Martin Luther King Day


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's exactly how it goes. :roll:

More like "so I joined a gang because I live in an extremely unsafe neighborhood and have no other means of protecting myself and no means of economic advancement and this group offered me both"

That's why we have gangs. It's not because black people are predisposed to crime and violence.

If you look at most situations where a minority is concentrated in a neighborhood with no economic opportunity and very little public safety, the result is almost always the development of a gang or something like it. There were Irish and Italian gangs before there were black gangs. Now that those communities have largely been assimilated into the general American population, it isn't a problem anymore.

The biggest problem right now as I see it is that ghettos filled with poor black people exist in most major American cities. That's where these problems come from. And no, I don't necessarily think white people today are the cause of that problem. It's more like our history is to blame for it. But the problem is real and undeniable. As long as ghetto projects exist, there will always be racism, racial problems, gangs, violence, etc.

It's the economic conditions of these neighborhoods which is the main cause of these problems, not the people themselves.

being in a gang does not offer protection.

you believe this crap? and you aren't even black. kinda proves it's not a black thing, eh?

people DIE from being in gangs. :dunce:

so we should bulldoze the ghetto's?

no one is offering any answers.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
let's just say it's all true.

blacks today are still held back because they are black.

now what?

fuck if I know....

I'm hoping over time our communities will become more integrated and we have no more ghettos. But that might be wishful thinking. I have no good solution in mind. I can think of several bad solutions, just not a good one.


Well-Known Member
let's just say it's all true.

blacks today are still held back because they are black.

now what?

"now what" is the real question.

but i reject your conclusion that black people are held back because they are black. it is much more complex than that.

i'll defer to what dan says, he seems to be more well-spoken than me tonight.


Well-Known Member
fuck if I know....

I'm hoping over time our communities will become more integrated and we have no more ghettos. But that might be wishful thinking. I have no good solution in mind. I can think of several bad solutions, just not a good one.

nothing happens. and i'll tell you why.

little black johnny wakes up everyday being told he won't amount to shit because his papa was a slave.

carry that torch. :)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
being in a gang does not offer protection.
Well obviously you're right. It's an even more dangerous path. But from the perspective of a 13 year old kid living in the projects, it doesn't seem that way. Truth is gang members, especially the younger ones are the most scared insecure people on the planet. The violence comes from their fear, and the hopes that if they act like that, they won't appear to be scared.

you believe this crap? and you aren't even black. kinda proves it's not a black thing, eh?
I grew up in a Norte town. Most people I went to school with were gang members. So actually I do think I kind of understand why people join gangs.

people DIE from being in gangs. :dunce:
yep. I'm aware. But if you're a 13 year old who gets his ass kicked by other gang members and has no other method of protection, you'd probably have a different perspective.

so we should bulldoze the ghetto's?
Yeah, probably. I don't know how you stop them from popping back up, but that seems like a good start. Having large areas in a city where the population density is extremely high, with high crime, shitty education, and no economic opportunity is never going to produce a positive result. We'd be doing everyone a favor by bulldozing every large housing project in America.

no one is offering any answers.
Well I don't have a good answer, I don't think anyone does. Just because shit is fucked up doesn't mean there is a way to fix it.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
wtf are you talking about, you don't build a ghetto. An area is turned to a ghetto due to neglect.
While there are neglected areas that turn into ghettos, there are most definitely buildings that entire purpose on construction to become ghettos.


Well-Known Member
While there are neglected areas that turn into ghettos, there are most definitely buildings that entire purpose on construction to become ghettos.
Are you saying the governments builds ghettos on purpose?

It is starting to sound like you are agreeing with me...

Free housing to build dependence on a political group? Say it aint so!!