Still New To This, What Do Yo Guys Think?


I have a 400 watt hps running for 42 plants a few seeds a couple platinum bubba most majority headband which you can see going in the picture they were planted from clones on the 4th of jan. Im going for a sea of green theyve been on 12/12 since day and so far so good. ill keep posting updates throughout the grow!2-D302A49C-1227366-800.jpg


Active Member
400 watts for 42 plants? thats impossible. the outer plants wont receive nearly the amount of light they need to strive.


im using a 4x4 tent I fashioned up. so far it seems to be going pretty good I was looking through a 45x mag with and can see crystals coming up so I think it should turn out at least decent.


Active Member
Ya know, they actaully look alright. It looks like they were small cutting initially, so you might get away with it. I would rotate them so that they each get their day in the sun, so to speak. You may add some CFLs to the outer corners of the tent to bring the lumens up, won't cost you much.


I've been rotating them daily so far and it seems to be going well plus ive chopped of any lower branches that will produce small popcorn buds because of lack of light. ill keep post more pics in a few days and show you guys how its going thanks for the support


heres a time lapse of from the 4th to current with a few extra pics, resin production has started so to ensure a good crop ive moved everything out to a diffrent area except 32 headband plants under the 400.IMAG0462.jpgIMAG0497.jpgIMAG0505.jpg

on a side note heres two platinum bubba plants I got before the headband I wanted to make sure I could make some small plants.


Well-Known Member
It's possible and SOG will blow 4 plants away grown under a 400w think if ppl get 7 grams dried from 16oz bottles grown in 12/12 from seed....10 plants that's 70 grams...That's 2 1/2 ounces....he aint growing in 16oz bottles Nor has ten plants so....the size of his pots he can yield 14-28 grams per plant...Just keep doing what your doing.....and a lot of ppl don't know how to use there light


Well-Known Member
SOG is absolutely going to beat large plants under a 400 watter. The lack of light penetration favors growing short plants. 42 might be a stretch though. what size pots and medium are they in?


Well-Known Member
take some proceeds from this run and get a 600 for next time but i think the others are right about the SOG being better for the lack of light in that space. keep up the good work



heres a quick little update. the little plants in the picture are going to be my second batch not as many this time only 20. so far ive hit some snags i had a bit of nute burn on a couple and then i hit a bad week of rain and it raised to humidity to around 75 for a week and with the clouds came cold so i cought 7 what herms but i asssume its from stress because since i brought them inside where its warmer no new seeds have popped out and they look like theyre doing pretty well. Oh i also hit some powdery mildew during that week of rain so ive treated with serenade and have been treating and random spots that appear on site. any advice or do's and dont's would be helpful thanks for stopping by.


take some proceeds from this run and get a 600 for next time but i think the others are right about the SOG being better for the lack of light in that space. keep up the good work
my end goal after this harvest is hopefully to have enough money to buy all the stuff i need to make a bettter grow and up my game with two more 600's so itll be 1600 watts total. I'd like to try and get or make a tent that i could put around 90 plants with maybe some 9inch scuare pots and try and grow the plant the size of the pot still using sea of green. hopefully doing that ill be able to plant 45 plants in a month then 45 more a month later and have 45 plants a month for harvest.