Tangerine Dream, White Rhino x Dutch Cheese, Vanilla Kush - Week 4 flowering - w/pics


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics I took yesterday, after 5 full weeks of flowering!

I took a sample bud...

Besides the group shots (TD, WR x DC, VK - from left to right) and the fresh nug shot, theres 3 pics of my White Rhino x dutch cheese which is almost ready.

there's also 2 pics of 2 different VK. One is leafy and the other has buds solid like rock that almost feel dry to the touch...

Feel free to comment!

BEAUTIFUL GARDEN!!! thanks for sharing +rep =D


thanks Psy...

Did another smoke test after some more curing and... MUCH better to taste...

Started to flush one of the Wr x DT and will start o flush a VK tomorrow. I will also take more pistures to illustrate a few things. One of the WR x DT has much fluffier buds, which are also more mature at this point.

As far as the VK goes, the 3 are completely different one from another. One has really small, dense buds that are showing a lot of orage already. Another was growing so tall I had to top it. It's still growing white hairs on the swelling buds. The other is quite leafy bud are making bigger buds, somewhat dense. There is some darkening of some leafs/parts of buds happening mainly on top buds.

I will try to show this in pics tomorrow...

Stay tunes peeps, bud porn is coming... Wish I had a better camera!!!


Well, I'm going to try to make different post for the different strains so it's easier to follow me.

At first, here's a pic of the garden at 6 full weeks of flowering and the manicured half a plant I harvested.

I know most people are against that procedure, but I'm trying it on a plant that was maturing too fast I think. Over 60% of red hair and buds were not very dense. I cut off the most overcoming ones and the ones with most red hairs. there are quite a few branches left with many buds that could use some extra light, extra nutes and more flowering time.

Plus I have to admit, I'm running out of smoke...



White Rhino x Dutch Treat

This is the one that are the more fun to watch growing.

If you look at pics 3 and 6, you see four main tops and it is the same plant. I didn't even have to do anything to it. It gre 4 tops from the start by itself... some kind of mutation I guess. I will post pic of the base of plant next week!

BTW, I FIM'ed 7 of my 8 clones for the next grow... hope that it will turn out ok!!!



Yours will do better than mine... I overcrowded my 1000 hps with 9 plants... you'll probably get as much out of your 4 than out of my 9. I recommend lollypoping them right now... I will do it to all my plants after 2 weeks of flower and stretching time is over. I am wasting a lot of my plants' energy for small buds that won't yield much at all. One of my 3 Wr x DT matured early and got very fluffy buds.

By the look of things, I won't average 2 oz a plant, which was my goal.

BTW, I am noticing serious foxtailing of one of my VK, and some minor foxtailing on my WR x DT big top colas... Any idea what is the significance of this?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter what % the strain has. Unless grown in Perfect unblemished conditions its entire grow (then cure perfectly.) one will not achieve that.. some strains need up to 11-12wks to fully mature when on the sativa side.


Doing great man.....some awesome pics too!

Here's some more pics I was able to take 2 minutes before lights went on...



Forgot to mention... the bottom of plant picture is the one of my WR x DT that branched off 4 tops without me doing anything...



I'm a little freaked out today. There's 6 plants left, I cut down 3. On one of the vanilla kush plant, which is from a feminized seed, I found an immature seed.

There's no doubt in my mind it was a seed.

I find a lot of empty seed pokets on that plant and was not able to find another one.

Some parts of the buds feel like they are dried already.

This is on the leafy plant genome of the 3 VKs....

I looked carefully and it does not look like a hermie... although it is the only explaination I can see.

None of the other plants seems polinated. I had 3 VK feminized seed, 3 tangerine dream feminized and 50 old regular seeds from which 3 survived and were all females.

Can anyone pitch in on ideas because I'm kinda freaked out about this one.

I just fed it today after a maintenance flush. I will have to flush it again before I cut it. I would have cut it right away, but I found the seed after I fed it.

Please... any ideas?????????????


Active Member
I've had one grow completely to seed, trust me you know that the calyxes are too fat and full of something. I don't know about the empty seed pockets, that sounds just like the calyxes swelling to me, getting ready for senescence. Are you finding some sappy liquid in there? Chances are you might be stressing just a little too much over it, there is no escaping the odd seed in a crop.


Well-Known Member
nice plants and picture updates! of course the lights off pictures look tons better... hehe but awesome plants man thanks for updates

i agree chances are you might be stressing too much if you cannot find any other signs of trouble


I've had one grow completely to seed, trust me you know that the calyxes are too fat and full of something. I don't know about the empty seed pockets, that sounds just like the calyxes swelling to me, getting ready for senescence. Are you finding some sappy liquid in there? Chances are you might be stressing just a little too much over it, there is no escaping the odd seed in a crop.
Thanks for the help, but I'm not quite sure what you mean by sappy liquid.

All I feed is Advanced Nutrients... I'm posting my feeding chart.

I just did a week flush, cut down 3 plants, and fed the rest yesterday. I'm gonna flush my last WR x DT and the 2 remaining VK this week and cut them afterwards. TD's will be fed for one more week (or two at the most) and they will be flush and cut around week 10...

So here's my feeding chart, if it can help pointing out any stress... I followed it precisely, except I used 50% more Nirvana during week 6. I also flush every 5th feed (about every 2 weeks). i also fed Big Bud to my TD's for 2 extra weeks, but that cannot have affected my VK with a seed.

feeding chart.jpg


After some thoughts, here are 2 stressors I can think of...

1- The camera flashes 2 minutes prior to lights on... I did it like 3 times at a week interval

2- Temperature changes... We had a few very cold nights, and the temperature went down from 25-26 celcius to 10-11 celcius a few times during lights off...

Could one of those things have caused the seed production?


Active Member
When the seed is forming you will get a swelling of the calyx, if you cut that open its full of this sap that eventually forms a seed. Your camera flash isn't going to be stressing them although temperature problems are a common cause. I try and shoot for no greater than a 10C difference between lights on and lights off but it has been hard this winter.



normally, it will go to 26C during light on and no lower than 17C during light off. But it's gone to 11-12 at light off a few times...


Active Member
Sounds OK, sounds much like my setup. When it drops that low it kind of slows growth the next day, I'm struggling a bit with that at the minute. Some strains seem to handle it better than others and this Tangerine Dream I have seems fairly temperature sensitive.

You have to remember though even master growers (I'm far from one of those myself) still get the odd seed - the default state of the cannabis plant seems to be hermaphroditism, the damn thing just want's to live on and the only way to do that is to throw a seed.