Starting to Worry!

It's says that for every order of mine from the attitude for two years. Takes 9 BUSINESS days from Attitude to Florida. Tracking is USELESS you will only drive yourself crazy. I ordered within 2 minutes of the Lucky7 start and haven't received my beans yet. 3 orders. They will be here tomorrow or Saturday.

I was more curious why they are just sitting idle in the USA more than anything.
The note doesn't say anything except that the package has been seized. That's all. It's preventative.
Tracking doesn't always update in time for me.
Bet you'll get your order soon, what's your favorite strain out of what you got?

What bigv getting a reship on $180? That's something. I've never ordered that much but I'm happy to read about the reshipping.
I was more curious why they are just sitting idle in the USA more than anything.

the message you are seeing is normal. tracking sucks. tracking said i had a package on the east coast while it was in reality sitting in my lap across the country. tracking=garbage. tracking is ONLY useful if u want to check that something was actually sent, so the seedbank cant claim they sent it, unless they actually sent it.

i've had to wait 20-22 days before, average is about 15.
I have a quick question for those that order from this distributor. Why are they sending T-shirts and other souvenirs as packages to begin with?. Unless a very large order has been placed, beans should be sent in a regular stamped envelope. I've received orders from 2 different countries, both in plain envelopes that were never scrutinized let alone winding up in customs.

they send the tshirts and other souvenirs as per requested by the customer. and honestly as someone else already said, its for the guarantee. anyone that drops a couple hundred on an order but is too cheap to spend the extra money to guarantee their package is either way too cheap (or way to rich), or doesn't work to earn their money. that being said, the promo 420 code pretty much pays for shipping. and most (not all) of the complaints i see about attitude are from people that didn't go with the guarantee, or people that somehow think attitude is responsible when the beans dont germ.

and on top of all that, i would never ever in my life just order from a place that put beans in an envelope and mailed them off. that would be, imo, the very definition of dumb.

now if you buy direct from breeder sites and you are happy with their service, then awesome, more power to you. but many breeders do not sell directly to some countries and some people aren't in medical states. so places like attitude are their only chance of getting quality gear from quality breeders.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]WTF man FUCK MLK DAY! WHY has my package been sitting an hr away fr om my house for 3 days!!! 3 days! ITS AN HOUR AWAY! DELIVER MY SHIT!!!!
ive gotten the customs letter for a verdamper from everyone does it, customs took two different ones two different times, nothing ever came and i was refunded. although ive never ordered anything else from that company again, doesnt seem worth the wait and loss if they cant package things well enough. they sent me a packet from customs with the option to contest. i chose not too, why bring unnecessary attention. i ordered my seeds on the 9th they were dispatched on the 10th. went to new your isc, then to kearny nj, and have been there for 2 days. dunno if its mlk and the plant was closed, or no one has bothered to scan. your packages dont get scanned on the way out of facilities, just when they come in. for instance, mine says nj but it could very well be on a plane headed to nm right now. or it could just be sitting in nj. national holidays are bullshit, if cops are still handing out citations, post offices should still be running.
sucks my package arrived today without the lucky 7 :(
Attitude seems to be dropping the ball, see how long it takes to get corrected, will update
sucks my package arrived today without the lucky 7 :(
Attitude seems to be dropping the ball, see how long it takes to get corrected, will update

dumb question. but on the email they send listing your order.. it had the lucky 7 seeds on that email right?

Lucky 7 listed in invoice yup. But didn't come. Received partial order. Basically was my full order minus the lucky 7. Sent an email. fast response. I have never had an issues with attitude and if there was they have corrected it immediately. Never no complaints, just baffled, lol

dumb question. but on the email they send listing your order.. it had the lucky 7 seeds on that email right?
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Lucky 7 listed in invoice yup. But didn't come. Received partial order. Basically was my full order minus the lucky 7. Sent an email. fast response. I have never had an issues with attitude and if there was they have corrected it immediately. Never no complaints, just baffled, lol

anyones freebies kinda small?