Could I have been so lucky to produce 12 feminized seeds

I am new grower and have learned rather quickly. I somehow have crossed two cannabis plants and produced seeds. A purple power (my first attempt) and many mistakes. It never really budded and a Big Bang from a feminized seed. I quickly realized you need a grow tent if you want some proper bud and for your seeds to mature. Eventually I put the PP into the tent hoping for some magic and it to become something successful (after months of being outside). I had more or less harvested the plants I grew to maturity, leaving some buds on them to continue to grow...But the PP hermaphrodited so I eventually removed it. When I decide to harvest the few buds that were left the Big Bang. Dried and cured it. I started to find seeds. The first one I found decided to see if would grow or what it would become. I seem to have a natural instinct for gardening. The single seed did grow and it was female actually produce some decent bud in a short time. I immediately placed it with plants already growing (aprox 3 weeks already). So I had 11 seeds, I am at about 2 weeks of growth and I am trying to sex them They all seem to be female. But the 11 all seem different. Five of them are short, bushy and dark green leaves. 3 are taller, with reddish veins on the leaves and the other 3 (a cross between the two). All seem to have pistils and growing shoots. Thinking about it I am lucky they all sprouted. Seeds I have paid for, didn't all sprout or mature. Now my questions are, is it possible to have different plants, appearances and traits from the seeds even though they all came from the same plant. Perhaps some will go more towards a Purple Power, Big Bang or a cross breed. Will a feminized plant fertilized by a hermaphrodite, produce female seeds. Thanks



Well-Known Member
There is a likely chance they turn hermie if they came from a hermie.

With feminized seeds, they should test the mother to ensure its not hermie prone. If it isnt hermie prone its a viable candidate.

If you get seeds that came from a plant that hermied without much stress, most likely the tendancy to hermie will be passed.
I had luck with one seed. I am more than sure 5 of them are fine, healthy and female. Its the other 6. Is it something I shouldn't worry about until I am ready to flower, assuming it hasnt become obvious its a male? The PP hermied for so many reasons that these plants won't suffer from.
It was a feminized seed to start with the plant grew. Was harvested and put back into the tent (just because). Was actually surprise it got pollinated anyway. The PP was my first attempt and started outside in a pot, I no clue what I doing. Got with bored with that...Got myself a tent, equipment, nutrients and proper seeds.

I have grown one seed already. Even though it only had short grow time. It came out fine.

I just want to know why all the plants appear different, its as if they were 3 different varieties...


Active Member
its sounds to me that your plant that turned hermie pollinated your other plant. However this happened it doesnt matter. if the pollen came from a female plant that turned hermie all the seeds will be female. This is How you can female seeds is someone purposely hermied a plant for seeds. hence feminized seeds


Active Member
oh and they will all be different just like any reproductive thing in life. where two halves of the parents DNA strains come together. There is virtually endless combinations of the DNA which is what is making all your plants different.

Brick Top

New Member
There is a likely chance they turn hermie if they came from a hermie.

With feminized seeds, they should test the mother to ensure its not hermie prone. If it isnt hermie prone its a viable candidate.

The other thing is they do not pollinate the female plant used to make pollen, at least not the better breeders who have gone into feminized seeds. She would be heavily stressed and highly likely to pass on the hermie trait. What is done is there will either be a crop of females growing ready to be pollinated with the collected pollen or the pollen is saved until the crop is ready to be pollinated.
Thanks, think that is the answer I am looking for. And what I thought as well.... And will be amazing if they all grow up beautifully. I love all my girls the same. And tell them everyday. I just was so surprised that the mature girl was pollinated.. I thinking, couldn't have done if I had tried.
I wasn't trying to make seeds or pollinate my plants. For the same reason I decided to grow, tired of paying good money for crap weed. Thought I would use the seeds, from weed I had grown. These were actually some of the best seeds I have seen. With my limited experience of purchasing. This will be my 4th grow. I am using the "kiss kiss" method. Keep it simple stupid. I am so proud of myself and have been told, I should be.


Well-Known Member
sounds like your doing a great job MN1

just some more info to hopefully help you. herms make herms. if u had a fem plant grow herm, and that herm pollen got on the females (or even on it self), then the resulting seeds will have very high chances to produce herm plants.

as far as your plant variation, imagine if your mom and dad had 12 kids. everyone single one of those 12 kids would be unique but still similar. (the seeds do not equal twins because the seeds are not formed in the same calyxes). basically you're at the pheno hunting F1 stage of breeding, F2s will release more recessive traits, and F3s would be the start of stabilization
its sounds to me that your plant that turned hermie pollinated your other plant. However this happened it doesnt matter. if the pollen came from a female plant that turned hermie all the seeds will be female. This is How you can female seeds is someone purposely hermied a plant for seeds. hence feminized seeds

Thanks your reply, it is the confirmation of what I was thinking. And I am correct in thinking, It will be obvious if its a male, before I go to 12/12. There pistils on all of the plants and shoots already. I have at least 3 weeks of Veg to go.
sounds like your doing a great job MN1

just some more info to hopefully help you. herms make herms. if u had a fem plant grow herm, and that herm pollen got on the females (or even on it self), then the resulting seeds will have very high chances to produce herm plants.

as far as your plant variation, imagine if your mom and dad had 12 kids. everyone single one of those 12 kids would be unique but still similar. (the seeds do not equal twins because the seeds are not formed in the same calyxes). basically you're at the pheno hunting F1 stage of breeding, F2s will release more recessive traits, and F3s would be the start of stabilization

KISS KISS PLZ!!!! HAHAHA... Getting to technical for me. I was lucky with one seed I planted. At the time thought I had got lucky and found A seed. After germinating it, just stuck a pot and soil (didn't even prep my mixture) with some already growing. It came out fine...shorter veg time then the others. Buds didn't get to big. But its nice...Smoking it as I speak.


Well-Known Member
KISS KISS PLZ!!!! HAHAHA... Getting to technical for me. I was lucky with one seed I planted. At the time thought I had got lucky and found A seed. After germinating it, just stuck a pot and soil (didn't even prep my mixture) with some already growing. It came out fine...shorter veg time then the others. Buds didn't get to big. But its nice...Smoking it as I speak.
ha ha, i thought i was keeping it simple :p

just do your thing and keep a close eye. if u see nanners on your females, simply pluck them off. as long as they arent all over, you should be fine ;)
ha ha, i thought i was keeping it simple :p

just do your thing and keep a close eye. if u see nanners on your females, simply pluck them off. as long as they arent all over, you should be fine ;)
I tried the plucking method when the PP started turning. But it just got worst and worst. Cause on a 12/12. Once I knew it wasn't going to bud proper got rid of them (then got a pest too). Finished harvesting what was left of two plants.

I will totally remove them. I don't know, I just have a feeling that its going to be fine. Thing is I just recently change the lights as well (yesterday). Came down from a 600 watt. I use a CFL when they are new seedling. Have settle on a 400 watt. The plant is constantly changing. I have grouped and numbered them. Just to keep an eye on them and development.
KISS KISS PLZ!!!! HAHAHA... Getting to technical for me. I was lucky with one seed I planted. At the time thought I had got lucky and found A seed. After germinating it, just stuck a pot and soil (didn't even prep my mixture) with some already growing. It came out fine...shorter veg time then the others. Buds didn't get to big. But its nice...Smoking it as I speak.

I actually understood right up until calyxes, because, I found each individual seed. I actually started looking for them when, I would sort though the buds. Found them fairly easily and removed it. As I said before, they actually looked better than any seeds I purchased previously. So far better germinating results and now healthy seedlings (already topped them) hope I fimmed. Did that accidentally to a couple of them with my last grow. Twelve out of twelve.
Happy to report they were all girls. All though lightly difference in appearance. No problems with any of them. I am being so patience and watching for the trichromes to turn cloudy to amber. Already started my next batch of seedlings as well. So much fun watching it grow and develop. Hopefully my closet wont get over crowed again. Just seems, everything I germinate grows!!!! And is female!!!!