Firm Believer in Teas Now!!!


Active Member
was never sure of how teas could benefit, had bought 1/2 gallons of brewed vermi tea from a hydro shop for my outdoor grow but didn't see what all the hype was about. I'm doing a total organic indoor this winter and my plants got their first drink of some full strength tea i brewed myself (430 ppm; 6.0ph). A late to begin for a couple of these plants but better late than never. I've never seen these plants grow this much in just 1/2 week. I'm too eager to feed them more often now but i now i should over do it.

Check out the difference in just 1/2 week. Could have something to do with the lights and such but i'm sure the tea had some benefit. They've never grown so quickly!! Even my strawberries in back like it :) Looks like i have some transplanting to do tonight!

Week 2

Week 2.5


Active Member
not at all...a basic tea for my first brew. i guess you'd consider this a bacterial tea.

4 1/2 gallons of RO Water
2 Cups of Worm Castings
2 ounces of Sugar Cane Molasses

I let mine brew for 30 hours. Figured i could brew for less time because theres some much bubbling going on. I'm using a 45L/m pump and a 8.5" round airstone.

The plants in the 5 gallon buckets are in SuperSoil. The others will get transplanted in some SuperSoil over the next 2 days when i have time.
keeping it basic is always nice but you might also want to think about other options

Alfalfa sprouts- Sold as an animal feed, Alfalfa Pellets are an excellent nitrogen source (up to 5%). Also contains trace minerals and triacontanol, a naturally occurring plant growth promoter, which has been shown to improve the growth and yield of many crops.(most likely your local pet food store sells it as rabbit food for cheap!)

Liquid Karma - If you are looking for just one thing to add to compost tea, Liquid Karma is the one.It is good for every stage of growth and will definately increase branching points, fruit and flower sets and overall yield by as much as 30% . Liquid Karma Chelates micronutrients through amino and fulvic acids, and shuttles them into plant cells, increasing metabolic rates and conserves
plant energy. Full of B-vitamins and other stress relieving components w/ large amount of cytokyns derived from ascophylum nodosum north atlantic sea kelp.

Bud Candy - This 100% organic flower booster provides powerful plant energy when it's needed most. Whether your plants are blooming right now, or you're preparing for bloom phase, this is the time to procure this product and look forward to better flavors, higher yields and stronger plants.

Sweet Raw (flavorless) is specially formulated with - carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins and amino acids. This ensures healthy leaf growth in the vegetative stage and a stress-free transition to the fruiting/ flowering stage with hearty, fruitful crops.

High Nitrogen. 100% pure Mexican Bat Guano (10-2-1) (for vegging)

and the list goes on and on. has just about everything under the sun you can use for tea's
I've heard it called benny tea, compost tea, beneficial compost tea, and i'm sure there are many other names for it. This might help your search for new recipes.

another place I have found useful in creating compost tea recipe's is youtube
from what i understand these products only have to be present to be useful. I also think that 2 cups of wormcastings might be a little over board, you might think about using 1 cup and possibly adding either rabbit food or mexican bat guano probably only need 1/2 cup of either or both and with the liquid nuit additives i generally figure 1 tbs. per gallon of water.
When you are making the tea you are creating a small world or possibly a lake of microbes that double every 7 minutes with living organisims. So 30 hours should definately be a decent amount of time.
My absolute favorite fact about the tea is pH is no longer any worries throw away those $300 meter's because you don't need them anymore.

Your grow however is looking very good keep up the good work!


Active Member
keeping it basic is always nice but you might also want to think about other options

Alfalfa sprouts- Sold as an animal feed, Alfalfa Pellets are an excellent nitrogen source (up to 5%). Also contains trace minerals and triacontanol, a naturally occurring plant growth promoter, which has been shown to improve the growth and yield of many crops.(most likely your local pet food store sells it as rabbit food for cheap!)

Liquid Karma - If you are looking for just one thing to add to compost tea, Liquid Karma is the one.It is good for every stage of growth and will definately increase branching points, fruit and flower sets and overall yield by as much as 30% . Liquid Karma Chelates micronutrients through amino and fulvic acids, and shuttles them into plant cells, increasing metabolic rates and conserves
plant energy. Full of B-vitamins and other stress relieving components w/ large amount of cytokyns derived from ascophylum nodosum north atlantic sea kelp.

Bud Candy - This 100% organic flower booster provides powerful plant energy when it's needed most. Whether your plants are blooming right now, or you're preparing for bloom phase, this is the time to procure this product and look forward to better flavors, higher yields and stronger plants.

Sweet Raw (flavorless) is specially formulated with - carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins and amino acids. This ensures healthy leaf growth in the vegetative stage and a stress-free transition to the fruiting/ flowering stage with hearty, fruitful crops.

High Nitrogen. 100% pure Mexican Bat Guano (10-2-1) (for vegging)

and the list goes on and on. has just about everything under the sun you can use for tea's
I've heard it called benny tea, compost tea, beneficial compost tea, and i'm sure there are many other names for it. This might help your search for new recipes.

another place I have found useful in creating compost tea recipe's is youtube
from what i understand these products only have to be present to be useful. I also think that 2 cups of wormcastings might be a little over board, you might think about using 1 cup and possibly adding either rabbit food or mexican bat guano probably only need 1/2 cup of either or both and with the liquid nuit additives i generally figure 1 tbs. per gallon of water.
When you are making the tea you are creating a small world or possibly a lake of microbes that double every 7 minutes with living organisims. So 30 hours should definately be a decent amount of time.
My absolute favorite fact about the tea is pH is no longer any worries throw away those $300 meter's because you don't need them anymore.

Your grow however is looking very good keep up the good work!
Bud candy and Sweet Raw are magnesium use Epson salts

Liquid Karma can be replaced with compost.
Bud candy and Sweet Raw are magnesium use Epson salts

Liquid Karma can be replaced with compost.
don't put Epson Salts into your tea those little microbes don't do to well in salt water if however you absolutely have to have some I would suggest using it as a foliar spray 1 tbs. per gallon of water. You can also use the tea it's self as a foliar spray just strain it through a paint strainer. (Lowes or any hardware store $2) Don't use Pantyhose the holes in them are to small for the microbes to get through.

you can reuse the paint strainers after a little cleaning.
if you don't mind the cursing that guy seems to know a little about what he is talking about!
another good recipe
Also look and see what regular farmers are using, your basic recipe was originated for 40 acres of corn diluted!
I don't think you should go by what anyone person claims though, you should rather learn and use a combination of many ideas and your own experience. In time no one will ever understand why you use what you use!
So either use some of others ideas or stay on your own path your obviously doing a good job as of now..


New Member
i to transfer to new pots right after i feed. i like what it to does em. the new soil sucks up some of water and makes it dry enough again to water and get some more rapid growth.


Well-Known Member
don't put Epson Salts into your tea those little microbes don't do to well in salt water if however you absolutely have to have some I would suggest using it as a foliar spray 1 tbs. per gallon of water. You can also use the tea it's self as a foliar spray just strain it through a paint strainer. (Lowes or any hardware store $2) Don't use Pantyhose the holes in them are to small for the microbes to get through.

you can reuse the paint strainers after a little cleaning.
Theres epsom in the super soil also so why add more ? I like cheesecloth .


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants man! AACT's are great, and is only one component(although one of the biggest) in a proper organic grow. Well done my friend, your results speak for themselves.


Active Member
don't put Epson Salts into your tea those little microbes don't do to well in salt water if however you absolutely have to have some I would suggest using it as a foliar spray 1 tbs. per gallon of water. You can also use the tea it's self as a foliar spray just strain it through a paint strainer. (Lowes or any hardware store $2) Don't use Pantyhose the holes in them are to small for the microbes to get through.

you can reuse the paint strainers after a little cleaning.
I will agree do not put epson salts in your tea; my point was epson salts are magnesium I also put a tbl spoon in a gallon of water and pour in the soil.