Thursday Night Chop Down!

Hell yeah Stoney, that would be awesome to see! I love your hydro man, how you liking it? She should train well in there :weed:
sup stoney man! you having a disco or what!? haha new training thing looks interesting.

so lemme get this straight you popped y7our 600 cherry then started lowering the light cycle?!?! wtf man?!

hope your good bro, garden looks tasty

hey Don!!! heard ya might start up a small grow in your current pad to move with ya... that would be sweet!!! I'm sure your chompin at the bit!!!

but hell no man, I didn't do anything silly like that... the 600HPS is still pumping along great at 12/12!!!! that LED is just a last ditch effort to get the lights i spent so much money for to work correctly... just a small side grow, nothing more!!!

but the 600 is kicking ass IMO, and i will NEVER stop using it!!!


Hell yeah Stoney, that would be awesome to see! I love your hydro man, how you liking it? She should train well in there :weed:

so far i like it a lot!!! I ordered proper hydro nutes but fed ex home is being assholes. they've had my package since saturday... they called and said they need directions to my house!!! left em directions that day and haven't heard from them since.... WTF!!!! a shipping co!!!! are you fuckin serious!! 2012 and they don't have a MAP? google? smart phone? NAV? ...............C'Mon man!!!!! fUCKERS!!!

sorry.... had to vent a little more about it!!!

but i like this hydro so far... kinda maintenance free. I haven't done anything but check on her and topped her off once!!!
thats crackers fella, they don't have street view over the pond ? sheeeeet son. lazy muthafuckers.

i've got my mothers and the clones ready to be taken fairly soon at a top secret location lol. round me mates house.... though i've got pips to pop to sex first. but i know if i do that at my current house there's a risk potential new tenants could want to look in every nook and cranny and also my lass would have my balls in a vice faster than you could say 'germination'.

so what gives with the QQ man, did you reveg and it not go too well?
thats crackers fella, they don't have street view over the pond ? sheeeeet son. lazy muthafuckers.

i've got my mothers and the clones ready to be taken fairly soon at a top secret location lol. round me mates house.... though i've got pips to pop to sex first. but i know if i do that at my current house there's a risk potential new tenants could want to look in every nook and cranny and also my lass would have my balls in a vice faster than you could say 'germination'.

so what gives with the QQ man, did you reveg and it not go too well?

I took a trip into town today and get this.... there is my package sitting on a big rock down the road a bit!!!! fedex put a sticker on my mailbox and it said "item on rock".... WTF!!!!!! so they found my mailbox, then turned around and put it on a rock down the road!!!!! my driveway is right next to my mailbox!!!!! i just don't get it..... oh well, i got my nutes now!!!! i mixed some up and am now letting it get to temp before i do a change out!!

and the QQ will always have a home in my garden!!! i think i have 2 or 3 in flower now and a couple in veg!!!! she clones and grows so perfect!!!! in fact in the photo above, the girl front and center in the round container is a QQ!!!!

and i'm happy you get to have a few clones to play around with in the time being. it must suck not to get to see them whenever ya want though.... soon man, soon you'll have a new place and lots of greenery!!!
I took a trip into town today and get this.... there is my package sitting on a big rock down the road a bit!!!! fedex put a sticker on my mailbox and it said "item on rock".... WTF!!!!!! so they found my mailbox, then turned around and put it on a rock down the road!!!!! my driveway is right next to my mailbox!!!!! i just don't get it..... oh well, i got my nutes now!!!! i mixed some up and am now letting it get to temp before i do a change out!!

and the QQ will always have a home in my garden!!! i think i have 2 or 3 in flower now and a couple in veg!!!! she clones and grows so perfect!!!! in fact in the photo above, the girl front and center in the round container is a QQ!!!!

and i'm happy you get to have a few clones to play around with in the time being. it must suck not to get to see them whenever ya want though.... soon man, soon you'll have a new place and lots of greenery!!!

LOL wrong rock dummy! Glad you found it lol.
LOL wrong rock dummy! Glad you found it lol.

hahahaha yea man, people do the stupidest things sometimes!!!

the hat rack again, love it!!! LoL. everything looks great bro!! that 600 lights them babies up real nice!!

hell yea man, i had to do something with them!!! i bought 5 or 6 of those DT hats!!!! I'll post up a few pics with the new light on for a week now!!

props to ya stoney, i havent seen anything 'different' on RIU for quite a while.

Thanks Don, ya know with the 600 pretty much on auto pilot, i get a little bored!! hahaha plus i really want these lights i paid a lot of money for, to work better!!!

Is that a "Dollar Tree hat"? lol

you bet it is..... INVERTED!!!!! hahahahaha

Damn stoner Fed Ex employees lol! Your blood pressure better now ; ?)

yea man, i just laughed it off for the most part. i was happy it was there cuz i was about to go to the hydro store and buy other stuff!!!
I have an update coming up in a few.... all good stuff!!!!
I'll check out your update later on stoney : !) Heading out to pick up some italian take out and my gal and then sit in front of the tube for a couple of hours and watch her stupid shows lol. Oh well I can handle it... bowl or two of DOG kush too hehe. My son and I went out and saw Sherlock Holmes (it was real good) last night and whenever we do that I have to treat my chick the next night...she's weird like that lol. I just pacify her ;)
I'll check out your update later on stoney : !) Heading out to pick up some italian take out and my gal and then sit in front of the tube for a couple of hours and watch her stupid shows lol. Oh well I can handle it... bowl or two of DOG kush too hehe. My son and I went out and saw Sherlock Holmes (it was real good) last night and whenever we do that I have to treat my chick the next night...she's weird like that lol. I just pacify her ;)

as long as ya get a happy ending it makes it all worth the stupid shows!!!!!! I'm glad ya like the new holmes movie. i keep seeing the trailer telling me that is is better than the first one..... i keep laughing, and thinking I hope so!!! the first one sucked!

after a day of hydro nutes my DWC plant, BTW... I've named this plant, it's the FIRST time i ever gave a plant a name.... but her name is skunky dunk!!!! she's a skunk and she's dunked in H2O!!! so... after a day of hydro nutes in skunky dunk she is looking much better now!! i really noticed a difference in the root area... she only had them coming out of a few holes yesterday. now today she is exploding with root growth!!!

these hydro nutes are made by JR Peters and can be bought online from their site. it's the same nute company that makes the jacks classic i use. it's pretty much made in my back yard and i fully support local businesses. it is extremely cheap, and it's a two part dry mix. one is NPK/micros and the other is Cal/Nit. 1/2 teaspoon of each per gallon and shake!!! the PH end up perfect every time!!! i started with 1/2 strength for now though. i will mix it to full strength and top her off with that and that should keep it getting ramped up.

I'm really having fun playing with H2O!!!!!



My HPS has been in on for a full week now and the plants are responding wonderful to it!!! it was to late for most of em, but some will still get large enough!!! I started to use the bloom booster Ginormous made by humbolt. I am only using it on one plant, my AK47 in the back right corner. she is about half way right now and seems to be loving the UV from the hps!!! I bought the ginormous a long time ago when i first got the spectras. i thought the nute was burning them, not the lights!! so i stopped using it. well i still like what i read about the product so i'm gonna use it again!!!



My skunk is showing signs of greatness already!!! she is showing nice bud growth at 3 weeks, and only one week under HPS. she is the big sister of skunky dunk... now you guys understand why i put the cage on her already!!!! haha
half of her didn't even make it in the pic!!!!


this is a caliband at just two weeks to the day!!!


here is an arctic express bud.... starting to get frosty!!!!!! she should look awesome in three or four weeks!!!!!!!


and since the HPS has been running trouble free for a week now, i decided to mount the ballast on the wall instead of having it just laying on the floor. this corner of my grow room is one of the cleanest parts of my entire house!!! it's right in front of the fan and the temps and RH are fine right where it is!!!! the RH in the rest of the room is higher, the fans are making it lower there... I also tried to make the wires nice and neat and keep them out of the way!!!!!!



and the last set are of the entire flower garden.... this first one is in real color, the second is in fake color, and the last is a close up of it!!




Thanks for looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nice update bro!! :D

thank you sir!!!!

CLUB 600

Looking awesome dude! Are you putting the MH in for photoshoots? lol

hahaha i forgot about the 600 club... maybe after i grow a monster bud with it, I can earn my way in!!!

and to get the pics I use a setting on my camera called "white balance preset" under the white balance options. from there i put a white piece of paper on the buds and point my camera at it and click on measure. the camera zooms out and reads the paper while changing the color till it sees pure white. once i pick the setting i don't have to do this ever again. i just have to select "preset" and it remembers the settings.

I do measure it over again when i go from led to HPS. under normal lighting i just select "auto". when i use the flash it cancels it all out and makes the pic look blue!!! hahahaha

this is why i call it "fake" color... the camera software has an algorithm that tells it what white "should" look like. it's close to real color but it looks more vibrant and kinda fake. changing out the bulbs for pics would really suck!!!!!!
That's awesome! Takes great pics under HPS.... There's no earning your way into the 600 bro, you just hop your ass in there anytime you want. You got a 600 and you're not a d-bag so you're in! lol
That's awesome! Takes great pics under HPS.... There's no earning your way into the 600 bro, you just hop your ass in there anytime you want. You got a 600 and you're not a d-bag so you're in! lol

I am an asshole though..... so we'll see if i get kicked out!!! hahahahhhahaha that camera is so old and has been around the world and back. i paid $400 for it about 6-7 years ago. it has features and settings i never used!!! hell, i just learned about the white balance a month ago!!!! hahahaha

hahaha no recommend a friend in the 6 hun man, get your ladies posted!

done!!! i'm in and subbed!

thanks for showing, thats just awesome bro!!!!! 1,000,000 rep points to ya, LoL.

thanks so much man!!!!! i wish rep was unlimited!!! haha

how is the flo-k 48?? say the ak 47 and arctic express and skunk and caliband. but no flo-k 48. =(

ah bro... I harvested her a few weeks ago. I'm so embarrassed to say that the LED's fucked her up and i didn't get much at all... a little over a 1/4 dried!!!! I smoked her all to myself and didn't share with anybody!!! the taste and high were through the roof. she really tasted like AK. i didn't get any purple in her so I'm not sure how the flo made it through. I have more beans dude!!!! as soon as i get all this lighting issue straightened out i will drop more and do a PROPER grow with them!!!!!

i felt so bad when she got torched right near the end!!!!! I'll make up for it big time with the next grow!!!!!!