New Colorado Seed Company - 303 SEEDS


Active Member
if there were consistent hermie prone issues (like there is for several CS lines - no stresses needed to toss full ballz) I'm pretty sure the genetics would be scrapped and projects restarted.
Scrapped, binned and composted into fertilizer for the next project.

Whats the story on these guys ----> looks like they have there shit together already hooked up with ---->The Attitude
RD went over to Amsterdam and won a Cannabis Cup in November. From what I understand, they now have private patients in CO and CA producing seeds and shipping them overseas. They are also saying that there is a RD division opening in Spain which will produce seeds for the worldwide market I assume. Never ran any of their gear, but I plan to.



Active Member
Would love to get a hold of the strain that 303, RD and Centennial consider there top strain and do a side by side grow.Watch out world Colorado is about to tear it up.


Well-Known Member
Hey BP - do you know how seed production is handled in the current CO MMJ laws? I'm assuming MMCs don't have to grow their own seeds like they are required to do for flowers but what are the rules for seed production? Is there a separate license for that? It doesn't seem to me that private patients producing seeds and selling them to MMCs would be legal.


Active Member
RD#1 summed it up very well. Any product that is produced by the cannabis plant and sold for a profit can only be done by a licensed infused products manufacturer (MIPs) or licensed medical center (MMC). Currently the MMED does not have seed production codified or classified by itself, it just falls under the blanket of cannabis production laws currently in place. This will most likely change soon from what I hear from the board. The license from the Dept. of Ag is a snap, and the people there are great and easy to work with. Our setup is similar to RD's...minus the California production and plans for Spain. Those are still wet dreams for us...

Seed the world!



Active Member
Pumped to see 303 Seeds at the MMJ Meet and Greet on Sunday!
Yes!!!! There will be at least two 12 packs going into the raffle! I will also have a few tester packs of our newest polyhybrid: Grape Ultra (Grape Funk x SSSDH) for anyone that is interested in doing some testing. I will also have some samples of our meds for anyone wanting to puff on 303 finished product. Aspen OG Kush will be along for the ride, as well as some of the 22% Ski Train.

I don't think we're going to do a dedicated table this time, we'll just be rolling around hanging out with the other patients and vendors. I can't be tied down to a table while there are so many cool peeps and amazing meds to test! So look for the 303 Seeds shirts roaming the event...there should be several of us there.

Might not get there till after 7....need a nice big meal and a few beers before I can really get to work!
Shoot me a PM if you're coming to the event and want to meet up.


Snow Goddess:


Active Member
Heading down to the Oriental Theater now...I'll have free packs of all of our gear to give away to any patients that come say hi...a few t shirts too! Come ready to puff...



Active Member
Damn BP when you gonna come up by Ft Collins/Loveland??? And who up here has your gear??
We need to get in at least one shop up North. As the Fort centers were getting shut down we didn't do any sales calls. We definitely need to get up there...any recommendations for good shops we should call Indi?

Also it was great talking with everyone at the meet and greet last night! What a turn out...we gave away at least 15 packs of seeds and got Aspen OG and Ski Train meds to patients that were interested in testing our finished product. Some exciting conversations with the Herbal Synergy testing crew about the development of terpene profile testing...I am so happy to see these guys pushing the envelope in the testing labs.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the awesome gifts! There will definitely be a 303 Seeds grow journal starting in the next few days. Already started germinating some Grape Ultra.


Thanks to the guys over @ 303 for hooking it up with some more beans.

Excited to see what pops up. Some good dudes with a passion for the plants, it shows. :leaf:


Active Member
was wondering how 303 panned out for mail to the eastcoast anybody order? If anybody has any opinions or recommendations on where I can safely order receive and get what I paid for online? Much help appreciated!


Active Member
Thanks to the guys over @ 303 for hooking it up with some more beans.

Excited to see what pops up. Some good dudes with a passion for the plants, it shows. :leaf:
You are most welcome...we're excited to see what you pop up as well!

was wondering how 303 panned out for mail to the eastcoast anybody order? If anybody has any opinions or recommendations on where I can safely order receive and get what I paid for online? Much help appreciated!
Unfortunately 303 Seeds doesn't distribute outside of Colorado, sorry. You can get Rare Dankness seeds on the Attitude now...that is as close to Colorado seeds as you can reliably get outside of Colorado at this point. I've never grown any of their gear, but others I think highly of have and have had good results. Attitude is top notch and you can rely on them to get what you ordered. Just pay for the guaranteed is worth your peace of mind. Hope that helps.



Active Member
At what point in bloom did they herm on you O? They looked great at the post a couple days ago. Sorry to hear the bad news...that strain has been run more than any of the others in the collection without issues to this point. Did you get pictures?

The shooting stars hermed at two weeks into flower. I took some pictures, but my camera wasn't good enough to get a good pic.

I just noticed that 2 of the 3 Ski Trains have now hermed at 5 weeks into flower. I'll take some pics before I pull the Ski Train herms out of my room tomorrow night. That leaves me with one female out of all the 303 Seeds that I planted.


Well-Known Member
The shooting stars hermed at two weeks into flower. I took some pictures, but my camera wasn't good enough to get a good pic.

I just noticed that 2 of the 3 Ski Trains have now hermed at 5 weeks into flower. I'll take some pics before I pull the Ski Train herms out of my room tomorrow night. That leaves me with one female out of all the 303 Seeds that I planted.
Did you have other strains in the same room, same feed, etc that did not herm on you? I've had strains herm on me from overfeeding stress, but have not had a herm since dropping to less than 1.0 EC on feeds.


Active Member
The shooting stars hermed at two weeks into flower. I took some pictures, but my camera wasn't good enough to get a good pic.

I just noticed that 2 of the 3 Ski Trains have now hermed at 5 weeks into flower. I'll take some pics before I pull the Ski Train herms out of my room tomorrow night. That leaves me with one female out of all the 303 Seeds that I planted.
I'm going to guess that this is a stress issue based on your info, but apologize for your inconvenience.



Active Member
One of my favorite things...popping beans. I germinated 31 seeds here and got 29 sprouts for a 94% sprout rate. Two germinated and didn't sprout.

