Dont know if im in the right place here guys but dont know were else to turn ive looked every were....I was given 3 clones rooted in small cubes i put them all in big cubes soaked in 1/2dose rhizatonic mix and was under a single flourecent and roots came through in no time. they have been under the same light for about 2 weeks and i saw no growth at all, so i replaced with a 250w blue spectrum cfl and potted in small pots in coco natural with water and rhiza and they have been there for about a week now and the stems have turned purple and there is still no growth at all!! I have not had a ph meter recently but i have ordered one, i realise this could be the problem but left the water standing for 24 hrs and never had this problem before in hydro.... if any experienced coco growers have another clue to what this could be pleeaaassse reply!!!