Weed Modifier
ok good...then it is just nutrient deficient.. yes being excessively cold cause them to go purple.... give em a good dose of nutrients(or even a veg nutrient) and that should help with the yellowingYes, I usually give them just water. Cha-Ching once a week, 3 gallons spread around 15 plants, then 2 gallons regular water. Molasses water once a week, same 3 gallons, 2 gallons reg water. Regular watering (a little bit) usually daily. I stab my finger down into the soil like a high school boy with his first gf. If the soil is moist I let them dry out some more. Everything has been going well, until today. I am starting to think it is a reaction to the extreme temperature change. Lights on, 80 degrees, 35% RH, light out 65 degrees, 45% RH. No power all day Wednesday, 41 degrees, 70% RH. I read the extreme temp swing and cold can block Phosphorus consumption.

Hard to tell for sure, but it's usually a nitrogen deficiency, flower nutes usually don;t supply enough in my opinion. Try mixing in a touch of the veg formula andit usually sorts out. It could be something else, but my first impulse was nitrogen...
good point!!!