Help me- Help FDD

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i live in a place where it is also illegal by all authorities and that is f*cked up even by my logic.
Crazy, while he's sat in jail with a medical card saying he can grow, i'm sat at home now aware that i can be acught with 6kg of cannabis and not face any jail time. the world is a daft daft place. Best of luck to him and his family.
whilst i pety him, you cant walk in to that lline of work with out consequences.
what happened to his rules?
and i don't think there's aything dickish about that little joke, if you state something like "i'm the man i always wanted to be" then one should be fully aware that you are setting yourself up for ridicule should things go pear shaped ;)
Bummer for fade. Theres no news on the bust, no info on it other then two lame crime report pages that want money.

He is gonna need some store money
so wouldnt it be possible to play the two authorities off each other?
ie getting busted and say i was given permission by state to do it, and with out that permission i wouldnt have done it?
im sure there is a case there somewhere.

unfortunately, no. the federal government is god and the states and the citizens are all his bitches. the feds don't acknowledge state law in the least. they hide under the umbrella of "national security". the feds basically consider med states to be rogue states.
unfortunately, no. the federal government is god and the states and the citizens are all his bitches. the feds don't acknowledge state law in the least. they hide under the umbrella of "national security". the feds basically consider med states to be rogue states.

WOW, this is madness! and which authority is it that says you are allowed fire arms?
I think it's horrible to see a fellow mod make fun of such a horrible situation, think about how u would feel in his place,I think someone would be pissing in their skinny jeans and using their trendy coloured hoodie sleeve as a snot rag while crying no texting for mommy or daddy for HELP rflmao ;)

Ok i need to figure out how to cyber bitch slap someone ;)
and i don't think there's aything dickish about that little joke, if you state something like "i'm the man i always wanted to be" then one should be fully aware that you are setting yourself up for ridicule should things go pear shaped ;)

wow tiptop,,I never expected that from you,,,,,,we all know the consequences,,,but i dont think a tag line line should be held against a brother in a time of crisis and bad fortune,,,,,mine says Keep on Growin,,,,should I be next
It is not being held against him. The irony of the statement is simply being pointed out. We're not sat here laughing at HIM for his statement, saying hahahahahaha cocky arsehole, we are simply smiling at the irony of his signature. Sorry, but i've thicker skin than to consider smiling at that as some hideous offence.
seems like there are some double standards here.
i have read posts before saying drug dealers are scum of the earth, now its a member its different?
its the family i feel for. to grow for your self is 1 thing but for financial gain from others is another.
well I think it's pretty bad timing to point that out,,I'm from Canada,,have been to fdd's home about 5 times,,him and I klikked like brothers right off the bat,,,,it's just shitty how a help fdd thread can turn into this,,,,people laughing at irony,,,in my eyes,,your laughing at my brother
Wasn't this closed? What the shit? Lol. It's been less then a day. 19 pages. He'll be ok. Jail isn't that bad, I've been there. He's not someone who doesn't understand the law. Which means he's also aware of how jail works. It happens. He'll be out eventually. Hopefully sooner then later. If you don't know how or want to help then why waste your time?
needed saying i thought,
if he had been caught stealing or selling meth would we be singing the same tune?
well I think it's pretty bad timing to point that out,,I'm from Canada,,have been to fdd's home about 5 times,,him and I klikked like brothers right off the bat,,,,it's just shitty how a help fdd thread can turn into this,,,,people laughing at irony,,,in my eyes,,your laughing at my brother
our brother messed up so we will hear this for a wile
Quit making this about me!!! This is about fdd god damnit. Got beef with me pm me.

LOL aint got beef with u luv, i Mod this section, remember ;) I'm allowed to have an opinion or view on things u say am i not ? I don't pm this kinda stuff, this aint personal it's about ur choice or comments in open forum, some respect would be much appreciated, heaven forbid u end up like this, ur recent comments would not encourage very many to want to help or support u in a "time" of need ;) But i guess men are like whiskey, they only get better with age, i'm hopeful ur a good one ;)
well I think it's pretty bad timing to point that out,,I'm from Canada,,have been to fdd's home about 5 times,,him and I klikked like brothers right off the bat,,,,it's just shitty how a help fdd thread can turn into this,,,,people laughing at irony,,,in my eyes,,your laughing at my brother

People are people, if he didn't want (this is about him, not you) people smiling at the irony, he shouldn't have put that as his signature. It's a very simple concept. Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive :p

In your eyes i could be doing anything, this is about fdd not your personal opinion of the nature of peoples statements. If it hurts you so, have a word with your brother and tell him not to use signatures which invite irony in certain situations because it's making you upset. I could put "i'm untouchable" as my signature, would i have any right to be annoyed if people pointed out the irony should i be arrested, no. Make your bed and sleep in it i say :)
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