2012 Spring Gathering!

Your half way there Fumble. A little bit of salt,lime juice and hot sauce and you'll be good to go ! ;-)
No, it's not my grill just a random web pic but looks easy enough to make ?

Easy enough to go to a recycle place and grab some diamond mesh, and weld some angle (1 1/2"?) together for a frame! Doesn't have to be pretty to fit over a fire pit, just strong enough not to melt slowly into the fire.

The OCD in me is already thinking about how to adjust the legs....stop.
Damn! I wish I liked oysters. That looks good TWS.

Fumble, I PROMISE you'll have a change of heart after tasting these! Lots of ways to eat oysters other than slamming them down as shooters (though I love that....native Northwesterner). That's an acquired taste and should happen on the beach or the closest bar!

"Spicy Cornmeal Fried Oysters with Smoked Chili and Lime Aioli" is a recipe I just stumbled on, looking for canna friendly recipes to try.
Your half way there Fumble. A little bit of salt,lime juice and hot sause and you'll be good to go ! ;-)

You and I would be, but you have to bring new folks along slowly....dipped in Panko and lightly fried in a mix of (canna) butter and (canna)olive oil, with fresh lemon and home made tartar sauce!
You and I would be, but you have to bring new folks along slowly....dipped in Panko and lightly fried in a mix of (canna) butter and (canna)olive oil, with fresh lemon and home made tartar sauce!

Wow ! Pure Heaven !

I wish... yea tried to get my hands on some of that after tasting that at the BBQ.. No luck. Wish I would jumped on it when it was available.

Talk to Noguttsgrower ?
After I got a tip from a friend on where to find stanless steel mesh, (thanks noguts) I bought some & then I spent some time at my favorite Home Depot.
Here's my DIY electric kief sifter, (a BBQ rotisserie & a plastic bucket). I just plugged it in so I'll have to post more pics later of the kief.
They sell these online for abut $350.
I made this for about $60.


Awesome!!!!! That's Wayyyy better than mine! I just toss some frozen trim in it and spin mine by hand, none of this fancy motor stuff.... Thanks for the oranges!

Wow ! Pure Heaven !

Talk to Noguttsgrower ?

No clones of the plush berry right now, I started a bunch of seeds and ran out of room for mommas. Took a clone to keep the strain around, so she will be back just not right now, sorry!
I love this! I have a rotiss in a box somewhere. Even just spinning it by hand like NoGuts does would be fine. The bins are even cheaper at WallyWorld...if you go there. Thanks, Dudes!
I really wish I like them MG. So not a seafood lover. I do like shrimp though. I've tried calamari, but it has to be fried. But the oysters you described sound delish. Like salmon, I would love to make it, but not eat it.
I really wish I like them MG. So not a seafood lover. I do like shrimp though. I've tried calamari, but it has to be fried. But the oysters you described sound delish. Like salmon, I would love to make it, but not eat it.

Sounds like you're a real cheap date to take for sushi! I'm your polar opposite. If it comes out of the sea, I'll eat it, and might not take the time to apply heat first. :-)
Your welcome, & we ain't finished yet.
I think the bags she's making will work fine.
I won't need any others

Oysters? Split the oyster, on the side that the oyster is not sticking to add a bit of butter and a shot of your fav BBQ sauce. Remove the oyster from the other shell and plunk it on top of the ingredients in the other half shell . Now BBQ the oyster in it's own shell by placing it on a BBQ with medium heat and remove it after it has sizzled itself to perfection. remove with tongs and swallow when you dare. It is "oh my god" good!! Sorry for you Fumble. I'm in the same camp as Mountaingarden , Love Seafood
man you guys got me jonesen' for down home seafood. I grew up on Tampa Bay, and the Bullfrog creek. Fishing and seafood catching of all kinds is what I grew up on. I'm spoiled as hell because of it though. When your used to only eating seafood straight out of the water, anything else just doesn't work. I've never liked Oysters though, that's one shell fish you can keep right there. I'll stick to my bay scallops (the little bitty ones smaller than a dime) and clams and crabs. Not to mention fresh caught Reds or Snook..........mmmmmmmmmm........but if it's been out of the water more than a few hours it's no good any more in my book......spoiled brat huh??