I grabbed it too. Got sad s1 n purple wreck.
Got mine aswell lsd and c99 rollin deep on strains as a single plant kinda fella with so many choices dont know what to pop first hmm maybe the bubba76
Topic says it all. Lucky 7 has arrived. 9 business days. Attitude is the shit!!
i got lucky all but the fruity chronic juice are big fat beans
i orderd mine on the second day and i just checked usps and it says it just hit there sort facility in new york and has been dispatched today ive been soo giddy to get my beans i got 10 mi5's and a ghs nl5 haze mist plus my lucky 7 and a hobbit ufo and i forgot what the other is fuck tho i wish i had them in my hands right now!!!!!!
im pretty pumpd about te mi5s ive never grown a auto tho so im sure this will be a great learning experence hopefully i dont butcher to many lol