Ron Paul Clueless about Foreign Policy...


Well-Known Member
How can anyone take this guy seriously?

Ron Paul's clueless rantings about the Taliban..

I would like to point out one thing about the Taliban. The Taliban used to be our allies when we were fighting the Russians. So Taliban are people who want — their main goal is to keep foreigners off their land. It’s the al-Qaeda — you can’t mix the two. The al-Qaeda want to come here to kill us. The Taliban just says, “We don’t want foreigners.” We need to understand that, or we can’t resolve this problem in the Middle East. We are going to spend a lot of lives and a lot of money for a long time to come.

Everything in this statement is wrong. Everything. Let’s start with the most basic point. The Taliban most certainly were not “our allies when we were fighting the Russians.” How could they have been, considering that the Taliban did not exist at the time of the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan?I won’t belabor the point that it was not the United States but the Afghan mujahadeen, with the help of non-Afghan Muslims (mostly Arab), who did the actual fighting against the Soviets. We did, after all, fuel the anti-Soviet jihad with billions of dollars in materiel and other assistance — through our intermediary, Pakistani intelligence, with the Saudis matching our aid dollar-for-dollar. Presumably, this is what Representative Paul was talking about. Nevertheless, while a number of the Taliban’s eventual founders were veterans of the anti-Soviet jihad, the fact is that the Taliban was not established as an organization until 1994. That is five years after the Soviet Union skulked out of Afghanistan and three years after it collapsed.
Paul’s claim that the Taliban is just opposed to foreign interference in Afghanistan is patently absurd. To begin with, the Taliban’s creation was a direct result not of foreign invasion but of Afghanistan’s internecine tribal warfare after the Soviets left and the Americans lost interest. Its unabashed goal was to crush Afghan factions that impeded its establishment of a retrograde sharia state.
Moreover, the Taliban craves foreign interference, without which it would never have come to power. A Pashtun movement driven by Islamic scholars and spearheaded by Mullah Mohammed Omar in Kandahar, the Taliban owes its existence to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. These Muslim nations, two of the only three nations in the world to recognize the Taliban-led government in Kabul, nurtured, armed, and financed the Taliban in its origin. They did so precisely because the Taliban was an effective ally in their machinations against regional rivals — India for the Pakistanis and Iran for the Saudis. The alliance was also grounded in the Taliban’s espousal of Deobandism, an uncompromising construction of Islam propagated in Afghan madrassas built by the Saudis’ Muslim World League in conjunction with Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan’s supremacist Islamic movement.
It should come as no surprise, then, that the Taliban willingly gave al-Qaeda safe haven, knowing full well that bin Laden’s network was engaged in a global jihad that targeted the United States as its primary enemy. Al-Qaeda struck American interests several times while it had sanctuary from the Taliban, attacking American embassies in East Africa and the USS Cole in Yemen before orchestrating the 9/11 attacks. By quite consciously accommodating and protecting an international terrorist organization that was at war with the United States, the Taliban joined al-Qaeda and became an enemy of the United States. It was thus every bit as much a part of al-Qaeda’s attacks on the U.S. as was al-Qaeda itself. That is not only how war works, it is a straightforward application of the criminal-law principles that Representative Paul claims to like so much — a conspirator and an aider-and-abettor is responsible for the actions of his confederates.

Seriously... We want a guy that will take apart the nuclear button on day one of his presidency because he simply has no understanding of our enemies?
Cluess says who? NLSX1 AND A COPY PASTED WALL OF TEXT? How do they compare to Paul's credentials on foreign policy? Paul serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee (having been on the Western Hemisphere and the Asia and Pacific subcommittees); the Joint Economic Committee; and the Committee on Financial Services (as Ranking Member of the Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology subcommittee, and Vice-Chair of the Oversight and Investigations subcommittee). Dr Paul has served in congress for decades.

Didn't read your giant unreadable wall of text but in regards to your comment, your being absolutely ridiculous. Dr Paul wants diplomacy and good relations and to work problems out. Dr Paul is not some kind of inpractical retard, he is not going to do something stupid like...Press the Nuclear Button you say he will dismantle? (Bullshit)
So your advocating for killing people and violence over talking things out?

Wow I just read the wall of text....Its 100% not want to talk about people being impractical loons, look at the response quoted in the orginal post lol

What I really don't get is how a isolationist wants all of these diplomatic solutions? Also what happens if heaven forbid war does come? I'm a vet as well as Mr Paul, and I know fighting is hell, but in this world, not having a game plan will hurt us badly. I'm not being argumentative I just don't understand that part of his policy.
Cluess says who? NLSX1 AND A COPY PASTED WALL OF TEXT? How do they compare to Paul's credentials on foreign policy? Paul serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee (having been on the Western Hemisphere and the Asia and Pacific subcommittees); the Joint Economic Committee; and the Committee on Financial Services (as Ranking Member of the Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade and Technology subcommittee, and Vice-Chair of the Oversight and Investigations subcommittee). Dr Paul has served in congress for decades.

Didn't read your giant unreadable wall of text but in regards to your comment, your being absolutely ridiculous. Dr Paul wants diplomacy and good relations and to work problems out. Dr Paul is not some kind of inpractical retard, he is not going to do something stupid like...Press the Nuclear Button you say he will dismantle? (Bullshit)

Well he may be on those committees but apparently he doesnt attend the meetings... LOL!!!

He talks about the Taliban being our friends when we were fighting Russia when the Taliban was not even formed until 1994... ROFLMFAO!!! He is fucking clueless. Maybe he sleeps in class...
Copy n paste! Off with your head

You clearly have a grudge against dr paul (thats racist) dr paul is all for the constitution. How can you vote sgainst that
Copy n paste! Off with your head

You clearly have a grudge against dr paul (thats racist) dr paul is all for the constitution. How can you vote sgainst that

Naah, I am jerking Deprave's chain.

Ron Paul doesnt have a chance at the nomination, I am not threatened by him.
How can anyone take this guy seriously?

Ron Paul's clueless rantings about the Taliban..

Seriously... We want a guy that will take apart the nuclear button on day one of his presidency because he simply has no understanding of our enemies?
Why would you post something like that which is incorrect? anyone with a lick of knowledge knows we financed and supplied Afghanistan. The CIA had a big hand in it.
Charlie Mitchells War so was a decent movie.
Why would you post something like that which is incorrect? anyone with a lick of knowledge knows we financed and supplied Afghanistan. The CIA had a big hand in it.
Charlie Mitchells War so was a decent movie.

Yes, when the Taliban did not exist. But Ron Paul thinks they did... Maybe he has dementia?
Yes, when the Taliban did not exist. But Ron Paul thinks they did... Maybe he has dementia?
Apparently you do, We are the reason they have so many weapons...We fought with them against the Soviet Union.....Dude you don't even know what your talking about and are just being a dick, yesterday you thought Ron Paul got 4th place, why do you want to argue about politics and you don't actually even study it is beyond me.
Apparently you do, We are the reason they have so many weapons...We fought with them against the Soviet Union.....

The taliban didnt exist in 1994... And we didnt fight with them. We provided money and weapons to Afganistan.

Your facts are at least as fucked up as Ron Paul's. Now I can understand how his foreign policy makes sense to you...
The taliban didnt exist in 1994... And we didnt fight with them. We provided money and weapons to Afganistan.

Your facts are at least as fucked up as Ron Paul's. Now I can understand how his foreign policy makes sense to you...
Fox news lies..

Active September 1994 – September 1996 (militia)
September 1996 – December 2001 (government)
2004–present (insurgency)
Fox news lies..

Active September 1994 – September 1996 (militia)
September 1996 – December 2001 (government)
2004–present (insurgency)

If you actually bothered to see the source of the article I posted it came from the national review. Of course you can just shout "Fox News Lies" at any reporter when you dont want to address the truth.

And you are quoting Wiki??? Dude, please....
nationalreview lies? I am sorry you posted a wall of text thats un-readable...We funded Afghanistan against the soviet union, Taliban existed and fought in that war, this is fact.
nationalreview lies? I am sorry you posted a wall of text thats un-readable...We funded Afghanistan against the soviet union, Taliban existed and fought in that war, this is fact.

When did Russia fight Afganistan?

Let me quote from ... *cough* wiki for ya...

The initial
Soviet deployment of the 40th Army in Afghanistan began on December 24, 1979 under Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev.[SUP][20][/SUP] The final troop withdrawal started on May 15, 1988, and ended on February 15, 1989 under the last Soviet leaderMikhail Gorbachev. Due to the interminable nature of the war, the conflict in Afghanistan has sometimes been referred to as the "Soviet Union's Vietnam War".[SUP][21][/SUP][SUP][22][/SUP]

Hmm... War with Russia over 1989.... Foundation of Taliban 1991... Unless we used a TIME MACHINE we simply could not have funded the taliban (which didnt exist) in the war in Afganistan against Russia.

I know that facts are inconvenient when you are bowing to your master. You know... Ron Paul could actually be WRONG about what he said. Shocking I know. He isnt a deity he is an 80 year old white scarecrow in a big suit.
