The Seed Collectors Thread


Well-Known Member
You are the most dumbest person on this entire thread. grown up
you can't type like that and then call somebody else dumb. sorry.

F-ck all you haters get out of this thread im fing sick of people coming in here like something owed to them
And shit get real people! And find another thread to hate on
i hear you buddy, i hate it too. but when people get stupid, they get tossed on the ignore list ;)


Well-Known Member
I read the title of the thread and the first page or so, then jumped to the end and it appears to have gone well off topic. 12,116 posts and I wonder how many are about members collections of seeds.

Anyway, I'll admit I have a growing stash of seeds. Last count was 163 with predominately different strains for the most part (have a couple of strains that were 5/8 packs, but mainly pick 'n mix). Only got a PE and PPP on the go at the moment. And I understand that seeds do have a shelf life. Had a load of bag seed I tried to germ this time last year and of 30 + seeds none popped. They are 15 years old (at least) though :?
after a decade, the germ rate is sure to drop :( i'm curious though, did you keep the beans in the fridge? how did you store them for the last 15 years?

and just to play devils advocate, the thread isn't called, "Seed Collections", its "The Seed Collectors Thread". just sayin ;)

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Just for the record. I have no problem with new growers. At all. If I can help someone in any way I usually try to. But if u come in here making up lies about your exp and acting all butt hurt. Prepare to get called out. There are plenty of new growers that come in that make contributions and are treated with the same respect they give out.


New Member
yeah. i already see seurbidz being a pain in my ass.

i hate bidding ...unless i can use esnipe or similar.
seur doesnt look to support that type of thing.

maybe i can score a few packs over time.
A few years ago Seur Bidz was bomb. You could grab "Buy It Now" (or BIN's ppl called them)10-packs of TGA gear for $50... Bodhi would throw up these $30 BIN's as well as list regular auction bid packs. Sonic Seeds, Outlaw Genetics, Trichome Jungle, Heaven Scent, alot of good stuff was for grabs you really didn't see anywhere else for those low prices. Times have changed tho. Outlaw got busted, Subcool and SeurBidz admin had a falling out, and Bodhi spread his wings a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Daaaaaaamn....what's goin' on in here this morning?? Haters on the seed thread?? I can't believe it!! People can't find anything better to cry about in this fucked up world right now?? c'mon....I'll bet ya can if you try......
I love it when iliterate idiots call other people's like , soooooo what does that make you then??haha
Collect seeds, grow seeds, buy seeds, don't buy seeds, don't collect em' don't grow em'..........but quit fuckin' CRYING you bunch of little whiney babies.....I think I hear your mommy calling you.


Well-Known Member
All the plushberrys i've grown have gone male :( but I used one of th emales to pollenate a G13 Labs Pineapple Express, TGA Subcool Vortex, and Cali Connection Blackwater. :) Tossed some vortex x plushberry into the puck yesterday, can't wait to try plushberry thru a vortex. :)


Rebel From The North
Sup guys :) im thinking todays the day my cz order come in and my ggg stuff looking to be a good day

Also dropped a shure fire blazing blue in and got a good germ :)


Well-Known Member
Sup guys :) im thinking todays the day my cz order come in and my ggg stuff looking to be a good day

Also dropped a shure fire blazing blue in and got a good germ :)
ill be watching that blazing blue,as you grow them.
they do look good,im waiting on that firestarter.


bud bootlegger
man, wtf, go to sleep for awhile and all hell breaks losE..

seems that every good thread has to have it's arguements every now and again for w/e reasons.. just wish that the people coming into a new thread would be a lil more respectful to the people who have been posting in a thread for ages, but idk, i guess that's too much to ask for sometimes.. :(

karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Hahaha just checked some more of dudes posts. He went to another thread crying about us. Then they talked shit about us. It actually seemed like most of the dudes over there are good dudes too. Oh well no sweat off my back. I'm gonna keep buyin seeds and smoking em. Cuz that's how I role.

Show respect get respect. That's also how I role.

I really don't get peeps problems with us buying beans. What happens when the zombie apocalypse happens huh? I know me and my boy jkahn got a plan. Whatcha gonna do?
FYI I don't just buy beans. I buy hookers too. And I grow organic dank.


Well-Known Member
Picked up a pack of Conny Genetics Secret Recipe from Attitude today. Truecannabliss finally told the genetic makeup of this strain. People that have grown it says it is really good, and huge yields.

From Truecannabliss:
"Ok folks due to importance of a strains genetics being known for medical use we have decided to let you all know the genetics behind our Secret Recipe.

First off the father which as many guessed was a Chem BX2.

Now for the mother which came from seeds given to me by Rezdog when i visited him and some other very good grower/breeder friends in either 2007 or 2008....the seeds were from the very limited female seeds Reservoir seeds released, the genetic make-up of the Secret Recipe mother is Diesel#1/Abusive OG Kush, she was easily the largest yielding plant i have ever grown and produced at least 50% more than my Casey Jones cut (although finished in 11 weeks).
I will tell you a little more about her later, peace."

They lost the mother, so very limited right now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info blissfest. Added to the buy soon list
Im thinkin this is gonna be a real nice strain to grow.

Every grow report I have seen is monster donkey dick colas of sticky stinky goodness:)

Plus, you might find a killer male to dust some other strains with?