I need a piece - and machinists / CNC guys?


Well-Known Member
Working on a DIY twister trimmer - any idea where I can get a piece like this:


Without dropping $1,000?

Can't find anything like it - thinking there are two routes to make one:

- Start with a tube and cut slots
- Build it out of wire

Starting to lean towards the second way, maybe even using a coffee can for the shape and just soldering wire to it.

The real twister is supported around the outside, but I'm thinking if you made the cylinder bigger and used an axle, you could get away with a flimsier cage.

I *think* you can make one with either a CNC machine or a laser, with the respective rotary attachment.

Hoping someone can lend some know-how or at least a fresh pair of eyes.

For those who haven't seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS0q0CwBGxg

Costs $13,000, which is probably $10,000 more than it costs to make (not taking anything away from the company, looks well-built as fuck, but you could get a 2012 Nissan Versa for the same price)


Ursus marijanus
I think part of the trouble is that each slot has to have a sharp edge on the outer surface. It's like scissors or that oldstyle push mower ... many rotary blades turning against a static blade not shown in the pic or vid. There is no way to do that both cheap and well.

In any case did you see the Three Stooges bud that came out? And the amount of bud waste acuumulating under the rotor?? That is why hand-groomed bud will always and instantly be superior. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
What a lazy dickwad.

Accept the fact you still have to properly manicure that shyt & get on with it.


Well-Known Member
What a lazy dickwad.

Accept the fact you still have to properly manicure that shyt & get on with it.
Gee, the guy with 2 600's says to use scissors - big surprise.

And yeah, you can DIY with a fan, but it's almost not worth screwing with now that eBay is filled with trim pro knockoffs: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Speed-Hydroponic-Bud-Trimmer-Leaf-Reaper-Pro-Hash-Auto-Trimmer-/330672739961?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4cfda19679

I can see it wasting some bud - who cares if it saves time? The people using those aren't doing CFL grows in their bedroom, their pulling in pounds and would rather loose a little than pay people or spend months trimming.


Well-Known Member
No ideas?

I'm starting to think it might be possible to make out of fence. If you got fence with a 1" vertical spacing, you could use 2 layers to make 1/2" in. -- same for using 1/2" to get 1/4".

What you need is a low-gauge fence with tight vertical spacing but far horizontal spacing -- you might be able to get away with 1/2" gaps.

The twister uses a reel blade, but I don't see why you would need something that fancy. That said, you can get a reel mower for $100, which I'm guessing you could take apart and use a belt to spin the wheel axle. Personally, I was thinking of just putting some spinning blades under the bud cage.

Goal isn't necessarily to make a machine as good as the $13,000 one - just to make one better than a trim table.


Misguided Angel
I can pull the fan leaves off quicker and cleaner than that machine... I thought the ones hanging up at the beginning were waiting to get trrimmed!


Active Member
think of a electic shaver for your face. a trimer is the Same thing. look up how shavers work. what ever fits thought the hole gets cut off by a blade


Well-Known Member
think of a electic shaver for your face. a trimer is the Same thing. look up how shavers work. what ever fits thought the hole gets cut off by a blade
Knowing how something works isn't quite the same as being able to build it - especially when the main part is impossible to buy and probably made on a $20,000 piece of equipment. (even find high-gauge, large diameter metal tubing is a bitch, and not at all cheap)