The UK Growers Thread!

kevin murphy

New Member
exo and seeling shots 2 days ago..



Well-Known Member
a death match haha u cold people haha.
man was it just me or was ufc pretty crap? dont think i can even remember a tko. was worst one i seen in years

ive been following it for years mdb but recently just aint been enjoying it like i use to, dont even bother to download most of em nowdays still dos santos is a good fighter i like him was it rashid evens last night?


Well-Known Member
i just done a broadband speed test and im getting 16mb download speed how come tho my torrents that im trying to download are so unpredictable in speed some days they might be really fast some painfully slow, dusnt matter where i download em from extratorrent,piratebay,isohunt always the same, is it nefing to do with the download manager im using utorrent???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
torrents are peer to peer. You can only download as fast as the other people can upload it. So typically a torrent with more seeders will download faster as there is a greater combined upload speed from all these seeders, whereas if you only have say 2 people seeding a torrent, and they each only have an internet connection capable of 1mb upload, you could only download at say 2mb.

My personal stance is fuck torrents, they're a load of shite, i've always kept them as an absolute last resort.


Well-Known Member
torrents are peer to peer. You can only download as fast as the other people can upload it. So typically a torrent with more seeders will download faster as there is a greater combined upload speed from all these seeders, whereas if you only have say 2 people seeding a torrent, and they each only have an internet connection capable of 1mb upload, you could only download at say 2mb.

My personal stance is fuck torrents, they're a load of shite, i've always kept them as an absolute last resort.
thats the thing tho ttt the torrents i download have 1000s of seeders yet the unpredictable speeds are always the same? if not torrents where or how else can i download movies,t.v shows etc?

16.02mb was my download speed minits ago but the torrent which has 1000s of seeders is barely getting above 20kps???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
thats the thing tho ttt the torrents i download have 1000s of seeders yet the unpredictable speeds are always the same? if not torrents where or how else can i download movies,t.v shows etc?

16.02mb was my download speed minits ago but the torrent which has 1000s of seeders is barely getting above 20kps???
well the truth is that few if any seeders will actually be allowing their oftweare to upload with the full bandwidth their internet provides, this would rape it and cause their general experience on the internet to suck, they normally cut it way bak to say 10% of the available upload etc. Simply put, torrent download speeds are unpredictable due to the very nature of what torrents are, there is no control over the peeds available unless you join a fancy webite which vets it's members etc.

everything i watch is generally just watched through or similar streaming sites, else i simply use reputable warez forums. There's also the fact that movie companies and the lot, have all been found to have released films and games and such in torrent form for the sole reason of getting people to download it so they can track them and sue them for piracy. I don't like that, no no no.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
ive been following it for years mdb but recently just aint been enjoying it like i use to, dont even bother to download most of em nowdays still dos santos is a good fighter i like him was it rashid evens last night?
u ent wrong mr sambo santos is a skilled boxer n has some power. was needed in heavy weights range as to many swing n hope merchants.
saying that tho i think last few been alright in ufc. had few arm snapps n loads tkos which i live for. but last nights just seemed like alot fights want well planned and alot of tired fighters not at there best. was a waste off staying up. u wanna check out frank mirs last fight with big nog. was amazing ground scrap.
man was helping the step kid with homework n fell asleep. sneaky kid let me fall asleep pack away homework n decided draw a treasure map.
late sunday roast it is.
how is everybody?????
one j left haha best b saving for bed time or i will b a grumpy sod n wide awake all night

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Packet of hula hoops, half a bottle of lucozade and a cigarette. avn't really eaten anything else since friday. I wouldn't say no to some roast pork for my dinner.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hula hoops u living it up mr ttt.
u ever forgot bout the fizzy original lucozade n accidently left it near a radiator n drink wen its warm?? holly shite its horrid man. how i imagine piss to taste haha
have to have the orange or lemon one now as put self off them.