Diabetes and Rick Simpson Oil I have questions


Active Member
im a type 1 diabetic myself and use a lot of bho. I think it helps my unique case greatly

Im on a type one trial drug called AAT (alpha-1 antitrypsin) that helps preserve pancreatic function by reducing inflammation. Cannabis also contains anti inflammatory compounds cbg, thc, cbn, and cbc. I think that the method of reducing inflammation is a valid way to stop the progression of diabetes in those who still have some pancreatic function left (people recently diagnosed.) That being said cannabis helps the treatment im currently taking but is no means a replacement as i was using cannabis before finding out i was diabetic (found out when i was 19) and the disease still progressed. It is my believe though that the cannabis has allowed me to get longer lasting results from my treatment than others in the same trial

With this treatment and cannabis though i have dropped down to taking virtually zero units of insuin a day. I take no long acting whatsoever and take short acting to deals with the high bg from big meals. Overall probably 150 units a month which is very low for a type 1.

Along with that cbd's are also thought to have anti diabetic properties however thats not really where my research focused.


Well-Known Member
im a type 1 diabetic myself and use a lot of bho. I think it helps my unique case greatly

Im on a type one trial drug called AAT (alpha-1 antitrypsin) that helps preserve pancreatic function by reducing inflammation. Cannabis also contains anti inflammatory compounds cbg, thc, cbn, and cbc. I think that the method of reducing inflammation is a valid way to stop the progression of diabetes in those who still have some pancreatic function left (people recently diagnosed.) That being said cannabis helps the treatment im currently taking but is no means a replacement as i was using cannabis before finding out i was diabetic (found out when i was 19) and the disease still progressed. It is my believe though that the cannabis has allowed me to get longer lasting results from my treatment than others in the same trial

With this treatment and cannabis though i have dropped down to taking virtually zero units of insuin a day. I take no long acting whatsoever and take short acting to deals with the high bg from big meals. Overall probably 150 units a month which is very low for a type 1.

Along with that cbd's are also thought to have anti diabetic properties however thats not really where my research focused.
Your a Type 2 diabetic, that requires periodic insulin supply it sounds like? Diagnosed as a teenager or under? Weight issues?


Active Member
nope most definatly type 1, just one with enough pancreatic functions left to not need insulin regularly. As im sure you know diabetes is a progression and you wont even realize you have diabetes until youve lost 70 or so percent of your function. The idea is to freeze the function at this point so you can remain to utilize 30 percent of your pancreas meaning without over doing the carbs many patients can go off supplemental insulin because the body still does produce its own supply.

www.retainstudy.org will tell ya more about it but hears a chart from the website that sums it up



Well-Known Member
I think they referred to the the pancreatic function recurring every so often as the "honeymoon period" or something like that. It was 20 years ago when I was schooled on it last. :) When I was diagnosed, there was a 3-4 month period where things were going bad, losing weight rapidly, lathargic, annoyed, etc., but its hard to notice its YOU that is the problem since the symptoms come on so slowly. Easy for someone familiar with diabetes to diagnose though! :)

They did the tests and never found any function ever, which did surprise the endocrinologist too. Your lucky, yet unlucky, since you have some function, yet if its unreliable it can lead to variable blood sugar results over time. Some good and some bad I suppose!

When I was 17 and diagnosed, the doc said "They'll cure it in 5 years".......... Thats the only time in my life I can recall someone in a "life changing profession" such as a doctor make a bold claim like that. What does suck, for us, is it probably could have happened but hasnt. Too many titty cancer ribbons not enough diabetes ones I guess..............

Neat chart, I wonder what the typical time period for the pre-clinical diabetes is from 100% to 15-30% range as the charge graphed......... Its surely different for everyone but I wonder what the bell curve is on it.......


Active Member
yea the honeymoon term still is in effect today. Basically what the retain does is freeze you in your honeymoon period. Pretty cool. They really hope it can be used in conjunction with islet cell transplant to in effect which would be a new step forward in treatment. But it will still require continued use of aat so its not a cure.

I think that people dont think about diabetes till they or a loved on has it because it is so "treatable" in comparison to cancer and other diseases so you dont hear about it. Also type 2 and type 1 are usually clumped together in the public mind so you get a bunch of misinformation which certainly does not help. Also with that most of the new drugs i see out on the market are type 2 geared, being 95% of diabetics type 2 is where the money is at for new products/drugs.

I have talked to doctors about the decline and its dependent first upont obvioulsly the individual. However if i remember correctly little kids seem to get worse faster than teenagers or adults. Im not sure if this is just metabolically related or what but its somewhat age dependent.

Ive been thinking really hard about how i can give back though, its hard going through it as a teenager / young adult so i cant even imagine what its like for the little ones. Really does break my heart thinking about what they will have to go through.

at the time of my i was doing the whole college binge drinking program at the time and kept blacking out hard core off less and less alcohol and that was really the only sign beside the drinking 5 gallons of water an hours and peeing like i was preggers


This some very interesting information for sure.
I am type 2 diabetic and have been on a shit load of diebetic drugs. I have gone on a diet recently and so far have lost 18 pounds. All of a sudden (with in a week) my levels were dropping to 3.8-4.2 while I was at work. I started weening myself off the drugs except for the Cannabis. I have now leveled out and in the morning i am sitting at 6-6.5 If I can maintain these levels I will be VERY happy. I have only recently (in the last 5 months) started vaping Cannabis. I am 49. Not sure if the pot is the reason for the levels or the weight or a combo of everything but like I say if I can maintain where i am now I will be one happy camper.

Thank you for posting you info. It really helps.


Well-Known Member
Tuvok, as someone who has also had diabetes for around 20 years and surprisingly good control, especially given my lifestyle choices at points in my life (my high A1C was a 7.0, recently tested @ 6.0) and even now it's surprising. I've been using marijuana for a long time and it may have helped. But I want to tell you, get those sugars between 5-6 if you can. I know how hard it is, believe me. And definitely 6.0-6.5 (I assume you are talking mmol/L) is better than 13, but recent research indicates you need to maintain perfect BS's to avoid neuropathy (which is where most complications stem).

I have neuropathy in my feet despite way better than average control, approximately 60% of my nerve function remaining. It sometimes feels strange and definitely my feet are not sensitive anymore. You can't tickle my feet, they used to be ticklish, it's kind of a bummer sometimes. Long story short is use lots of MJ (neuroprotective properties and possible assistance in BS regulation) and keep those sugars under control. With a pump you can do some pretty amazing things but my doctor informed me they cost 20,000 I cannot afford one for the life of me. Also they cost around 200 a month at least (more I think) to operate. Pharma companies can fucking burn in hell as I'm 100% certain this shit is not that complicated and they are gouging the shit out of us.


Well-Known Member
I'm a type 2 diabetic for about 15 years. I have an immune deficiency, heart problems, arthritis, genetic foot hand and back problems, and more shit that baffles the medical world. Prior to this I was taking shit loads of opiates for pain I was a walking talking pile of shit, well not walking much just pretty a pile of shit. I started smoking MJ, after a 25 year hiatus, about 3 years ago to help with the pain. Now I its all I use most of the time. That said I have seen improvements in my diabetes during this time, however, I contribute most of that to having received a insulin pump about the same time.
However, even before I got my vaporizer my lung capacity increase. My oxygen levels went from mid 80's - low 90's to high 90's. I have a nurse come to my home to give me medicine IV and she could see a marked improvement even though I never felt I could tell her why. I don't know that point to a direct correlation with diabetes improvement, however, the total quality of my life is better with MJ. Now understand a good day for me feels like I got the flu. A bad day is, well its bad. I thank God everyday for the improvement to my health it brings.


I am watching the levels closely. I may have to go back on a couple of pills per day and if that is nessasary I am fine with that. I was on a lot more that that twice a day. ;)
As far as neuropathy well I have that in my Big toes. When they figured out what was wrong with me I was at 27mmol/L. so to get it down to 6-7 the doc is happy. What you say is true (get it down to 5-6)and that is the continued goal. My last A1C was at 6.5. The MMJ helps alot with the toes. With out the MMJ i have a hard time sleeping and staying asleep. My toes drive me crazy. With it I sleep like a Baby.;))
Just this last wed. I got all my paperwork from HC and I am now LEGAL!!! I can now relax and conentrate on getting and being well. These forums are INVALUBLE!!!!
Thanks to everyone that takes the time to post and pass on things that have worked for them.