guy how has never worked a day in life has a 3 bed flat paid for n benifits out his arsehole. he just laimed his mad in the head and to b fair he isnt the full ticket. seems peeps who r fine get money n help thrust apon them n the ones who r generally struggle can go without. country run by muppets. if u was foriegn u wood b well looked after in uk. its just wrong man


Well-Known Member
Its ma foot mate, crushed it in an accident 10 yr ago. Nothing but problems now, which have now rubbed off on ma back n neck cos av no been walkin properly for all these years. Ma m8 g me a wee yellow valium today so goin to have dinner, go for bath then pop that wae a couple a doobs, lol sound a bit like a woman. Dont get any help either still need to look for full time work with medical exceptions like, a dnt need to look for jobs where I'd be standing or walking about. I only need to look for jobs close to public transport that kinda thing. Doc told me to apply for DLA the other day but then said I'd probs not get it, so what the fuckin point. It is a fuckin joke the way this country's run, and yes if I were say Polish or some other sort of Eastern European ad be fuckin laughin, as for a house me n the mrs get housing ben for a 2 bedroom cos of the wee man, cos we stay in a 3 bedroom we now have to pay the difference in rent out of JSA, so even worse off :-( Rant over lmao


Well-Known Member
Wouldnt know where to start or have the cash to buy anythin lol... Fuck it if things get worse al pimp out the mrs lol oj, ouch ad be a deadman if she saw that lol.

What's everyone's plans for this fine Sunday Evening?


Active Member
I'm trying to figure out if its worth saving the sugar leaves & popcorn bud off my plants when I finally chop em.
If anyone can be fucked, I'd appreciate a quick explanation of the simplist way to turn your good trim into something smokeable/edible.

Also, think top gear might be on later. Wish I was on top gear now, have to smoke so much of this shitty weed to get any buzz off it that I'm feeling a bit weird lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

Nowt up for me this evening, try and get some food in me and see if i can get some lseep. Which pretty much means ill end up buying some beer and foregoing dinner.

Trim is definately worth saving :) The easiest metyhods of turning it into a smokable is either an ice water extraction be it gumby or bubblebags, or a chemical extraction like BHO or ISO. If you don't want to spend any money though, then just youtube gumby hash, all it really requires is a bucket, bag or two if ice, and a length of airhose to siphong the water off (you can ue a syringe if you like but it atkes a while haha)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, definately one of the funniest dialogues i've seen in a while :D Did that go the way you thought it was gonna go?....nope :lol: