Shannon Alexander
Well-Known Member
Afrawfraw - I will make a large assumption here as to the fact that you don't proof read your posts for misleading, erroneous or dim witted content...
I know quite a lot about rape...
Forced - in this context we can safely say is defined as involuntary
and copulation - as you and I know is sex
so Forced+Copulation= Rape
You can attempt to spin it whatever way you want as it is to do with animals that are not of our species so you can put it away in your compartmentalized head space as something that is not the same as rape for human beings, but you yourself contradicted yourself in your most current post with 'Rape is almost never about sex'
Where as I would counter that argument and say that it is almost never about the act of procreation, but rape as it is, is definitely about sex, whether it is using sex to dominate someone physically and mentally (Prison shower sex) as apposed to the gang rape of a young woman (Having a few laughs with like minded deviants while you get your rocks off) or even the small percent that is to get somebody pregnant... It is all about sex, sex is the tool used in all rape scenarios, it is just the intent of the use of the tool that differs...
I myself have not personally heard of many people that did not struggle to get away from their own forced copulation...
I know quite a lot about rape...

Forced - in this context we can safely say is defined as involuntary
and copulation - as you and I know is sex
so Forced+Copulation= Rape
You can attempt to spin it whatever way you want as it is to do with animals that are not of our species so you can put it away in your compartmentalized head space as something that is not the same as rape for human beings, but you yourself contradicted yourself in your most current post with 'Rape is almost never about sex'
Where as I would counter that argument and say that it is almost never about the act of procreation, but rape as it is, is definitely about sex, whether it is using sex to dominate someone physically and mentally (Prison shower sex) as apposed to the gang rape of a young woman (Having a few laughs with like minded deviants while you get your rocks off) or even the small percent that is to get somebody pregnant... It is all about sex, sex is the tool used in all rape scenarios, it is just the intent of the use of the tool that differs...
I myself have not personally heard of many people that did not struggle to get away from their own forced copulation...