My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

i have read alot n i will keep reading, knowledge helps one grow, but so does experience so really you need knowledge to make it to experience so they both have equal contribution thanks for the advice..
All I can say without reading everyones comments is that those plants need to be put to rest. I see no survival for them unless you use some chicken wire for a structure and you let it grow like a grapevine. As you add morelights it should become thicker and more sturdy.

Check out my last post about light colors/variations. It's true, light color doesn't matter. They thrive a bit better under correct kelvin temps but they care more about UV light than any other.
My friend, what is the wattage on your lamp? probably 40 to 60 from what Ive read. first you need to go to Wal-Mart and buy/steal a couple decent sized flouresent bulbs that put out around 2800 3200 lumens, find a box, coat it in mylar (emergency blankets) put you seadling in a small pot, put the pot in the box, point a small fan in the box, and keep your lights about 2-3 inches from the plant. Begin the 12/12 light cycle when your plants are around 5-6 inches tall (trust me if you do this they will be nice and bushy :) ) keep em runnin till its time to harvest. Good luck with your next try man, and Ive used this method before growing in a computer tower. Give it a shot.
forreal honestly, fuck all of you arogant aSSholes that want to be jerks or assholes seriously thats not mature, i am askin for help cuz im a begginer and yall are shutting me down, fuck all of the haters that are negative, for the people posting positive advice and that arent calling me a meat ball or wat eva the fuck thats supposed to be omg that sounds like sumtin a grandpa would say thatnks for all the advice from everyone but i dont like rude people im srry
forreal honestly, fuck all of you arogant aSSholes that want to be jerks or assholes seriously thats not mature, i am askin for help cuz im a begginer and yall are shutting me down, fuck all of the haters that are negative, for the people posting positive advice and that arent calling me a meat ball or wat eva the fuck thats supposed to be omg that sounds like sumtin a grandpa would say thatnks for all the advice from everyone but i dont like rude people im srry

First off, chill out, meatball. You have gotten lots and lots of advice as to what you need to do, to have a good grow. You dont seem to keen on taking that advice, as your dead set on growing these poor, mistreated noodles out. You ask us what to do, and we tell you, then you say"ok, well im still gonna grow these out my way". So dont bother to ask us for input, if you arent going to take it anyways. Also you need to thicken up a bit, and take a little ribbing, you have posted some of the worst looking plants most of us have ever seen, so you should expect at least a little bit of a hard time. And really, like I said, if you arent going to take any of the input youve received,then dont bother to ask for it, cause then youre the rude one. You're the one the came on here and posted up those ridiculous pictures, and asked what we thought, so we told you. If you wouldve bothered to pull your head from your rectum and research growing ay all, even in the littlest way, and looked at maybe even a few pictures, you wouldve known on your own that those plants are pathetic.I mean seriously, did you think those plants are healthy? Did you not look at anyones grow journal to see that we arent being dicks? Also why should any of us take you seriously when you dont even seem worried if you grow them out properly because you "always have weed that you can buy". So dont waste our time or yours if thats the case. Do those poor plants and yourself a favor, and stop growing if you arent gonna try and do it right. If you seriously want help, and want to make a good grow for not to much money, all you have to do is ask, and not ignore what your told. otherwise go on with it your way, and make sure you come back and post some pictures of how good your plants end up doing in their current form. Dont be a toolbox.:mrgreen:
my jaw is dropping....there is just so much to say for such a "knowledged grower" who grew a fork, I'm just gonna save him the embarrasment.

thanks for the 45 minutes of entertainment. went threw 12 pages of this and I feel safe to say, that was the funniest thing I've EVER read in my entire life!
okay, i have read, i have researched, i know what i need to grow, i do not haVE THE FINANCES!!!!!! so ive been doing the best i can with what i can afford, if i had 200 bucks to throw down on a hps light id do it right the fuck now, if i had 150 bucks to order purple haze seeds from a seed bank i would. but i dont, i am growin in my bedroom closet at my gf house so its hard enough. i am only growin swag like mid-grade weed sweeds anyways and my plants are already fucked up so im not going to invest more than 20 more bucks into these which will be two 42 watt cfls!!!! other than that when i get my first pay check in two weeks, im probably gonna ORDER some seeds from a bank and they probably wont even get to me cuz i live in the united states and ill purchase a better light, honestly hears my idea!!! go to sears buy the 150.00 aero garden n some good seeds from a bank and see what i get out of it is that a good idea?
okay, i have read, i have researched, i know what i need to grow, i do not haVE THE FINANCES!!!!!! so ive been doing the best i can with what i can afford, if i had 200 bucks to throw down on a hps light id do it right the fuck now, if i had 150 bucks to order purple haze seeds from a seed bank i would. but i dont, i am growin in my bedroom closet at my gf house so its hard enough. i am only growin swag like mid-grade weed sweeds anyways and my plants are already fucked up so im not going to invest more than 20 more bucks into these which will be two 42 watt cfls!!!! other than that when i get my first pay check in two weeks, im probably gonna ORDER some seeds from a bank and they probably wont even get to me cuz i live in the united states and ill purchase a better light, honestly hears my idea!!! go to sears buy the 150.00 aero garden n some good seeds from a bank and see what i get out of it is that a good idea?

Dude,your not getting it one bit,forget the expensive seed bank seeds,i know you think that the seeds are the ticket but they are not,i dont care how good the seeds are if your equipment is substandard they will still grow to be shit weed,on the other hand,if you take seeds that you kids like to call schwag or mids (silly shit) & invest in real grow equipment the weed you end up with will blow away anything you will ever buy on the street & easily compete with the expensive weed that morons call crips or dro or any of them other slick names.

Man,all that seed shit is fukin hype,do you or anybody else think professional growers just wake up one day & think,fuk it,im gonna toss these seeds out & grow some schwag,who cares how good the weed is,that is not how it works,growers select the best strains that will grow & bud the best in the area they are growing,bag seeds will make every bit as good of weed as seed shop seeds any day,its how you grow that makes the weed good as long as the seed came from good weed to start with.

Forget that stupid areo garden,its a 100% waste of time & cash,if you think setting up a real grow room is expensive wait till you add up the costs of everything you need to modify that areo garden,then you'll really be fucked.

My whole point is this,you have done some reading i'll agree but you still dont understand,the equipment is the most important part of the grow,cheap equipment will get you cheap weed,no way around it,there are way more people who grow kick ass weed using good bag seed with top flight equipment than people growing kick ass bud with shit equipment,shit equipment equals shit bud,period.

Stop looking on how to get off as cheaply as possible & strat planning on how to grow weed the proper way,if it means buying one peice at a time & waiting then just wait till you can do it right the first time,being in a rush to grow weed will only cost you a boat load of money in the long run,you can allready see how it ends up by being in a rush,expecting good things with shit equipment,just look at what you have growing right now to see.

Im not trying to ba an asshole but somebody needs to tell you the way it really is,instead of trying to find ways around spending money on the grow invest that time in learning the right equipment & looking on ebay for the best deals,check ebay daily for grow equipment near you,it takes a while but if you look daily you will score.
Dude,your not getting it one bit,forget the expensive seed bank seeds,i know you think that the seeds are the ticket but they are not,i dont care how good the seeds are if your equipment is substandard they will still grow to be shit weed,on the other hand,if you take seeds that you kids like to call schwag or mids (silly shit) & invest in real grow equipment the weed you end up with will blow away anything you will ever buy on the street & easily compete with the expensive weed that morons call crips or dro or any of them other slick names.

Man,all that seed shit is fukin hype,do you or anybody else think professional growers just wake up one day & think,fuk it,im gonna toss these seeds out & grow some schwag,who cares how good the weed is,that is not how it works,growers select the best strains that will grow & bud the best in the area they are growing,bag seeds will make every bit as good of weed as seed shop seeds any day,its how you grow that makes the weed good as long as the seed came from good weed to start with.

Forget that stupid areo garden,its a 100% waste of time & cash,if you think setting up a real grow room is expensive wait till you add up the costs of everything you need to modify that areo garden,then you'll really be fucked.

My whole point is this,you have done some reading i'll agree but you still dont understand,the equipment is the most important part of the grow,cheap equipment will get you cheap weed,no way around it,there are way more people who grow kick ass weed using good bag seed with top flight equipment than people growing kick ass bud with shit equipment,shit equipment equals shit bud,period.

Stop looking on how to get off as cheaply as possible & strat planning on how to grow weed the proper way,if it means buying one peice at a time & waiting then just wait till you can do it right the first time,being in a rush to grow weed will only cost you a boat load of money in the long run,you can allready see how it ends up by being in a rush,expecting good things with shit equipment,just look at what you have growing right now to see.

Im not trying to ba an asshole but somebody needs to tell you the way it really is,instead of trying to find ways around spending money on the grow invest that time in learning the right equipment & looking on ebay for the best deals,check ebay daily for grow equipment near you,it takes a while but if you look daily you will score.

+1, thats what im talkin bout willis.
Dude,your not getting it one bit,forget the expensive seed bank seeds,i know you think that the seeds are the ticket but they are not,i dont care how good the seeds are if your equipment is substandard they will still grow to be shit weed,on the other hand,if you take seeds that you kids like to call schwag or mids (silly shit) & invest in real grow equipment the weed you end up with will blow away anything you will ever buy on the street & easily compete with the expensive weed that morons call crips or dro or any of them other slick names.

Man,all that seed shit is fukin hype,do you or anybody else think professional growers just wake up one day & think,fuk it,im gonna toss these seeds out & grow some schwag,who cares how good the weed is,that is not how it works,growers select the best strains that will grow & bud the best in the area they are growing,bag seeds will make every bit as good of weed as seed shop seeds any day,its how you grow that makes the weed good as long as the seed came from good weed to start with.

Forget that stupid areo garden,its a 100% waste of time & cash,if you think setting up a real grow room is expensive wait till you add up the costs of everything you need to modify that areo garden,then you'll really be fucked.

My whole point is this,you have done some reading i'll agree but you still dont understand,the equipment is the most important part of the grow,cheap equipment will get you cheap weed,no way around it,there are way more people who grow kick ass weed using good bag seed with top flight equipment than people growing kick ass bud with shit equipment,shit equipment equals shit bud,period.

Stop looking on how to get off as cheaply as possible & strat planning on how to grow weed the proper way,if it means buying one peice at a time & waiting then just wait till you can do it right the first time,being in a rush to grow weed will only cost you a boat load of money in the long run,you can allready see how it ends up by being in a rush,expecting good things with shit equipment,just look at what you have growing right now to see.

Im not trying to ba an asshole but somebody needs to tell you the way it really is,instead of trying to find ways around spending money on the grow invest that time in learning the right equipment & looking on ebay for the best deals,check ebay daily for grow equipment near you,it takes a while but if you look daily you will score.

I'll vouch for this, I grew some shit from some bagseed I have NO idea when I smoked it, but what grew from it's seed is the best shit I have seen in person EVER