Well-Known Member
oooh few black vods and he's gone all jelly hahaha. been donkeys since we've seen any of your trees sambo, cant broon nose ya if we cant see
am grand mate, had some good news about the new gaff the lass has been told she's a shoe in for her uni course and ive got me grow in the design stages at a secret location away from the house. am waiting for something to jump up and sting me. shit never goes this right for me.
yaself? ya shandy drinking southern fairy?
don i got mucho respect for you but only fairy is the fairy coming across all confused after a few pipes???? i still read the site alot, and this black label is fucking strong geezer different class to me usual meths lol i.e glenns/imerial.
liking that new signing pepe cisse i fink ya got a goodun there, and fucking love how well pards is doing qaulity, still the spurs come-on!!!!