Medical MJ card & employment


Active Member
I don't believe having the documentation will be an issue as its not against the law (in medical states obviously) to posess a card. However, if it's a company policy to pass a drug test, at any time during employment, and you fail, then it won't matter on the legality, as it's a company policy. If your employer says you can't fart at work, and you do, and they have proof, they can follow through with policy. Especially if you live in an "at will" state.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe having the documentation will be an issue as its not against the law (in medical states obviously) to posess a card. However, if it's a company policy to pass a drug test, at any time during employment, and you fail, then it won't matter on the legality, as it's a company policy. If your employer says you can't fart at work, and you do, and they have proof, they can follow through with policy. Especially if you live in an "at will" state.
Exactly. I don't think it's right, but that right there is fact.


Active Member
...wanted to throw this in from the grapevine...

I heard corporationx are hard on mmj mainly because the federal government sees it as an illegal drug. so, because your wages are part federally taxed (not state) then the corps are liable for shutdown...

...anyone heard of this to be true?


Sorry but I'm not too educated on American fed/state laws but I have noticed that there seems to be a HELLOVALOT of conflict in legislation, fed law says no weed but state says opposite, how the farrk is this supposed to work!! I really just don't understand why the hell Australia is so damn far behind on this subject, no offense to females on RIU but our prime minister should hav been a male, Julia Gillard hasn't got the big I'l hairy bags to change things for something new or positive to happen.. We waste soo much damn money on our indigenous folk when ultimately very few contribute anything back, the money should be used to research MJ or something! Why are our leaders holding us back and brain washing us to control how we live and not just letting us LIVE :( it's a sad time in our history everyone and things will get worse before they get better!
Just gotta keep head up and fight for our smoke!! :eyesmoke:


I don't believe having the documentation will be an issue as its not against the law (in medical states obviously) to posess a card. However, if it's a company policy to pass a drug test, at any time during employment, and you fail, then it won't matter on the legality, as it's a company policy. If your employer says you can't fart at work, and you do, and they have proof, they can follow through with policy. Especially if you live in an "at will" state.
This is correct. I had the same worry about future employers having access to my medical info. I just went last week to get my cert. I asked the doctor on the phone before going and then again in his office. As mentioned due to HIPPA your doctor can't release your medical records without a subpoena from the courts. Now I was asking specifically about if I applied for a federal job for example, and the Doc did make it clear that if you fail a drug test a company does not have to recognize that you are a MMMP especially for a federal job they are going to say no way. Same thing if you work somewhere and they have a clear Drug Policy. My doctor says he has written letters for people though and that that has been acceptable even for some guy who worked for Honda, now of course that's a Japanese company...

Now, I think it goes without saying if you show up to work blown out, or if you are even glassy eyed and all your co-workers know you smoke and your Managers/Company Owner does NOT know and does NOT support their employee being high at work, you are playing with fire.

For me, I don't work somewhere where they drug test, so I was basically checking just incase. The bottom line is: legally your friend's work cannot legally access her medical records- if they have a strict anti drug policy and condut drug tests- she will not be protected unfortunately. But if she already smokes that doesn't really make a difference. If she gets it though I would not share that info with anyone in the workplace, no need to draw attention when essentially nothing will have changed.

Finally, don't just take it from me, have her call the clinic she is going to and talk to her doctor, my doctor had no problem talking to me over the phone before I went for my appointment.

Hope this helps, good luck to your friend! :weed:


Active Member
Some people like to come home from a Hard days work, and Smoke a bowl to relax. some drink a beer, some take A Pill,

You can't work drunk, but you can drink after work!!!


Active Member
Some people like to come home from a Hard days work, and Smoke a bowl to relax. some drink a beer, some take A Pill,

You can't work drunk, but you can drink after work!!!
ACTUALLY - yeah you can.. many people come to work still drunk everyday, nearly at every job i bet.

the one that i got fired from.. MANY people came in hungover and still drunk.. working the bone saws in the meat room and everything...

its the unfairness of the way they treat it that pisses me off as well as not following their own policy on prescription drugs -

ALSO... can anyone please consult a lawyer on what it means when "...a business or licensing board cannot take disciplinary action against you for being in accordance with the law?"
you violated the first rule of fight club and therefor no sympathy.
Why go into work an hour early and then bitch cause they are making you working putting up signs?
If you would have shut your mouth and not said shit to anyone you might still have your bagger job, lol.

Loose lips sink ships.
ALSO, lol

look up the definition of hear-say.
You can not be terminated for hear-say, there must be concrete proof, drug test or an eye witness, you cant be let go for someone saying you did it.
But since you admitted to it, i guess thats the reason, just hard to believe someone in "Corporate" would know this....