Lace and Frills <3

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ugly feet ontop of being too tall for my weight, it's a hard nut life. Right now though, the magnificence of my beardis more than making up for it. Other than for the fact that it's slightly ginger. Bloody genetics.


Well-Known Member
hey, id take the ugly feet over the pounds!!! haha, too tall is good. ur problems are positives - except the feet. JK - it's fun to give u shit :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nah, tall and lanky males, i don't think it' a good look, wouldn't mind not being able to get my pinkie and thumb around my wrist :p

I've never been able to go and buy shoes easily, my feet must be peculiar, personally i just like flipflops or walking barefoot though, so what's to complain about :)


Well-Known Member
if ugly feet are the worst then youre not doing too bad
and ttt i come from a family of brown and black hair without fail but my beard also has lots of copper colour on the chin... i wondered if its a deficiency but i guess just got a shit deal


Well-Known Member
Nah, I've been naked right next to him and he's gone after every woman but me. I think he knew I felt weird about it and he was messing with me...