My First Grow - Purple Kush & New Purple Power


Well-Known Member
So today i got 12 plants from my Uncle. In my title it says New Purple Power. Well i got my seeds from nirvana seeds a while back and my uncle has been starting them for me since hes an expert seed starter. So anyway I got 3 of the NPP. I had a total of 20 seeds. 5 didnt crack. and the others have yet to break out of the soil. So i only brought home 3 of those. He also gave me 3 White Widows that were crossed with Monkey Nuts, 3 seeds that he found in some purple budd that hes been smokin, and 3 unknown that he got from a friend. I put 8 of them under the HID with my PK's. the other 4 are under my CFL's. I should be getting the other NPP sometime next week. Here are some updated pics of the PK. sorry i took so long to post the pics. i left my camera at my uncles house. i was thinking about starting to flower these guys next wednesday. but i think i might wait another week after that. let me know what you guys think.....



Well-Known Member
How long will that be from the day those clones were cut til flower?
I got my clones from blue sky and flowered them a month later.
LST'd, and this is what they look like.
This is like 6 weeks after the start of flowering.



Well-Known Member
I think the clones were cut on 02/25. i got them on 03/05 and transplanted them the same day. so that would make it 37 days of vegging if i started to flower next wednesday. should i start then or wait another week?


Well-Known Member
If you have so many plants you are going to be able to grow, you might as well flower them wednesday if you want, I would only veg longer if I didn't have other plants to grow.
It kind of depends on how much bud you want to get.


Well-Known Member
Well i do have other plants to grow but i dont know how many will turn female. and i wanted to get as much bud as possible. i was hopin to get like between 2-3 oz off of each plant. but i know thats a long shot. if i started to bud now what do you think i would get off of each plant?


Well-Known Member
Probably about an oz.
I mean, I can give you a better estimate in about 3 weeks when my plants and cut and dry, and I vegged about a month and the plants look like possibly an oz each, but then again, I only use a 250w hps for four plants, where your 600 would make more bud.
But if you really want 2-3 per plant, I would probably veg longer just to be safe.

What I did was search the website for grow journals that are finished, or threads that have "yield" or "harvest" in them, and compare the veg time, and size of plant.
And even though everyone/every plant is going to be different, you can get a decent estimate.


Well-Known Member
ok. i think im gonna veg for another 2 weeks then. by then i should have my 1000w hps. and it should get alot more bud. Im ordering a 1000w HPS and 56x56x78 grow tent next week from HTG. how much bud do you think i should get if its under the 1000w?


Well-Known Member
Watered the PK with Ph’d water. No nutes. Watered the seedlings with nuted water. 6ml PBPGrow. 4ml Liquid Karma. PPM was 450. Plants look good.


Well-Known Member
lookin good man, guess clones werent that hard? i got offered some C3PO clone probably go pick them up today after seenin yours:)


Well-Known Member
2:30PM. Topped the other 3 PK. Got 6 more seedling from my uncle. 5 Purple and 1 more WW and put under CFL’s.
Ordered 1000w HPS from HTG with air cooled hood and digital ballast. Also ordered grown tent 56x56x78 and inline fan.
3:30PM Watered PK, and WW1 with 15ml PBPGrow. 9ml Liquid Karma. 3ml Cal-Mag Plus. PPM was 1015. 5:30PM Watered seedlings with 7ml BPBGrow. 5ml Liquid Karma. PPM was 420.


Well-Known Member
So what was a small first grow seems to have turned into a much larger one. I now have a total of 23 plants! The lineup is as follows. 5 Purple Kush, 3 New Purple Power, 5 White Widow, 8 Purple(just some seeds my uncle found in some purple bud he had been smokin on), and 2 unknows. I only know the 5 PK's are female so this number may have a dramatic change as males are discovered but lets hope everything turns out to be female. and it doesnt stop there. There are also more seeds being germinated right now. The 1000w HPS and tent i just ordered will be for flowering and the 600w i have will be for vegging. I also just completed my first DWC setup. Its just a simple one, everything was bought at walmart except for the bucket lid and hydroton. Im going to buy a deep chunk x strawberry cough clone tomorrow from the club to grow in the DWC setup. Its a strain thats supposed to finish flowering in 6-8 weeks thats why i chose it. I think i will start another journal for that grow. I hope all plants turn out well. I will post pictures of all the other plants in my next post. Feel free to comment...


Well-Known Member
which tent did you get?? the zipper sealed one? it looks bad ass and i can put it my garage so i dont have to be actually growin in my house. let me know when you get and maybe post a pic...