True HP Aero For 2011

I'm out in the sticks with well water so no issue with clorine in the water. I have a ro system but I need a booster pump to make enough water for me to use. I plan on buying another Aquatec 8800 to be used as a backup if needed, but not there yet.
well water can be tough, it may have alot of iron, or solids in it. Have it analysed would be your best bet, then you know what you're starting with. I bet the ppm changes with the season too. Like in the summer whne there is less water, it may be more concentrated, just a guess. The only way to have good control is to use r.o. water, or some sort of low ppm water.
Tap Water has too many unknowns. We do know it has X calcium. Combine that with a nute that has Ca, and you will soon get lock out.

I think thats what happened with mine

I'm out in the sticks with well water so no issue with clorine in the water. I have a ro system but I need a booster pump to make enough water for me to use. I plan on buying another Aquatec 8800 to be used as a backup if needed, but not there yet.

like trichy says wath the iron in that esp
what about using a brita filter?

Brita is just charcoal/carbon beads, will take out some chlorine and impurities, but not remove solids. To be honest, r.o. systems are cheap nowadays, like $120 at costco, and fairly easy to install. It is really nice for drinking/cooking, and is just as good as bottled water- actually better because you don't have to worry about plastic bottle leeching BPA into your water. Plus saves the environment from more plastic. Good stuff, I had it for drinking, now use it for everything and my plants... If you drink a bottled water per day, in only a few months the r.o. will pay for itself, it's actually a good money saver in that way. And man, with all the crap in the water supplies and pharmaceuticals leeching into the water tables why not take better care of what you ingest yourself.
I do believe there is some merit to this. It wouldn't hurt to spray off your roots with fresh water, and try at a lower ppm. In aero there is so little water at the roots, i can see how salts might build up. The caveat however, is the penalty for spraying off your roots is you will likely temporarily lose any fuzz if you have it. But it only takes a couple days to come back under good conditions. If you are running too strong, the roots will not be able to correctly take in the nutes, because of how osmotic pressure and salts work. Although you would usually see signs of burning in the leaves. I have experienced for myself, slow growth due to the nutes not being dialed in right, but it wasn't that the solution was too weak, it was either out of elemental balance, ph was off, or it was too warm in the chamber.
If you have too much of one element, it can stop the absorbtion of another.

the chamber temp is 70 deg. Hopefully I can get another ro pump soon. You guys are making a good case in what you are telling me.
Out of curiosity, what is the ppm of your tapwater? Test it... We might not know the composition, but at least know how much stuff is already in there. Some tapwater is over 300ppm, actually more than I use as my starting ec! And guaranteed it's a bunch of calcium and stuff, would definitely throw my nutes way outta whack. Some people actually mix tap and r.o. water to get enough calcium in their nutes, but it's not a very precise method as I stated before, you know how much ppm is there, but not what is making it up. In contrast, my ro water is about 8ppm.
Just a fun fact- there is a such thing as pee-ponics - urine has alot of nitrogen in it. Atomizer tried it before I think... lol I guess in a bind, you could up your nitrogen by taking a leak in your res... I sure miss Atomizer, and hope he is okay.
I read that over long distances, some elements tend to fall out quicker than others, but don't know if this is even true

its very much true, many have tried this before and the longer you go with them the more nute deficiencies you'll have. You're 100% right, fog fucking sucks
its very much true, many have tried this before and the longer you go with them the more nute deficiencies you'll have. You're 100% right, fog fucking sucks
Well, if that's the only hinderance, then i don't seem to have the issue in my setup, cuz like I said, I got the condensate holding the exact same ppm and ph as the fluid in the res. Something else is wrong, namely the microns of the mist I presume. I know fog doesn't likely work awesome, but I still wonder if there is a promise in it given the right tweeks. Alot of people say aero sucks too, but that's because they obviously didn't have the right recipe. Fog does a great job for cloning, and some people seem to start off good with it, then quickly disappear. I'm just setting out to find if it's right after rooting, or perhaps closer to flowering when it seems to break down.
I wishy RO was constant though it's annoying having to draw 2 gallons at a time!! I need it to water soil plants as well.
I can't imagine trying to run pee in my aero lol that shit would stink!!! I was thinking of atomizer today. I'm done posting pics and all that shit it's way to sketchy! Not just cause of LEO but I was reading a Guys forum about posting pics and he said he got hit 1 week before harvest, then moved and relocated and same thing happened again. Then he moved and relocated and stoped posting pics and hasn't been hit sense. Who ever got him was looking up the water marks that your camera leaves behind and was stalking him! Freaky shit!!!
water marks from a camera?.... :roll: pfff, ok... people drop from forums all the time, life takes precedence. Everyone just needs to move to where it's legal, go legal, and post more pictures (worth 1000 words) AND videos (worth 30,000 words,... a second!) and then we can all really learn what to do. Going back into the closet sure as shit isn't an answer.

As for RO, i gave it up for growing years ago, still drink it though, it does taste better, ha,.. but learn to work with your tap water for growing and you'll never have the annoyance again
sorry, whatcha mean by that last part?.. when what brakes down?
Ohh- I meant at which point does the fog start not doing so well for the plants. I know it clones very nice, as I've done it myself- no cloning solution, and I've read the plants do veg for some unspecified amount of time in the fog, but then when the plant hits a certain stage, the plant seems to not get what it needs. So I am just curious if I can get a couple weeks veg time in the fog, and then xfer them to the HPA chamber with little transition downtime since they will already be accustomed to mist.
I wishy RO was constant though it's annoying having to draw 2 gallons at a time!! I need it to water soil plants as well.
I can't imagine trying to run pee in my aero lol that shit would stink!!! I was thinking of atomizer today. I'm done posting pics and all that shit it's way to sketchy! Not just cause of LEO but I was reading a Guys forum about posting pics and he said he got hit 1 week before harvest, then moved and relocated and same thing happened again. Then he moved and relocated and stoped posting pics and hasn't been hit sense. Who ever got him was looking up the water marks that your camera leaves behind and was stalking him! Freaky shit!!!
Yikes, but I don't understand the watermark part... The camera usually doesn't watermark the photos, but websites may...

Like I said man, connect a large plastic storage tank (50 gallons or so) to the output of your r.o. and let it fill up 24/7. You'll have an extra reservoir of plenty of water - it should produce at least 40-50 gallons every 24 hours- doubt you use more than that.
water marks from a camera?.... :roll: pfff, ok... people drop from forums all the time, life takes precedence. Everyone just needs to move to where it's legal, go legal, and post more pictures (worth 1000 words) AND videos (worth 30,000 words,... a second!) and then we can all really learn what to do. Going back into the closet sure as shit isn't an answer.

As for RO, i gave it up for growing years ago, still drink it though, it does taste better, ha,.. but learn to work with your tap water for growing and you'll never have the annoyance again

Speaking of- I'd love to see more pics from you if you're willing to post them. Most of what you claim to do takes away from your ability to control your environment, which is something I firmly believe is important in getting consistently good results- especially with aero. I would love for you to prove me I am wrong, because I like learning new stuff. I'm not trying to sound cocky- just really curious if you have generally good results with all your casual approach. It would change my thinking around alot.
Yikes, but I don't understand the watermark part... The camera usually doesn't watermark the photos, but websites may...

Like I said man, connect a large plastic storage tank (50 gallons or so) to the output of your r.o. and let it fill up 24/7. You'll have an extra reservoir of plenty of water - it should produce at least 40-50 gallons every 24 hours- doubt you use more than that.

I don't have the room for it wish I did. For now I'll make use with what I have!

Yea id also like to soo DIYER set up all this talk about pics are worth this and that and you can solve problems better with pics! Yet I havnt seen your set up!?
Well,.. that would be because my setup doesn't have any problems :bigjoint:
...but i do plan on doing a grow journal, with pics,.. and video. I def want advice on what to improve in my setup, but just so busy trying new things, lol
That's not true, I have experimented with capturing the fog condensate in a jar, and it had the same ppm and ph that it did before fogging. I read that over long distances, some elements tend to fall out quicker than others, but don't know if this is even true, nonetheless, my run is short, and the fan stirring up the air should help. The real problem with fog seems to be either heat, people overnuting, and the micron size being way too small. The first 2 I can make sure to fix, the last one is what I was questioning.

I had < 6" between fog chamber and pod with a fan blowing 24/7 down into the far corner pushing fog directly into the pod. No go bro.

I don't have the room for it wish I did. For now I'll make use with what I have!

Yea id also like to soo DIYER set up all this talk about pics are worth this and that and you can solve problems better with pics! Yet I havnt seen your set up!?
Well, one thing you can do is what I do, just buy a few feet of clear tubing that is the right size to fit snugly on the r.o. faucet and reach down to, and fill up a couple 5 gallon water jugs the same day you empty them. It takes a couple hours to fill em, but just be careful they don't overflow. Then you always have about 12 gallons when u need it. My res holds 10, but I usually only fill it up about 8 gallons, there's plenty of leeway.