Don't trust that combination lock - hack a lock.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I couldn't believe it when I saw how easy it is. Well, the shed lock has to change now. I DO want to keep the snowblower now that winter has finally set in.



Well-Known Member
hhahahahah great tutorial

i remember when i figured this out

i got a lock pick kit yo

and i can tell you this

dont trust any lock you can get at homedepot or lowes like stores

all are set locks with a generic pin set

ive figured out all the kwikset pin sets and masterlock pinsets :D

takes me less than a minute to open a master lock

edit ps

is that guy chewing on plastic while hes talking

that is the worst lisp EVER

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
i figured out how to pick those in high school ...worst lock you can buy! a good padlock will go forever , cant even shoot em off lol

if you wanna secure yur snowblower inside the shed , grab a cobra lock....looks like a snake and is indestructable, you can get em at motorcycle shops


Well-Known Member
actually one of the only locks out there thats actually secure in its design

my house locks are custom pin sets

costs a bit but getting a top bottom custom pin set is invaluable to security


Well-Known Member
locked & cocked is the only true method of securing anything.

was i supposed to say cocked & locked? o_O


Well-Known Member
hahaha well if they happen to get past the pin set

my winchester is pretty damn effect


Well-Known Member
Are my house locks safe?
what house locks you use if their generics like kwikset master lock and such im afraid not

goto a lock smith and ask for a custom

depending on the work of the lock smith it should be unique enough to provide the extra security

and it doesnt hurt to get a dead lock either


Well-Known Member
if you got a dead bolt lock and its a quality one i wouldnt worry about the house locks too and panels are easier to get into than a door
lol im telling you their are people out their that get the locks just to figure the pin sets *points to self*

im in the line of work where getting into places is a ability thats smiled upon

ive opened many a door in my day

best one was a solid seem executive

just flat double door with handles and a milimeter seem

took me 2 hours and it was open


Well-Known Member
yah, at first i thought the dude was a brit or something, than i figured out he was just annoying... good tutorial though ww.. :)

sounds like youd be getting hit with a face full of spit in a conversation with the kid


Well-Known Member
My dad found a cool, heavy-duty combination lock in the street one day and we decided it'd be good for the family bikes. We just passed it around between us for a week until someone got the combination lol