All My Pictures!!!


Moderatrix of Journals

is everything porn for you kitty :lol:
everything in the garden is erotic.
breaking the surface of freshly-tilled earth with a spade.
gingerly making a small hole with your finger, and planting a seed in it.
watching a new-sprouted seedling shed its pod (aka the 3day striptease).
seeing the girls all trussed up and gagged like a bunch of LST submissives.
even after the SNUFF FILM that is harvest time, you dry, cure, take her out a month later for a spin around the block...... can't do THAT with a dead porn star.


Well-Known Member
everything in the garden is erotic.
breaking the surface of freshly-tilled earth with a spade.
gingerly making a small hole with your finger, and planting a seed in it.
watching a new-sprouted seedling shed its pod (aka the 3day striptease).
seeing the girls all trussed up and gagged like a bunch of LST submissives.
even after the SNUFF FILM that is harvest time, you dry, cure, take her out a month later for a spin around the block...... can't do THAT with a dead porn star.

i felt it necessary to login and like this post.


Weed Modifier
everything in the garden is erotic. breaking the surface of freshly-tilled earth with a spade. gingerly making a small hole with your finger, and planting a seed in it. watching a new-sprouted seedling shed its pod (aka the 3day striptease). seeing the girls all trussed up and gagged like a bunch of LST submissives. even after the SNUFF FILM that is harvest time, you dry, cure, take her out a month later for a spin around the block...... can't do THAT with a dead porn star.
:clap: Well done!!!...and so true... ;)