The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ive delted that of your thread
u get that pm ijust sent or u send me blank one and il reply try it that way OR msn


Well-Known Member
sent u 2#?

msn pal lets sort this shit out ive sent u request
got no pms , you sure there going to me ?
No "shit" to sort out man , i dont need to log on msn , i sent you some hash you didnt get it and dont believe me , thats your choice , its up to you what you think , just dont ever disrespect me ever again , you dont know me and you know nothing about me so keep your opinion of me to yourself , bro's on here know me , have been for drinks with me , have been trading with me for ages etc etc .........
ill take back what i said about you , i also dont know you and have no right to call you due to your past ....

thats it , over

PS , can you guess which i chose billy lol ... caaalm ;)


Well-Known Member
got no pms , you sure there going to me ?
No "shit" to sort out man , i dont need to log on msn , i sent you some hash you didnt get it and dont believe me , thats your choice , its up to you what you think , just dont ever disrespect me ever again , you dont know me and you know nothing about me so keep your opinion of me to yourself , bro's on here know me , have been for drinks with me , have been trading with me for ages etc etc .........
ill take back what i said about you , i also dont know you and have no right to call you due to your past ....

thats it , over

PS , can you guess which i chose billy lol ... caaalm ;)

both ways dude seriously we donn know each other it was me whos been a dik it like,everyday i get exited waiting for postman seriuosly then im wounded coz ive never had that hash stuff b4 lol i hav no reason to say it dint arrive id have been to buzzing and yeh maybe i do say too much but people who know me elseware know that,
cant be bothd with the edit thing

so ok fuk it good argument plenty of slander ive deled all my shit
why would u need to say dont dis spect u what are you talking about ? i don remeber noffink? now then robbie wer u been pal long tim no hear? been getting hi i rekon!


stil dont have a clue who i spoke to to get clones of this week? ffs


Well-Known Member
u would think being a ex J that wen ur chatting about flake n stuff u would think it would wet my tastebuds u know wat it dont even intrest me,

have sum food billy it will setle ur stomach down


Well-Known Member
I would be aswel as eating a cardboard box m8.......deep fryed cardboard box....Mmmmmmmmm
pmsl ur fukin nuts bruv HAHA ul get them on monday :) look for big white dafty envelope! with bill sill b written on it
i delted ur addy mate i dont keep anyones address(yes robbie i was talking shit i dont have that addy)

anyway yeh ur fukin nuts



Well-Known Member
Be a pretty fare fight tho!.................robs a small ginger kid an your a 1 legged bagrat!!! lmao
seriously tho i could have told ya robs sound an he wunt mug you off, the hash could a been sniffed he should a let you no sooner end of!!! lol


Well-Known Member
G13-Haze. December 2010 - March 2011

Blue Cheese. Aprill 2011 - July 2011

Blues/livers, Blue cheese and SLH. August 2011 - December 2011 ( 2 grows over lapping )

Livers/Blues, Psychosis and Exodus Cheese. December 2011 - Now 2012



Well-Known Member
Be a pretty fare fight tho!.................robs a small ginger kid an your a 1 legged bagrat!!! lmao
seriously tho i could have told ya robs sound an he wunt mug you off, the hash could a been sniffed he should a let you no sooner end of!!! lol

yeh i know i fukin new he was a stounch geezer but my fukin pal doing me hed in blaggin my head mixed with 2hrs sleep a night mixed with shitloads of drugs and 24/7 pain

my head aint working rite mate u can tell by my posts im fucked i see blurry and shit
i got it wrong and im man enough to apologize and leave it at that. il make it rite with him trust me :wink:

OHOH IVE REMEMBERED THE CLONES its of that dude i orderd pots for on ebay? now wats his name hmm OH on my ebay got it deliverd to his duh!


Well-Known Member
yeh i know i fukin new he was a stounch geezer but my fukin pal doing me hed in blaggin my head mixed with 2hrs sleep a night mixed with shitloads of drugs and 24/7 pain

my head aint working rite mate u can tell by my posts im fucked i see blurry and shit
i got it wrong and im man enough to apologize and leave it at that. il make it rite with him trust me :wink:

OHOH IVE REMEMBERED THE CLONES its of that dude i orderd pots for on ebay? now wats his name hmm OH on my ebay got it deliverd to his duh!
yeh allright forget it na mate im just takin the piss!

I deleted it mate - my first grow, hardly pron. your fuck off big G13 is much more like it :)
Hahah i was just clickin on the 1st pic to enlarge it an it said some bollox about a dodgy link then when i got back it was gone, thought i was goin mad or sumut lol