Plush Berry Picture Thread

Always glad to see new people on here thats know their shit and can contribute pretty pics and good info......welcome guys.
Kyle- Plushberry is out of stock on Attitude (with good reason given how amazing it is) but I do not think it is discontinued by any means. From what I understand, Subcool's breeding program is smaller compared to the huge demand out there for his seeds. They kind of come out in waves- a bunch of one kind then a break then they come out again when he restocks. I think Ontario Seed Bank also sells TGA seeds and has Plushberry in stock, you might want to check them out! Danny Danko has been mentioning it on his Podcast.

Thanks Wheezer!
ontario had everything when I was there gave me extra plush and Flav seeds and threw in a ten pack of agent orange! They'll always get my business
Heres My Plushberry Dried and Cured (Pheno 3)

What Hasnt Been Smoked Yet lol Im Down To One Jar :( Out Of 4


Hey HotSause did u find the tall green pheno to have fluffy buds? compared to the short purp my tall green yielded more but was way less dense.
Kyle- Plushberry is out of stock on Attitude (with good reason given how amazing it is) but I do not think it is discontinued by any means. From what I understand, Subcool's breeding program is smaller compared to the huge demand out there for his seeds. They kind of come out in waves- a bunch of one kind then a break then they come out again when he restocks. I think Ontario Seed Bank also sells TGA seeds and has Plushberry in stock, you might want to check them out! Danny Danko has been mentioning it on his Podcast.

Thanks Wheezer!

Thanks Jessi! I was foolishly only looking at Attitude...n00b mistake, I know :?. I'll look into Ontario now.
Hey HotSause did u find the tall green pheno to have fluffy buds? compared to the short purp my tall green yielded more but was way less dense.

No they are pretty dense i didn't expect them to be but they are even the lower buds still pack a little denseness This was my first time growing PB and she came from a clone
Yeah thats how myn start out,Even in warmer time periods in my room it changes color,so I found that pretty cool! I had a purple and a pink pheno. I think the pink is my favorite,its shows a bit more SQ in it,The purple is the most indica seems to bush out more. But the SpaceQueen pheno kicks major ass though,deff keeping it around for a long time! aswell as the pink.I been getting major kief build up in my grinder whenever I harvest any of the plushberry phenos to.So thats just one more thing that really sets this strain off. KICKASS Sub!

Green Plushberry pheno needs some love. All the hype on the purple and pink but this one will be a keeper also
Hey, What can i look for traits wise for the purple and pink phenotypes? How many leaves etc... height, phat/slim bladed? Any info would be great. Noticed there is a 11 blade sativa looking, and also a shorter stalky five-seven blade indica. Which one passes on the purple/pink. Thanks for any info. any one have any pics in veg of the different phenos they grew out and know what is what?
Hey, What can i look for traits wise for the purple and pink phenotypes? How many leaves etc... height, phat/slim bladed? Any info would be great. Noticed there is a 11 blade sativa looking, and also a shorter stalky five-seven blade indica. Which one passes on the purple/pink. Thanks for any info. any one have any pics in veg of the different phenos they grew out and know what is what?

The indica is the purple pheno. Mine got pretty tall, but the buds are fat, chunky, and frosty. The Sativa dom pheno is the pink one. Mine stayed small and squat, but pushed some killer colas. I had a 19" cola on my pink pheno with 2 others that were 15" and 17". The Purple pheno is becoming my favorite. It simply grows. No mater how I train it, it just grows and does well. My pink pheno is very fickle and light sensitive. The light change from fluoro to HID caused it to stress and auto flower and its been having a hell of a time reverting back. I may end up letting it go later. No other plants in the group had the problem. It was a pleasure to grow though. I hope it comes out okay. I really would like to keep it. Between the two, both are great highs. I like the purple a bit better. It was stony right off the get, but the pink is starting to get some crazy flavors and smells as it cures and the high is a pretty nice upbeat high.
You will see the purple pheno, it will show from the top. The pink one does not show purple from the top, you have to look under to see colors (Thanks to Matt Rize for the pointers). I actually had a sativa leaning purple pheno as well but the buds are not nearly as dense as the indica pheno. Can't really tell much until they start to flower unfortunately
The only ones of myn that show color is the indica phenos,all the sativa are the Spacequeen and seem to be staying pretty green. My purple one is the most indica and is the shortest with a real christmas tree shape, My pink one is my favorite its more indica to but I see the Spacequeen in it, It stretches just a bit more then the purple but not to bad, I actually think it gets color more easily then the purple one to, But other then color and just a bit in shape, the two pheno's are pretty damn close.Both of them have a sweet sweet kinda cherryberry smell,I love the shit.And they drip with resin!
But yeah "NightBirdX" its interesting to hear how yours are,I havent had any problems with any of them being finicky really the Blackcherry phenos just Grow like you said lol and the only real thing I can say about the Spacequeen is it enjoys But Im more then happy with these gentics every pheno kicks ass! I havent had any problems with auto flowering either, My first round I kept pulling the plants out to check for color and my Spacequeen pheno hermd pretty bad from moving in and out of its light, but I ran it again with no stress and it didnt herm at all,so it was just the light I know, And my Male I got from it I had outside till I got some shit strait and when I brung it back in cause it was the end of summer and had been flowered out, I put it under my MH and after a week or two the pollin sacks stopped coming out but it shot female hairs out, after a few more weeks they went away and now its a veg'n male again lol.Those are the only problems I have noticed though that have been significant, You cant really hurt this strain to easily it seems. Also it likes to hold the Nitro flavor a little bit if your not careful but thats a easy fix.
Keep postin the grow reports everyone im enjoying hearing everyone elses views on it. Stay stoned everyone.
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This is my most "Indica" pheno,It turns more purple then my pink one,But like I said in the post above, I think my Pink one changes colors easyer and its a indica what I would call a "blackchery" pheno to. I took this pic last night its looks fuckin bomb ass but didnt get as much color with it as my last round. But its damn sure chunky and crystaly an it Smells Amazing! Hope everyone enjoys though.