Pussy <3 <--

i thought i was the only one with this observation.....

a while back, i ran into one of the first women i *ehem* "expanded sexual boundaries" with.... and s/he informed me that s/he was now a pre-op transsexual.

i remember walking away thinking, "well, she DID have a rather penile clitoris....."

lofl, that's funny. so tehnically u got it on with a tranny.
[video=youtube;uYXlK-Dktnk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYXlK-Dktnk&amp;feature=related[/video]<-----pussy lover
A BIG clit is a big unnerving.....but a well defined one that you can easily pay special attention to is nice. It's way easier to get her fired up, and if she is happy, you are happy :).

Remember Karma is a bitch...you make fun of her, and she'll have the laugh with her girlfriends if you lack in any of the many catagories are involved in sex. Men will still try to get with her.......women will laugh at you at the bar for years to come LOL!
eva had some bomb ass pussy? [video=youtube;0wJNY1cbps4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wJNY1cbps4[/video]
Yaaargh, I didn't see this! Padwan, that's like saying guys with small dicks are more feminine! I myself do not have the giant labia/clitoris thing going on, but I know women are terrified you're gonna hate their pussy, or that it's abnormal. So, go ahead and have a preference, just don't mention to her why you don't want a second date!


I feel safe in saying this for all men, we don't hate any pussy. I'm far more concerned with how much makeup a bitch is wearing (or other unimportant yet more important than what a pussy looks like) than what her pussy looks like before I fuck her.
get your dick sucked or eat the sweetest pussy? (normal sized clit lol)

i absolutely LOVE eating pussy.. some of my buddy's think it's gross but I hella like getting into it
i eat some really good puss.. my head (to a female) is 8 out of 10 (i know it and they do to) with room for improvement ;)
making/watching/feeling a female cum mostly by tongue (fingers too) is a win-win situation..
i get off knowing im making her feel BOMB - and she will be willing to return the favor 10 times better than "the usual"

guys are whatever to get horney.. show us a nipple and were hard
females create a challenge/play games (mind fuck the SHIT out of you) to get them off..
Why do guys adjust their nuts anytime, anywhere? I saw the president do a nut check once.

The obvious and recommended female revenge is the tit check/ top adjust. Be bold about it. Often. We males will endure it with great grace, if you don't count the resulting reminder to check our danglies. . cn
Lol but girls try to be discreet about checking, because we don't want anyone to think we are doing something sexual or drawing attention to our boobs even if the goal is to make sure they look ok as well as being comfy. I see so many guys absentmindedly just walking around with their hands in their man panties. T-Bird likes to yell to the whole room his balls are being squished and will whip it out if there is fluff annoying him on his dick.