400w in a tent, Ultimate ScROG and perpetual SoG


Well-Known Member
Must spread rep around before giving it to MATTTHEBRUTE again..sorry :sad: oh and PERKELE what would u get or do? I can probably give u rep.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to matthebrute again.

I don't need any rep. I just enjoy this forum and the guys here and I'm learning a lot


Active Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to matthebrute again.

I don't need any rep. I just enjoy this forum and the guys here and I'm learning a lot
It wasnt about rep. in the first place, it was about the question i just said asomething about rep. because most people never respomd to questions or comments from people they dont know or havent helped without some mention of rep. (with a few exceptions matt,loyalty,ottawa,Gdp.)


Well-Known Member
Right now im running in my flower room a 400 hps and in veg. thats where im lacking ive only got a 2 bulb t12 but gonna order lights for veg. rooom today thats y im asking i kno the 6 bulb t5 setup is 316 watts for 5000 lumens a bulb and the 150 mh or hps (the hps comes wit the 150 setup) its 15000 lumens a light so which would be better i need to order soon my vegging plants are getting to big for the sucky t12 and thanks for the help.+rep
hey man to be honest i dont really know. personally i would go with the T5 setup for vegging especially if the price is alot cheaper. but with 2 MH lamps you can distribute the light better, same with multiple CFL bulbs.

i would start a thread in the general discussion and see what the community has to offer as i am no light expert myself.

sorry couldnt help you more man


Well-Known Member
i do know that plants veg just fine (and flower but thats a story for another day) under fllouros, so the question is how much do you want to spend and how much area do you need to cover. you said 2x6 i believe so maybe go with your measurements and see wich will cover the most area.

also remember a single light will cover a larger area if you raise it up higher but you lose alot of lumens doing that, ideally you want to cover the area and maintain no more than 2" away if temps will alow.

my 2¢

anyways off to school illl be back tonight :)


Active Member
It wasnt about rep. in the first place, it was about the question i just said asomething about rep. because most people never respomd to questions or comments from people they dont know or havent helped without some mention of rep. (with a few exceptions matt,loyalty,ottawa,Gdp.)

I originally vegged with CFL's (83W 5500k and a bunch of 43W 6000k's) in my little veggin' space under the stairs. I currently am using a 250 MH with a bat-wing reflector reflector.. However I find the heat and drying out of the soil to be more of an issue. With T5's I don't think that would be as much of a problem.


Active Member
Yeah the area is kinda long, but i had the 400 down there at first so heat shouldnt be an issue im in minn. and its cold out, think ill go 2 150s as theyre a lil bit more but only like 20 bucks and i think ill get better growth outta the hid but ill order the 150s from htg supply 72.95 a peice. wit hps bulbs, but will change em out to mh thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, want to thank all of you for your interest in my grow, unfortunalty this is probally going to be my last post for a while as i have some personal reasons to stop posting (nothing bad)

feel free to PM me if you need to get ahold of me to ask a ? ill check in and toss some like up here and there, anyways happy growing to all and bountifull crops :)


Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
hey guys, want to thank all of you for your interest in my grow, unfortunalty this is probally going to be my last post for a while as i have some personal reasons to stop posting (nothing bad)

feel free to PM me if you need to get ahold of me to ask a ? ill check in and toss some like up here and there, anyways happy growing to all and bountifull crops :)

gotta do what ya gotta do bro, best of luck, you can still pop in to my thread any time!!


Well-Known Member
Wtf dude, you have a new thread? I was wondering where YOU went! lol. Was like, "damn matt hasn't updated his thread in ages but he seems to be commenting on others threads, that's kinda weird."

Well glad you posted on my thread. Book marked this one so I'll be sitting in from now on.


Well-Known Member
haha i was getting pissed was thinking the tanker was whipped out the fourms (ya know married and all :) )

a pleasure to have you here, i want your criticizm man so bring it :P

i plan on getting:

happy frog organic potting soil
organic perilite
and a bag of worm castings......wish mine would hurry up but maybe next season

going to make some tea to feed with the worm castings. i dont even know if im going to ammend my soil with it???????? thought i may just keep it for tea making cuz i want to water with tea almost every watering, being organic the soil microbes need that right??


Well-Known Member
I love happy frog - definitely my go to soil when I'm not buying locally put together. Weekly watering with EC tea is great and your plants will love you for it but I'm not so sure it has to do with adding more microbes. Once introduced your microbe population will level out at whatever the soil can sustain - adding a few more every now and then isn't going to do all that much as they will always pretty quickly go back to whatever the soil wants to sustain. The first addition of microbes helps a ton though and your plants will love the micros and macros in the EWC tea. Personally I would use my own EWC in a tea form as it's hard to produce enough without going crazy large scale to straight up amend the soil with it and get an even spread.

Never used promix but people seem to have good results with it. Perlite is good for heavy soils - I personally prefer to add clay for water retention and CEC and humus for areation CEC and water retension but perlite is definitely a better choice if you don't want possible contaminants.


Well-Known Member
I love happy frog - definitely my go to soil when I'm not buying locally put together. Weekly watering with EC tea is great and your plants will love you for it but I'm not so sure it has to do with adding more microbes. Once introduced your microbe population will level out at whatever the soil can sustain - adding a few more every now and then isn't going to do all that much as they will always pretty quickly go back to whatever the soil wants to sustain. The first addition of microbes helps a ton though and your plants will love the micros and macros in the EWC tea. Personally I would use my own EWC in a tea form as it's hard to produce enough without going crazy large scale to straight up amend the soil with it and get an even spread.

Never used promix but people seem to have good results with it. Perlite is good for heavy soils - I personally prefer to add clay for water retention and CEC and humus for areation CEC and water retension but perlite is definitely a better choice if you don't want possible contaminants.

well my plan is to mix everything up, so it wont be a soiless mix after im done.and get them microbes working. i like the insight on the soil can really only hold so much. i have 3 bagseed to repot 3 good seed to repot one of the good seed is going in a 10 gal tote soon so i gotta clear up this mess. i juust want the 10 gal tote to be on a good level for my plants plenty of nutes and feeding with tea, 25lb bag of worm castings is 10 bucks, for tea this bag will last me multiple grows


Well-Known Member
also i dont have my own worm castings yet, i mean there are some in there but for the most part its mixed all in the bedding, i want to get a Lb of crawlers for my worm bin to work the middle section because the red worms only work the top.

im going to add a handfull of the casting i buy per gal of soil but im not going to use a ton of them as i will have the happy frog soil and fertilizer, to ammend the mix with. i am only using soiless mix because it has no nutritional value and it is organic, im really sick of pre (chemical) nuted soils and ammendments, i think they are a headache. all of my seedlings are doing great in my "organic" mix at the moment, not a single spot or curl they look healthy as can be and thats what i want, i want a stress free grow without having to fuck with my soil after they are planted in it.

i was a bit drunk last night so im going to repost my soil plans in a more sober manner.

4 parts promix
2 parts perilite
2 parts happy frog organic potting soil
1/2 part worm castings
1 tsp per 2 gallons of mix garden dolomite lime
2 tbls happy frog organic 3-4-3 fertilizer with active soil microbes per 2 gal of mix
and i have a little bit of hyponex organic potting soil im going to chuck in there for shits and giggles.

pics soon, i am definatly getting a new camera tommorow(maybe today if some money shows up)

i am aslo thinking of popping my blueberry gum seed into a paper towel....will see tho i have alot on my hands right now with 3 bagseed seedlings and 3 seed bank seedlings so i may wait.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a decent recipe. What is promix like? From what I understand it is nearly 100% peat moss? Is it really light or do they grind it up a bit to make it more dense?