DWC with no Air Stones! you Heard me!!!!

Well the original poster did just state "he uses no air stones" which is probably true. He did not state "my plants have no issues in dwc with no air stones" so he didn't lie.

I can grow in a rubber maid full of shit, and create a thread stating I am doing so. It doesn't make it correct, nor right for you.
i dont get what your saying big buddha....are u saying he isnt doing a good job? your words seem condescending
Well the original poster did just state "he uses no air stones" which is probably true. He did not state "my plants have no issues in dwc with no air stones" so he didn't lie.

I can grow in a rubber maid full of shit, and create a thread stating I am doing so. It doesn't make it correct, nor right for you.

looks like he is doing a top notch job to me. airstones are not the only way to aerate water.
I dont have a clue what ur sayin bb i have zero airstones in my system i use the waterfall efect and fast recirculation! And ive had issues, deficiancies etc so i never ststed that either if u could explain better what u meant id be happy to answer, cheers
those plants sure are bushy.
So Ive been intregued by DWC ever since I heard of it. With everything that is great about it, I have never been able to stop wondering what do you do when the power goes out for more than an hour?
Especially if you had some nice plants, arent you gambling with their lives at any moment? or is it H2O2 to the rescue?
never hard that prob yet and they wouldnt suffocate for a while ive left a pump off for 24hrs before n they made it ok!
yeah they would survive for a while the d/o level wouldnt drop immediately and yes a good dose of h2o2 could probably get you out of trouble anyway
ok so al start with the gimpy plant at the back, smaller buds looks like its finishing quicker and is totaly coated in resin but yield wise its pretty ad compare tot he others!! thats the risk u take i suppose with seeds, my first time with them, il be mothering the beastly plant no! the one with the bleached yellow leaves dues to my fan wiring 'skills' lol hees the runt of the litter



heres the rest of the crew, some choice buddage coming along very nicely!








these 3 buds alone from the same plant will prob weigh more than my last 4 white widow plants combined lol a thing of beauty
There about 3 inches from the air cooled hoods mate, i cant get them any higher there fine with the fan on but it cut out for 2 days bleached the colour out they buds mate, or all would be green n healthy? Gutted but they dont seem bothered

And yeah mate the main res is outside the groom so i just do my ph ec temp adjusting from there!