Incurable TB found in India


Well-Known Member
lol, i was watching videos of the head bob on youtube and laughing.[video=youtube;-7m2aDxVAuI][/video]

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I fear being one of the ones that nature does eliminate. I'm still too young to go.
No need for fear. Disease is just one of Mother Nature's ways of keeping population in check. They serve a purpose, the same as the sun and the rain.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I fear being one of the ones that nature does eliminate. I'm still too young to go.
Hey sweetie, don't worry... believe me it does not help. That's why I hate watching the news. It can be so f-ing depressing. And for those of u say... well less people in the world, due to the disease, that's kinda shitty, I wouldn't want anyone I know to get that shit.
Can't even travel nowadays's...might catch something! Or pass the joint LOL


Well-Known Member
I fear being one of the ones that nature does eliminate. I'm still too young to go.
You should fear riding in or driving a car then. Way more likely to kill you than "incurable TB".

There is always some new "germ" on the horizon to give humanity a scare. Remember SARS? What ever happened to that shit? It was supposed to be the next big epidemic, yet it never really took off. Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and West Nile Virus are just a few of the more recent "epidemics" that never were. I'm not saying we will never experience another epidemic or plague, but just eat healthy and practice good hygiene (which I'm sure you do) and you should be fine. Rmember the "flesh eating bacteria" that killed Jim Henson? Necrotizing Fasciitis! Nasty shit! That kinda scares me!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Doc, around here is a street called West Nine Mile Road. And when the West Nile Virus was active we used to call it the West Nine Mile Virus. LOL. Almost no one caught on, but the few that did started to use it.

I'm not really worried about getting anything other than a cold. But a piece of the Russian spacecraft that came down the other day might do the job for ma nature
You should fear riding in or driving a car then. Way more likely to kill you than "incurable TB".

There is always some new "germ" on the horizon to give humanity a scare. Remember SARS? What ever happened to that shit? It was supposed to be the next big epidemic, yet it never really took off. Bird Flu, Swine Flu, and West Nile Virus are just a few of the more recent "epidemics" that never were. I'm not saying we will never experience another epidemic or plague, but just eat healthy and practice good hygiene (which I'm sure you do) and you should be fine. Rmember the "flesh eating bacteria" that killed Jim Henson? Necrotizing Fasciitis! Nasty shit! That kinda scares me!


Well-Known Member
My friend is the bass player for the Angry Amputees.
He is a survivor of that necrotizing fasciitis. That shit fucked him up.
I think they finally got it under control by using a hyperbaric chamber. Crazy shit.


Well-Known Member
What's scary is that he wa living in Santa Barbara, CA when he got that shit and not some scummy third world country.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
He's lucky to be alive. My bff is an RN and she tells me of some crazy ass stuff going on in the hospital.
My friend is the bass player for the Angry Amputees.
He is a survivor of that necrotizing fasciitis. That shit fucked him up.
I think they finally got it under control by using a hyperbaric chamber. Crazy shit.


Well-Known Member
dude like ive been saying close the boarder if your that scared. dont let anything pass into the USA without being tested. o it will cost too much- solution to all our job and economic problems. everything needed will be grown and made here from then on and low and behold a new boom in jobs. simple. and for the necro wiki link. you hit the blackout day my friend

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
never thought of the economic angle, good point.
ive just been cursing globalization and "forward progress" everytime i kill a non native stinkbug or catch a snakehead.