The state of the GOP

and how has Newt showed you he will help the economy... Do share his detailed plan... "grabbing popcorn for this one"

Actually, I would like to know how he is going to train poor people to get a job, keep a job and someday own that job. So does Newt have some big government program proposed to train poor people?? I might have missed that. Or is he just going to ask corporations (people, that is) to do it out of patriotism? Because there aren't that many school custodian positions to go around, you know. They are union anyway, oops, never mind. Pass the popcorn.
1. If elections were won by moderates, Obama wouldn't have won
2. Romney is the moderate
3. Obama is not a good debater and will do poorly against Romney.

no matter how much you want to paint obama's moderate ass as a hardcore leftist -chegevuaraist- communist kenyan...

truth is he's so moderate he pisses off the far left AND the far right.... lol

and it's referred to as the 'swing' vote... when it comes down to the real general election, these are the people that matter....
no matter how much you want to paint obama's moderate ass as a hardcore leftist -chegevuaraist- communist kenyan...

truth is he's so moderate he pisses off the far left AND the far right.... lol

and it's referred to as the 'swing' vote... when it comes down to the real general election, these are the people that matter....

Of course he will try to paint himself that way. No need for you to play that game in here. As for the swing vote, that's who Obama has already lost, the 20% he has lost since his election, the 20% in the middle. Can he win a majority of them back? Maybe if unemployment drops to 5%, otherwise there's no good reason to want four more years of this.

Face it - Obama was hot, and now he's not!
The Republican Party is going on the verge of having to call itself the Judeo-Christian party.

edit: I'm sick of hearing people (media) absolve Newt for his wrong doings in the past simply because he said he went to god for forgiveness. It's bullshit and it wasn't that long ago. Newt has a long history of being this way. As they say a leopard can't change his spots. Guy is an evil man and is probably behind closed doors laughing at the stupidity of the religious (because I would put my entire savings down that this fool isn't truly religious).
Speaking of religion, we need to start a new thread on Rev Wright. McCain wouldn't do it. Romney will.

Obama's pastor of 20 years - "God Damn America!"

Obama is a moderate? LOL.
The Republican Party is going on the verge of having to call itself the Judeo-Christian party.

edit: I'm sick of hearing people (media) absolve Newt for his wrong doings in the past simply because he said he went to god for forgiveness. It's bullshit and it wasn't that long ago. Newt has a long history of being this way. As they say a leopard can't change his spots. Guy is an evil man and is probably behind closed doors laughing at the stupidity of the religious (because I would put my entire savings down that this fool isn't truly religious).

LOL!! And I bet Ron Paul isnt even a white guy!!!

I mean, while we are wildly speculating....

It is amazing how many people on this site suddenly got morality and religion....
LOL!! And I bet Ron Paul isnt even a white guy!!!
What does this have to do with anything?

I mean, while we are wildly speculating....

It is amazing how many people on this site suddenly got morality and religion....

First, morality is not define by religion. Second, I would never claim a religion even if I started to believe in a god.
This is going to be Like when the republicans nominated Goldwater... Gj smart guys. This primary is going good for obama, that's for sure!
Both parties are puppets whose strings are pulled by the shadow government. The sooner we wake up to this illusion of democracy, the sooner we can impeach them all, expose the shadow government and rid the entire world of these lunatics.
Wow! What did you pull me into here HU? lol First off, I'm a Canuck, I've got my own problems. That said, there's probably someone who might think, "mind your own business then". First off, I have family in the U.S and anything that happens to them is my business. Also, almost everything the U.S does, has a direct impact on us. We are considerably U.S owned anyways, IMO. Third, I make it my duty to be "informed" about many things in the world today. It's what I call doing my part in preventing oppression. Not many Canucks know this but everybody under the Workers Compensation insurance system here is actually covered by a U.S company. Even with all that said, I do not want to make any comment here. Why? Because I think it's all futile and this is why. I have a brother and mother who are Jahovah Witness. Whatever your beliefs, it really is a hard core Christian religion. Then there's my sister who somehow became a Mormon. ??? Then there's my other sister who's a good old regular Catholic. Me? I'm an Atheist to the core. I'm about facts and prove. I've learned long ago that when religion is brought into a debate, well, there is no debate. All commons sense flies out the window. The difference between an Atheist and a person of faith is that if you showed an Atheist cold hard scientific proof of the existence of God, they would change their views. But, if you asked a person of faith if they would change their ways if given absolute undeniable proof that God is a myth, they would not. They would cling to their faith. This to me is blind foolishness and ignorant. So, to me, it's not about the world being on the road to recovery when we elect our first, black, woman, muslim, mormon......president, or any hybrid of. It's when we finally elect a man or woman who stands up in the campaign and say's "I'm an Atheist and I promise that I will take religion out of politics and our public institutions". I'm not denouncing religion. As with my family, if a person want's their faith that's fine, even though I think it breeds ignorance, but when it becomes a matter in making legislative decisions, there is absolutely no place for it. So until that happens, I truly believe that we are inevitably doomed. And it won't be the Atheist sinners that bring us down. It will be the religious ones. I know this started out as a political thread, but the GOP refuses to exist without it. :peace:

Speaking of religion, we need to start a new thread on Rev Wright. McCain wouldn't do it. Romney will.

Obama's pastor of 20 years - "God Damn America!"

Obama is a moderate? LOL.

that's all you've got?


go ahead and blast reverend wright from the highest mountain for decrying racism. i'll just sit here and laugh.

it didn't work in 2008 when fox news became the 24 hour gop smear machine.

no one was buying the "obama is a radical" story back then, what makes you think they'll buy it now?

you guys are so full of fail it hurts.
"Anyone who quotes me is lying"

N00t Grinch.

"any ad which quotes what i said on sunday is a falsehood"

are people too dumb to see that newt is just going to blow up again?

ths race hasn't been bubbles popping, it has been more like a lava lamp's bubbles.

i mean seriously? romney or newt or santorum? LOL!
If something hurts it might be because you are full of something...

i am full of LOLZ watching the gop cannibalize itself.

if ever i were so lucky to see a newt nomination, i would thank every god, yahweh, allah, Dog, or flying spaghetti monster.

and watching some of you guys revert to your FAILED 2008 smear campaign topped of my tank of LOLZ.

dis gon be gud.

Thank you everyone for participating. I have to admit, I still don't understand the GOP. Other than replacing President Obama and making him a one term president, what is their platform? Mr. Romney's idea of increasing taxes on those making twenty thousand and under by sixty percent while giving tax breaks to those making more money is ludicrous. Giving more tax breaks to wealthy individuals and big corporations, well we see how well that worked under President Bush. So other than lower taxes for the wealthy and corporations and cutting social programs for the rest of the country, what is their platform? If it's to create jobs why were we not flooded with jobs under the Bush administration, from what I see, they still have the same approach. If we are not flooded with jobs now with the lowest levels of interest in years and the and all the tax breaks the Bush administration gave to business and wealthy people, what will make electing another republican different than when Bush was in office?
... what will make electing another republican different than when Bush was in office?

a) magic underwear
b) a first "lady" who is either an ugly wax statue, blood sucking automaton, or extra-terrestrial being sent to earth to swoop up our tiffany's jewelry.
c) froth. lots of froth
I say the GOP needs a candidate like Newt, someone that in a general way can focus their hatred, someone who leaves the audience on their feet cheering for the blood of the democrats. It seems to me the republican party has become the party of hatred. They hate gays and lesbians, they hate people who do not have the same warped religious beliefs, they hate the liberal media, whatever that is since multinational corporations are the media and I don't know of many liberal corporations in this country. They hate unions and pensions, unless they themselves are receiving one. They hate social security and medicare, which won't go over very well in florida, too many republicans receiving both here. They hate the unfair tax structure unless of course you are one of the wealthy who make their money on investments and pay a fifteen percent tax rate like Mr. Romney. They hate education, clean air and water, or does removing the EPA, President Reagan's creation, help in keeping our air, water and earth cleaner than if we had the EPA? I only know the things the GOP are against, not what they are for unless you want to consider the federal laws they want to pass to control our morals, like their endless crusade of a man and a woman makes a marriage. Why do republicans want to pass the buck off to the federal government so much when it is the thing they rail against on a regular basis, too much government control. I'm sure I'm not the only person who notices they say they are for less government but always want more federal laws passed against the things they don't like. When I hear republicans say keep government out of business, that's exactly what they mean, they want to pollute wantonly, practice predatory business methods, lie, cheat and steal as much as they can and try along the way to deceive the common man that they are on his or her side. They have no qualms about passing federal laws to discriminate against people who do not have their like beliefs.

I ask again, am I viewing the republican party in the wrong light for the past forty years?

President Reagan in my humble opinion started the ball rolling that has brought us to our woes of today. He fired air traffic controllers for having the audacity to whistle blow and tell the nation they need updated equipment, they tried to tell us we are not flying the friendly skies the commercials so often refer and got their butts fired in return. He then proceeded to start the dismantling of unions and his republican friends helped by starting to close down big manufacturing plants here only to open them on shores with cheaper labor and today we have the end result of that path. Nearly half of all Americans are either in or hovering at their particular poverty level depending on family size with no relief in sight. The thing that really made this country great is gone in the search for ever more profits for upper management and the shareholders, manufacturing.