Coco Growers Unite!

what it is coco fans
listen i got this fuckin deficiency and i even spell that shit right but foreal this shit drivin me crazy
in bcuzz coco right out the bag with some hydroton at the bottom
i been giving like 3ml flora micro
and like 6ml flora bloom
feeding every other watering about 2-3 days apart
added like 3ml MagiCal the last watering
but what does this look like to you
btw the bad leaves are on the bottom but its creepin!

and the little white widow
Hey I have a very similar issue with my plants, only difference is you look like you have a deficiency up at the top leaves as well whereas mine its just the bottom leaves and all new growth looks good, but the bottom leaves are getting worse still. maybe its Cal or Mag? I was just gunna check the chart to see if thats what I have, will be interested to hear what it is if you find out though
Well guys it's been 2 days since i introduced cal-mag to my plants and what a difference they've gone into overdrive and are finally taking up all the space allocated to them, another few days before i go 12-12 and fire up the 2nd 600, can't wait
Yea I think Im in need of some Cal Mag too. Actually just Mag so I'm going to use Epsom salts.
Hey Pound Town, these are just my guesses but perhaps a K deficiency coupled with Mag deficiency, better look into it more though

Edit: I think it's just Magnesium Def, could be your K is too high and causing Mag lockout. Just guesses really
Yea I think Im in need of some Cal Mag too. Actually just Mag so I'm going to use Epsom salts.
Hey Pound Town, these are just my guesses but perhaps a K deficiency coupled with Mag deficiency, better look into it more though

Edit: I think it's just Magnesium Def, could be your K is too high and causing Mag lockout. Just guesses really

I tthink Pound Town has either a bad case of nute burn or a PH issue but I doubt its lock out because the top growth looks good.
I will say over fertilization ( nute burn) whats your PPM?
I tthink Pound Town has either a bad case of nute burn or a PH issue but I doubt its lock out because the top growth looks good.
I will say over fertilization ( nute burn) whats your PPM?

good to have multiple oppinions on this. The Necrotic pattern doesnt look like typical mag def either. The interveinal chlorosis does however. It could be high ppm causing this particularly if hes using something with alot of K. What's the NPK of your base nutrient? what is your source for magnesium? The top leaves do seem to be affected as well
Is it a bad idea to use straight coco? I have canna coco and I was thinking just going straight coco with hand watering. I have perlite as well but it's for some soil for my vegetable garden.
Is it a bad idea to use straight coco? I have canna coco and I was thinking just going straight coco with hand watering. I have perlite as well but it's for some soil for my vegetable garden.

The more perlite you put in the more air your roots will get and the higher your yeild. But it also means the more frequently you will have to water the pots. You can go straight coco with no problems though, you wont have to water as often but I believe you will get more growth with some perlite in there
i ended up flushing with 6 gal of ph 6.0 water as i think that was the problem and finished with some mild nutes. ill update how she does soon. thanks for all the good answers
The more perlite you put in the more air your roots will get and the higher your yeild. But it also means the more frequently you will have to water the pots. You can go straight coco with no problems though, you wont have to water as often but I believe you will get more growth with some perlite in there

Gonna mix in 25% perlite then (random # off top of my head). Thanks for input.
Dont know if im in the right place here guys but dont know were else to turn ive looked every were....I was given 3 clones rooted in small cubes i put them all in big cubes soaked in 1/2dose rhizatonic mix and was under a single flourecent and roots came through in no time. they have been under the same light for about 2 weeks and i saw no growth at all, so i replaced with a 250w blue spectrum cfl and potted in small pots in coco natural with water and rhiza and they have been there for about a week now and the stems have turned purple and there is still no growth at all!! I have not had a ph meter recently but i have ordered one, i realise this could be the problem but left the water standing for 24 hrs and never had this problem before in hydro.... if any experienced coco growers have another clue to what this could be pleeaaassse reply!!!
Is it a bad idea to use straight coco? I have canna coco and I was thinking just going straight coco with hand watering. I have perlite as well but it's for some soil for my vegetable garden.

No I used 100% coco chips on my last grow. Will be trying out 100% Canna Coco Coir this next run. Either or will work fine.. YOu will see a lot more coco growers turning to 100% coco coir now a' days.
Dont know if im in the right place here guys but dont know were else to turn ive looked every were....I was given 3 clones rooted in small cubes i put them all in big cubes soaked in 1/2dose rhizatonic mix and was under a single flourecent and roots came through in no time. they have been under the same light for about 2 weeks and i saw no growth at all, so i replaced with a 250w blue spectrum cfl and potted in small pots in coco natural with water and rhiza and they have been there for about a week now and the stems have turned purple and there is still no growth at all!! I have not had a ph meter recently but i have ordered one, i realise this could be the problem but left the water standing for 24 hrs and never had this problem before in hydro.... if any experienced coco growers have another clue to what this could be pleeaaassse reply!!!

Sounds like to me they are hungry, hope you rinsed your coco out too. The salts or whatever is left in from the manufacturer could effect PH and what not.. Give the coco a good wash like you wash hydroton.
Just tossing a small tidbit of info out there for anyone who's out of their regular cloning medium. Roots Organic works great to clone in...very fast ( astoundingly) rooting rate. One problem, all 32 clones now taken in roots organic have molded. Every single one. Where as my Light Warrior clones sitting in the same tub haven't a spot of mold yet. Odd.
Does any one have a good perlite mixture rate for coco coir ??? like 50/50?
I am doing 50/50 mix. It still holds alot of water at 50/50. I would recommend it only if you are going to give the plants quite large pots so you arent needing to water everyday. In theory it will dry two times as fast. My plants go about 4 days in 2 gallon pots and they are about a foot tall. But i plan to get them in much bigger pots soon
Well I found the problem with my plants . They all had root rot. I was over watering them. Out of 12 7 died. Totally my fault. This is my first time dealing with coco. But I repotted them all from 100% coco to a 50/50 mix of coco and coarse perlite. I thought that repotting them was going to put them in shock, but it didn't at all. The next day they looked like they grew overnight. So 100% coco may work for some but it wasn't working for me. And it really wasn't allowing the feeding schedule I wanted. I was looking too be able too feed/water more frequently. I'm really looking forward to this grow and think its going to turn out good. Thanks for all the advice.