Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!


Well-Known Member
whut kinda work you do bruh
Im an Electrician bro, but when things quieten down work wise at xmas i go drylinning(plaster baording) with my girls uncle, so been doin that for abit, an doin my electric work on the wknd, will be goin back full time soon tho.


Well-Known Member
u smoking today then m8 seeing as ya got a day off? took a few pics this morning but the lead for the cam is at me birds il upload em when i get back bout 4-5pm.


Well-Known Member
u smoking today then m8 seeing as ya got a day off? took a few pics this morning but the lead for the cam is at me birds il upload em when i get back bout 4-5pm.
Yeh im on the shitty taste lemon mate!!! lol... nice day time buzz..........sound as mate where you stickin um up??


Well-Known Member
in here m8 they aint nuffing special just wanted to show the size after only 7day veg from rooted clone, there was fuck all wrong with that buzz from the shitty taste lemon lol deffo daytime weed but love the fact ur still stoned yet able n willing to actually move lol


Well-Known Member
in here m8 they aint nuffing special just wanted to show the size after only 7day veg from rooted clone, there was fuck all wrong with that buzz from the shitty taste lemon lol deffo daytime weed but love the fact ur still stoned yet able n willing to actually move lol
Buzzin ill look foward to um mate, what you got goin on, just psycho an exo?...........................yeh i love the buzz mate, fucks me for sleepin if i have it at night tho, loads a crazy shit runnin through me mind! lol


Well-Known Member
Im nearly all gone on the slh aswell mate, so will be doin 1 next or after that, thing is my veg cab will be gone with my mothers so might be tappin 1 of you lot up for a cut when the times right! ive saved a little pollen for it aswell!


Well-Known Member
Buzzin ill look foward to um mate, what you got goin on, just psycho an exo?...........................yeh i love the buzz mate, fucks me for sleepin if i have it at night tho, loads a crazy shit runnin through me mind! lol
its racy as fuck racy is the only way i can decribe it cause like ya say the mind is racing along after a fat 1 of the slh, yeah just pyscho n exo at the moment n all down at day 56 with a 5day dry n the 7day veg will be a quick turn over.


Well-Known Member
its racy as fuck racy is the only way i can decribe it cause like ya say the mind is racing along after a fat 1 of the slh, yeah just pyscho n exo at the moment n all down at day 56 with a 5day dry n the 7day veg will be a quick turn over.
Should do nice them 2 mate with that, the exo defo will from what ive noticed its grew huge mine nearly run out of hight with it, wont be veggin it for 5week again lol a load of the bottom stuff on it ive trimmed so the size is a waste, id probs do it 2-3 next time, same with the psycho thats only a celebrations tub smaller lol and the livers is proped up on 2 of um lol


Well-Known Member
Bone to pick with u Mr Pukka. You never warned me the SLH and Livers stink to fuck in veg. Im gonae have to get a carbon filter for my mother room. lol


Well-Known Member
sounds solid there PB

most yo serious dank
comes wit stank

an if its all the way through
its gona do whut you want it to do

hit you upside yo head like a plank

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Bone to pick with u Mr Pukka. You never warned me the SLH and Livers stink to fuck in veg. Im gonae have to get a carbon filter for my mother room. lol
as a rule of thumb i use these days, the more they stink in veg the better they are. just put a psycosis 3-4 oz mini scrog into flower, she was stinking when i moved her across rooms lol