Club 600

Acapulco Gold from Barney's,

If you like Sativas, and you have patience, I highly recommend this strain.

Her smell, smoke and high is nothing like what i can find in any shop here in socal.

Funny, when I used to ask some of the shops how long it took to flower their sativas, their common answer was 8 weeks. I just laughed and stopped getting sativa meds from them.

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This last one i flowered didnt fare so well in terms of yield however. Though, I know why, she was in a winter greenhouse, enduring nights as cold as 35 deg farenheit. And she had reduced sunlight. So all in all she didnt do too bad.
ALOT of lower stuff will be turned into some bomb kief or bubble.

ALSO on a side note, I got some very nice and unexpected surprises from her :)

My male cougar must have been super horny cause he managed to get a couple seeds into the APG.

So that means I got some APGxCougar Kush beans now :)

Very nice BC99 I have a soft spot for pure sativa also. I bet if you threw that in the yard ran it over with the truck a few times let the sun bleach out the color then stuff it into a trash compactor it would taste just like the shit from the 70's. :lol:
Very nice BC99 I have a soft spot for pure sativa also. I bet if you threw that in the yard ran it over with the truck a few times let the sun bleach out the color then stuff it into a trash compactor it would taste just like the shit from the 70's. :lol:
My buddy says it reminds him of the holy smoke they use for incense at a catholic church ;)
Holy Smoke, is that what come from those contraptions the choir boys wave around.....are they not like frankensens or something (sorry, not very religious)

Has anyone ever considered getting all the common food stuff and fruit that people say, well this smells of Berry's, or this smells of Lemons, etc.

Go out today and have a sniff round a local fruit market......
Sounds like bc's buddy's padre used frankinsensimella in the ol' thuriber, to me ;-)

I did the altar boy thing for years growing up, and never saw any wacky tobbacky in use, but I did see some priests & monsignors toss back some goodly amounts of bourbon or wine after mass while changing from vestments to their normal black suit & white collar for the meet & greet as people left church.
i told my little brother in OZ to start a new website (he seems to like uploading vids on youtube of him building racetracks for his toy cars and then presenting the clip like Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear, hehehe - quite funny actually). He tries to make the tracks like actual real racing tracks as well. Anyway, what with the local Ozzy dialect, i said he shoudl start which is what the Ozzies say when something is good! PRobably already exists. Lets go have a looksee shall we!
12-12 sure does rock Del. I got some nice 12/12 examples myself at the moment. Bubble showing off there beauty as usual.
12-12 sure does rock Del. I got some nice 12/12 examples myself at the moment. Bubble showing off there beauty as usual.

you got any pics of your 12-12 from seeds plants? got a whole batch of new seeds...........going to breed again with the bubblebomb..........certainly a plant that always comes good..
One of them is a few pages back, the Bolo Kush.....
you got any pics of your 12-12 from seeds plants? got a whole batch of new seeds...........going to breed again with the bubblebomb..........certainly a plant that always comes good..
here's a pic of one of the Bolos from about 10 days ago. And yeh, I managed to nute burn all my plants this round, not sure what it was....
still makes me think off that eff off huge chinese fella from enter the dragon.

Boy, a humiliating kick in the crotch sure can...
... sting, yes?

Someone should call...
... the police and report the assault!

I'll shut up now.

Nah, it's some DOG thing, people see him as a dog, but his owner speaks to him like a person...they smoke bongs together. ah fuk, I can't remember, lol. I even saw a pic of it on someones avatar.
Right! I remember now!
Well, I don't remember the specifics of the names, but I remember the avatar now!

Not ALL stoners are in la-la-land! ;-)
Not speaking of myself, mind you.
I believe that article about vpd came out of a high times, at least I read it out of one. It more or less confirms my idea about humidity and its effects on plants. I have noticed that my arjan's haze did the roll leaf into tube thingy trying to conserve moisture by not exposing the leaf to light. Bill, your acapulco gold looks eerily similar to the colombian gold, did you clone her?

Duchie, you won't be disappointed in the colombian, just make sure to take clones and the clones will finish in eight weeks. If you clone from a clone the plant tends to not be as buddy and the 'buds' get to looking very foxtailish but are still dank as hell. They need good light to develop. And it sounds like you do indeed need more humidity. Are you experiencing leaf roll?